Hi Everybody,
OK, I'm still struggling with how to get 3 interesting practical meals in per day, all raw. If I tried to summarize what most goneraw members eat each day, I'd say it's a Juice/Smoothie for breakfast, Fruit for snacks, a Large Salad for lunch and "something cooked vegan" or "a recipe from this site" for supper.
So my request is... please tell me what are your 5 top recipes (preferably on this site) with special attention to that it's practical (doesn't take you all day Saturday to get it ready) rather than that it's your favorite just based on that it's awesome. So let me know-?
For dinner I almost always spirooli a zucchini with "rich cheddar cheese sauce", "Tommie's cheese" or some olive oil based sauce (olive oil, pine nuts garilc, SD toms, spices, garlic,), or a miso soup (chick pea miso, coconut water, Coco meat, seaweed, shitake (sp?), kombu, dulse, scallions, garlic.
do you ever make or buy (lydia's makes a decent one) dehydrated bread? that is good to have around for veggie-avocado sandwiches or for pizza (zoe's spring onion cheese is great). a simple marinara takes no time at all. raw soups don't go down well for me, but they can be super-easy; just be sure to soak any nuts you'll be using in the morning! once you've been doing this a few months, new ideas and combinations will come to you on your own.
that being said, i am boring and usually have a salad with a simple dressing of garlic, lemon juice, and olive oil.
My fave thing which I have been eating since summer is the kale avocado salad recipe from here you can change it up add raisins or gojis its very simple massage some citrus juice and olive oil into the kale and top with tomatoes scallions pistachios hemp seeds etc it is soooooo yummy and super filling ( I prefer dino kale myself)
Good Luck
I sort of invented this recipe one day...it's nothing fancy but makes a great snack or breakfast.
Sorry for not having exact measurements, I just always throw stuff together without measuring anything.
1 cubed apple
1 handful of blueberries
1 handful of oats
1 handful of sunflower seeds
1 handful of raisins
3 tablespoons of olive oil
a pinch of sea salt
a dash of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of vanilla
just toss it all together in tuperware and shake it up to make sure everything is evenly distributed.
Enjoy! :)
I recommend soups for a quick tasty fix. I love the fact that they are easy to make (basically just toss everything in a blender) and that they are really quite good. Two recipes that I really enjoy (and have been making quite frequently) are the following:
Creamy Red Pepper Soup by browyn (soooo good): http://www.goneraw.com/node/15440
Incredible Mushroom Soup! by sid23 (yummy): http://www.goneraw.com/node/16033
Also the user browyn has other soup recipes that look very good and I've been meaning to try.
I used to make this raw chop suey recipe for dinners since it didn't require too much prep/dehydration of marinating time. It is delicious: http://www.rawfreedomcommunity.info/forum/showthread.php?t=359
I've found raw burgers to be good too. I've liked Ani Phyo's Garden Pate and the Carrot Pecan burger on this site (which I can't seem to find at the moment).
Without naming specific recipes (since we usually wing it based on whatever in the fridge is oldest), I'm going with pasta or soups too.
Things we use for pasta "noodles":
Daikon radish
Add three or four of these extras:
Diced tomatoes
Minced garlic
Sliced mushrooms
Cilantro, parsley, or basil leaves
Thinly sliced onion
Diced bell pepper
Chiffonade of spinach or chard
Diced avocado
Minced jalapeno
Sliced strawberries
Toss with one of these:
Cashew creamy sauce (or other nut)
Cashew cheesy sauce (or other nut)
Olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Lime juice and nama shoyu
Mashed ginger, orange juice and a light oil like sesame
Any combo here is a great dinner for us.
Wow, thanks everybody for your thoughtful responses!!
They sound great, and I will definately be incorporating these ideas... I think you've helped pull me out of the doldrums!
These sound great I use sea kelp noodles and I make Pad Thai here is the recipe
breakfast usually consists of fresh juice or a green smoothie, with bee pollen and about 1/4 cup chia seeds stirred in.
lunch/snacks is usually fresh fruit, fresh vegetables, dates, dried fruit, etc. something light. sometimes some raw nut butter. tons of water.
dinner is usually a big salad, or bowl of grated vegetables with dulse and apple cider vinegar.
I keep it simple and enjoy every unique flavor, no need to overdo the food combining or flavor combining. I stay away from mimicking unraw dishes, as that tends to defeat the purpose for me. High fat gourmet doesn't go well with my digestive system, anyways. As far as desserts go, I don't really have them. Occasionally I'll have a sweet fruit in the evening, or a few dates. Nothing elaborate!
1. Green smoothie (Collards and Kale, never spinach.)
2. Fruit
3. Large salad olive oil/vinegar or that Kevin Gianni mock caesar dressing, which I've adapted my own version that tastes EXACTLY like Cracked Pepper Hummus.
always 1 gallon of water a day.
I'm not 100% raw, but anyway:
This is what I like to do:
Wakup: 2 Glasses of water with a squeeze of lemon and pop some supplements.
(since I been doing this I haven't had a cold in 3 years)
Breakfast: Fresh fruit + one serving of dates.
Lunch: Large Salad
Supper: Smoothie (banana, kale, dates, pomegranate juice, cacao, flax seed, another fruit, etc)
Snacks: -Raw Trail Mix (made myself with raisins , sunflower seeds, Pepita, walnuts, almonds)
- figs
- dates
- fresh fruit
I wouldn't mind adding more veggies to this, and figure I will get there over time.
You should totally try some raw hummus with chopped veggies as your dippers. On renegadehealth.com Annemarie Gianni has a recipe for zuchinni with tahini and some other stuff as an amazing raw hummus. Do you put any spirulina or chlorella in your smoothies? Our fave is Vitamineral Green and Spirulina by Jameth Sheridan the vitamineral green is amazing it has tons of essential greens in one raw powder throw that in even without kale your covered but of course for us the kale is as essential.
Just wanted to add our faves we are only about 6 months in and loving being raw
Good luck to you your doing GREAT
hey osoniye
I just wanted to throw in my two cents here, cuz I've definitely been in your position. I found this site after being raw for awhile, and got really excited about all the recipes. Once I started to look around though, I noticed a lot of them required days and days of preparation, which I just could not do as a college student. So I decided to make my own recipes, and I made sure each of them could be pretty much made in under 30 minutes.
Most of my recipes have been posted here, but you can also check them out on the website I started with my brother, Roshi's Raw Lifestyle.
Hope this helps and good luck!
Hi, rawcanadian,
Just what supplements do you pop? I'd love not to have a cold for 3 years!!! Thanks
i like to make ani's flax bread as a side to my salads. as far as this site, the easiest i make is the cheese with spring onions. yes you need to soak the seeds but it's not as if you need to sit around watching them soak. put them in first thing then go do your thing, then come back for lunch and make the cheese. no big deal.
This is what I was taking:
Multi Centrum
400 iu D3
1000mg C
Joint Compound (MSN, glucosomine, chrodotin) spelling??
Omega 3
I stopped taking the omega 3 and have replaced it with 2 Tbls ground flaxseed each day.
I stopped the garlic.
The joint compound was for my bad knee, i still take it once in a while.
Good luck!!!
I also run outside in freezing cold temps , no coat sometimes to get dog, or put out garage / recycling.
I believe that by boosting your immune system, it helps to fight off cold viruses.
I really love "Oh So Delicious Miso Soup", I'm quite addicted to it.
Hey, rawcanadian,
Thanks for the info. I just read your profile- that's great what you've been able to accomplish with eating raw, fitness, etc. My BP is just a tad high and I'm hoping eating raw and maybe some weight loss will bring that down again. (I see you're in St Cath- I grew up in Buffalo and remember family jaunts up there... haven't been for ages.)
Buffalo Sabres are my favorite NHL Team!!!!
ya, my BP hasn't been that stable the last few days, since it's up in the 130's / 80. I've increased my cooked food in the last few days as well. Is this just a coincidence?? Had a couple of Turkey dinners and a buffet.
Anyway, I thought that a few LARGE cooked meals wouldn't hurt me, but the evidence has me questioning this.
I guess it's all about experimenting and seeing what works.
- rawcanadian
Hey guys, I was born and raised in Buffalo and my favorite (or favourite, lol) cousin in the whole wide world lives in St. Catherines. Small world...well, that was it. :)