Well, in all but name. This guy looks more raw than cooked (someone help me out with a % number) -
- he's on Oprah - and not looking waify, or neurotic, or any of the other things that we often see put on screen when the "raw food" topic is addressed.
(but - get this - the guy owns "Dole" - and apparently he shops for his produce at Costco?!?) - interesting story, something odd here...
Oprah says she recently met a man who has dedicated his life to the study of life extension and healthy living. For decades, billionaire businessman David Murdoch has practiced what he preaches. Now, at 85, he says he has the same energy as he did 50 years ago. His goal? To live to be 125 years old.
David's life may be filled with luxuries these days, but it wasn't always that way. In 1938, he dropped out of school after failing the 9th grade and joined the Army. After serving in World War II, he found himself out of work, homeless and sleeping in a park. Then, as luck would have it, a Good Samaritan offered him a loan to buy a local diner. Nine months later, he sold that diner for a $700 profit
I wish Oprah would do an entire show to raw foods and even try the lifestyle herself (opposed to exercise and fad dieting) to lose weight and have more energy. I appreciate her having this guy on the show, but if you take a closer look at the segment - he isn't exactly raw.
He has cooked oatmeal, fish, and there's even shrimp in the shopping cart. You would think with someone with HIS money and connections, it would be easier for him to at least buy organics. And you're right, it is hard to imagine him shopping at Costco! (Maybe Dole is connected to the Monsantos monopoly?)
i wouldn't call him RAW whatsoever. every meal he ate in the video (besides his juice) was cooked.
i think oprah should do RAW, too. she always has random diets on her show, but this one would actually work.
Oprah has done a few shows on "high" raw eating and even did a 21 day high raw food plan (with some of her staff, I think it was 21 days) based on Kathy Freston's book (see interview with Freston at http://www.oprah.com/article/spirit/inspiration/pkgoprahssoulserieswebcast/20080818_oaf_oss_kfreston). Somewhere on Oprah's site she blogged about her experience. Drs. Oz & Rozen have also talked about raw food on a few occasions (Dr. Oz recommends a green smoothie that Oprah called "fresh" tasting when she tried it). You can find some other links by searching Oprah's site with the keyword "raw."
... and of course more can be done...
I agree that with his kind of money, he should be buying organic --even Dole makes a few organic products (e.g. bananas)
I think for the most part that segment went a long way towards promoting healthy eating, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables. That alone is a huge change for most people who eat a SAD. No, he isn't 100% raw but I don't believe you have to be 100% raw in order to enjoy optimal health.