Red meat raises risk of all kinds of death (in the news)

Blue_EyesBlue_Eyes Raw Master

The Government wants us to eat a Plant based diet. hmmmmm

vegan is better, ya don't say!!!!


  • Blue_EyesBlue_Eyes Raw Master

    They are either "catching on" OR 'what is the catch'?????

  • ZemphiraZemphira Raw Newbie

    The scientific evidence has been out for decades, but the meat and dairy industry has the $$ to suppress it and influence how the government views nutrition. Don't get too excited, this article will blow over and people will continue eating their big, juicy red meat burgers because this is America and around here, people do things because they "have the right" to.

  • Blue_EyesBlue_Eyes Raw Master

    Sorry, I just saw that this topic was already brought up.

    guess i got to excited and should have looked first!!

  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    Zemphiria wrote: 'The scientific evidence has been out for decades, but the meat and dairy industry has the $$ to suppress it and influence how the government views nutrition. Don't get too excited, this article will blow over and people will continue eating their big, juicy red meat burgers because this is America and around here, people do things because they "have the right" to. "

    Yes!! Well said. Isn't it the truth though!! I've read many times about how the USDA is run by former execs and top officials of the meat and dairy industires.

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