Ph Miracle

I decided today to try the Ph Miracle weight loss system for one week to test its validation. I am not a heavy person 135 lbs. but I do have a stomach pooch :( I am 75% raw (can't seem to kick a few bad favorites) and like to eat wayyyyy to many fruits. Bought the strips, ph drops and green vibrance powder to mix in with my green smoothies. Tested my saliva a few minutes ago and it was 6.4--not too bad considering the eggs, hash and coffee (along with 8 cups of green smoothie this morning.) Will post regularly to let you all know if I do lose the 1/2 lb a day that it says we should. Anyone that has done this and has any tips---I would love to hear from you.


  • kellyannekellyanne Raw Newbie

    hi! i can say from experience, the ph miracle diet is far from a miracle. i tried it for a few months awhile ago. i stopped eating the fruit that i (obviously, and rightfully) loved and started eating cooked grains and lots of greens. i became so malnourished. they say you need supplements in that book. if you are following a healthful diet then you should be getting everything you need from food. no need for supplements if you eat a diet high in raw fruits and greens.

    you eat lots of fruit because you are physiologically designed to eat fruit. that's why everyone loves it. the authors say that our bodies are not designed to handle sugar, even from fruit. well that doesn't make sense seeing as everything in our body is broken down into simple sugars before it is used (monosaccharides). if humans weren't supposed to eat fruit, then what did we survive on before man moved away from the tropics and started eating meat?

    that book makes so many references to certain brands of food and supplements. it's really worrisome. to top that off, the youngs sell everything on their website. any book that "recommends" eating a certain diet and also conveniently sells the products they are recommending should not be taken seriously.

    if you want to lose weight, eat a fruit based, low-fat raw vegan diet and get plenty of exercise. it works great!

    hope this helps :)

  • Thank you Kelly

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