Master Cleanse Veggie Soup?

maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

Hi guys,

I'm currently on a Master Cleanse and having lots of food fantasies. I'm trying to plan what my first meal will be, so I'd really like a raw alternative to the cooked vegetable soup that is recommended. It should be low-fat, vegetable focused. I would love it if it incorporated great seasonal stuff and was also fairly simple (not a ton of ingredients). Any recommendations??



  • emtpdmomemtpdmom Raw Newbie

    Suggestions anyone?

  • blueyzblueyz Raw Newbie

    If you want seasonal, I would go for a tomato/basil soup (you can add in squash for bulk).

    Not sure what your tastes run, but you could also look into a cucumber dill soup(avocado for creaminess)

    How is the Master Cleanse going for you?

  • maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

    Mmm, getting me hungry again! Do you think I could just blend up some tomato and summer squash to make like a bisque?

    I'm a big fan of the MC. This is my 3rd year doing it. Interestingly, this has been the easiest by far. I think because I've been eating a lot more raw foods this year, the detox hasn't been as intense. I also started adding spirulina powder to the MC mixture, not sure if that's been helping me feel better. The laxative tea has been a little intense for me though, I'm on day 5 and already feeling like there's not much left in me! Are you considering doing one or have you before?

  • maryssamaryssa Raw Newbie

    PS - thanks for bumping this emtpdmom!

  • SuasoriaSuasoria Raw Newbie

    A gazpacho sounds good - cucumber, tomato, celery, red bell pepper, maybe?

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