Green Star Juicer! Who has one?

JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

Anyone out there using a Green Star Juicer? Do you still love it? Do you make other things besides juices? Do you ever homogenize nuts for pates or things like croqettes?

Would love to hear about your green star experiences!

Much appreciated :-)


  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    Where did folks order their green star juicers from?

  • QTLaylaQTLayla Raw Newbie

    My question about the twin gear juicers is how easy are they to clean... I use to have a Champion & it was very easy to clean... considering getting a Green Star... anyone who can answer the clean up question would be appreciated!!!

    Thanks in Advance!!


  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    I've heard from several reviews that the entire process of juicing and cleaning takes anywhere from 20-30 mins.

    I make a lot of green smoothies in my vitamix and lots of crazy raw food and desserts during the weekends...seems like I'm always cleaning my the 20-30 mins doesn't seem too bad to's all relative though :-)

  • RisnwthHimRisnwthHim Raw Newbie

    I've heard that the masticating, single-auger juicers like the Champion are the easiest to clean up, but I've never used one so can't compare. The clean-up w/ this twin-gear juicer is not bad at all. I keep my juicer right next to my kitchen sink and fill the sink w/ warm soapy water before I begin juicing. As soon as I'm done juicing, I put the various parts in the sink immediately so nothing has an opportunity to dry onto the surfaces. I let everything soak while I enjoy my juice and clean-up is pretty quick afterwards. I use the included brush to remove any pulp still clinging to the gears. The mesh screen requires the most attention as I am careful to get every bit of food off it. I imagine it would be a real pain to clean bits of food remained and dried on it, clogging the pores.

    If the top rack of my dishwasher is free, I just lay the pieces in there to air dry but I never wash them in there. More often, I just lay the pieces out on a towel on the counter and let them air-dry that way.

    I probably spend 5-10 min cleaning up - assuming the sink has already been emptied of other dishes and filled w/ nice warm soapy water. ;-)

  • RisnwthHimRisnwthHim Raw Newbie

    JoyceH ~~

    I have the Kempo Green Power (updated GreenStar) twin-gear juicer and and very happy w/ it. I shopped around and purchased it along w/ the optional wheatgrass kit from, although it was about $50 less than it's now listed for on this page. I shopped around and he had the best price this past April when I bought it, so I'd look around if I were you.

    And, yes - I made raw peanut butter once this summer when my grandchildren were visiting and was amazed at how easy it was! One of them stood on a stool beside me and added the nuts - we both stood there in wide-eyed wonder as this machine pumped out a continuous extrusion of creamy peanut butter.

    You can also use it to make ice cream, but I haven't tried it.

    ~~ Karen

  • JoyceHJoyceH Raw Newbie

    Wow thanks so much RisnwthHim! Those are very helpful posts. And I'm so glad the nut butters come out so well! That's exciting!

    And clean up sounds very manageable for sure!

    One more question: Do you find that there is a lot of foam when juicing the wheatgrass or other green juices? I've heard that complaint before but wonder if those folks aren't doing something correctly.

    Many thanks again!

    Joyce :-)

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