Red Gums????

hey guys,

i'm pretty new to raw. I've been about 60% raw for awhile, but this week I've gone to 95% raw. I feel great and I'm not hungry, but I've noticed that my gums are really really red and the inside of my mouth feels all raw. Has anyone had this happen to them before?


  • wichtenwichten Raw Newbie

    how much fruit or dates are you eating? It could be too much sugar. It could also be a food allergy- are you eating anything in large quantities that you hadn't before? nuts, bananas, nightshades?

  • don't think it can be that as before going almost 100% raw I've been a major sugar addict. the only thing that I eat more of now is bananas and greens.

  • wichtenwichten Raw Newbie

    cut out the bananas and see if that helps. i can't eat more than two a day not for multiple days or my mouth becomes inflamed too. banana sensitivities are common.

  • the59soundthe59sound Raw Newbie

    cutting out bananas means cutting out the fuel we run on best. how about try no overt fat.

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