Is flatulence a good indicator that nuts are raw?

Raw foods are limited locally. I have two choices at Walmart that are labeled "natural" and basically unroasted. I know that unless it is labeled "raw" it has been processed in some way. However, one brand does not give me gas, but Blue Diamond Almonds do give me gas-really bad. Is this a sign that they are "raw"?


  • do you soak your nuts?

  • It's a good indication your body is having trouble digesting the fats. Try making nutmilks instead. Always soak first.

  • Best bet is to call the company and ask them how their nuts are processed.

  • Why do you say that my body could be having a hard time digesting the fat? I always thought it was the proteins that are hard to digest. I ask because most foods that I have a sensitiivity to are high fat- coconut, avocado, canola, olive....Hmmm

  • Kazzie,

    I soak my nuts sometimes, but only one brand causes problems whether they are soaked or not. The other brand does not give me any problems, dry or soaked. That's why I was wondering if the brand that gives me gas is "more raw" than the other that doesn't cause any problems.

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