Thanksgiving Retreat

Hi Everyone!

So, this Thursday is Thanksgiving in the states. I'm currently living in the Boston area; too far away to head back to the Pacific Northwest to see family so I'm doing the next best thing: personal (self-directed) meditation retreat! I'm headed to a cabin near a lake for four days of quiet time to reflect, be in silence, go walking, breathe clean air, write, read, etc. also thinking about a liquid fast to give my body a rest from the unfortunate junk food binge that I've been on. How exciting! Indeed.

Anyhow, I was wondering what you would bring if you had this opportunity.

My list so far:

books (Take off Your Glasses and See by Jacob Liberman, The Leaf and the Cloud by Mary Oliver, Writing Toward Home by Georgia Heard, and Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh)

notebook and pens for drawing and writing


ipod with guided meditations and dharma talks (no music or npr podcasts!)

hiking shoes and outer wear

soups (not raw)

vegan nutritional powder (forget the name)

there's a grocery store a few miles away from the retreat site so I was thinking of going there on day 1 to stock up on fresh veggies and bringing my mini food processor/chopper to make green smoothies. Oh, and maybe cheesecloth to strain that into juice.

Looking forward to hearing what you might bring!


  • Indulgences such as creams, lotions, bath products, masks, aromatherapy oils. I hope you have a grand time.

  • joannabananajoannabanana Raw Newbie

    turtlecrane, enjoy yourself!! what a lucky gift for you and your body.

    i would bring the twilight series and/or harry potter series so i could read them again for the thousandth time. for clothes, i'd only bring my bathrobe because i wouldn't be leaving the cabin!! and of course, my blender and some delicious fruits.

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