Question: Why the sensitive tummy?

I’ve been partially raw for awhile, but have recently been close to 100% (the last few months). But whenever I have something not raw it gives me the worst stomach ache! I’ve never really been sensitive to food before (except maybe white flour and really high (bad) fat things). And it doesn’t matter if it’s a reuben on rye or just rice and beans and a salad. Anyone experienced anything similar or know what’s going on? Thanks! ~Amy


  • I’ve noticed the same as I’m coming closer and closer to being fully raw. I’m curiuos as to what causes this too!

  • i’ve also noticed this. i’ve also become more sensitive to nuts and seeds – if i eat too many i am sick to my stomach the next day. anyone have any ideas?

  • My husband noticed a similar thing when he first went raw (about a year before we met) and found that he could control it more or less through food combinations. He still sometimes has trouble mixing foods cooked and raw, but says it’s much less than when he first started. I know there’s information out there about how to combine certain foods, but I haven’t read enough about it yet. Something that helps on a purely “treating the symptom, not the cause” level, is to take some papaya digestive enzymes. It’s not a cure-all, but it does seem to lessen the symptoms when I feel them coming on. Maybe that will help you too. But I’m still curious as to why it happens!

  • I use to take papaya enzymes for treating my sensitive stomach. But I later found something else that works quite well. I also noticed it seem to take effect almost immediately. So here is another remedy for treating the symptom…..

    1 tablespoon Raw – apple cider vinegar

    diluted into 8 ounce glass of water

    It taste pretty potent, but it really works.

    The other thing I do when I feel all bound up, is take a couple of handfuls of sesame seeds. I feel like I am pushing sesame seeds lately, but they are pretty amazing little seeds. Here is a site for more info on sesame seeds if interested…

    However, I have noticed since my family and I started drinking the smoothies from Victoria Boutenko’s book “Green for Life”....I stop having stomach pains.

    But I do not know what the cause is either. Victoria Boutenko talks about eating meat and what that does to our stomach lining. She also talks about the importance of our bodies stomach acid. If it is insufficient or unbalanced our bodies will have all kinds of problems.

    This is the closest information I can offer to why the sensitive stomachs.

  • KristensRawKristensRaw Raw Newbie

    There is no doubt that the more Raw you become, the more sensitive your whole body in general becomes. It just goes to show you how tolerant your body used to be to unhealthy food. Once your body gets a good cleaning, it tries to steer you away from anything unhealthy. The cool thing is that you also recover quicker from mishaps. So, if you feel sick from something, or get a bug or something, you’re so clean that your body goes straight to work to fix it.

    There was a neat discussion about how you become more sensitive to things when you go Raw on We Like It Raw. Here is the direct link to it…

    Chef Kristen Suzanne


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