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  • Anybody have any tips? :)
  • David Wolfe said on one of the cds that I have of his that eating nuts and seeds with greens will actually speed up the breakdown of greens. He was chewing a mouth of fresh grass, and chewing and chewing and chewing…it would not break down. He threw…
  • I have seen and read on a few of my raw food videos and websites where people do warm things in a pot on a stove, stirring constantly and never ever allowing it to warm more than just slightly warm to touch or they use a thermometer to keep it below…
    in quitting the site Comment by rawmama
  • Please hang in there sojourner :) Here’s some raw food for thought ;) ...maybe the person posting the recipe has not learned the lessons of low temperature and it takes an experienced person like you to maybe help them realize that they are not keep…
    in quitting the site Comment by rawmama
  • How about donations appreciated instead of membership fees?
    in Money for GoneRaw Comment by rawmama
  • Oh cool, what are the ingredients in that toothpaste? We just started using Tooth Soap, the liquid, ginger flavor. It’s almost too mild, I like a more bold taste, but at least it doesn’t taste gross like Tom’s toothpaste.
  • Hate to say it BUT animals have cavities and rotten teeth too…our cat and dog both had issues. Even wild animals have problems with their teeth…maybe they should brush :)
  • Recently, any time I taste a raw dish and like it, at any raw dinners, it is one of Alissa Cohen’s recipes! I haven’t used her book much for lack of photos, I like to see a photo beside the recipe every single time. I do need to start though because…
    in Uncookbook advice Comment by rawmama
  • Now that the almond pasteurization law is in effect many of you have asked for some sources for truly raw almonds. Here they are: http://www.rawfromthefarm.com www.traderjoes.com (Trader Joes has Raw Organic Almonds from Spain) http://www.wholesa…
    in RAW Almonds.. Comment by rawmama
  • We have a beautiful juicer just sitting around because of also not liking to wash all the parts, but we use the vitamix daily :) Clean-up on juicer, about 12 minutes. Clean-up on blender, about 1 minute. Time it takes to juice a lot of produce, long…
  • LOL! Have to laugh, my photo has a…yes…you guessed it…a RAW TOMATO!!!!! :)
  • “Of the 40, 38 were interviewed. Most said they ate raw tomatoes from either stores or restaurants before becoming ill between April 23 and May 27.” Now is it just me or does anybody else think that this is a ridiculous quote?! In a little over 1 mo…
  • Great discussion topic! Please let us know how it goes…the class that I went to had a theme, and with the theme, it was pretty simple to follow. Recipes were printed out on pages for everybody and the recipes were pretty much expected because it was…
  • Love this! :) Apples or bananas dipped in nut butter, agave, chia seeds. Green smoothies. Vegetable tray (cherry tomatoes, celery sticks, carrots, etc) with raw hummus as a dip. Fresh salsa with flax crackers. Jicama fries. Shredded salad with raw d…
  • We run our dehydrators thru the night so we don’t hear it during the day. I have to laugh because I used to have a l’equip dehydrator running, which was pretty darn quiet, and we now have a Cabella’s commercial dehydrator which is REALLY loud compar…
    in Dehydrator noise Comment by rawmama
  • You could take 1 tsp up to 2 T. of raw apple cider vinegar. Swig it down and the acid reflux will be gone within 30 seconds (that’s what worked for me, it was a miracle! I couldn’t believe it!)...if you don’t like the taste, you can put it in a litt…
    in Acid Reflex Comment by rawmama
  • Lots of people get things smooth with cheapy blenders. Start out in small batches if it’s thick. Good news…There are sites that sell 100% RAW agave (see links below). Yacon is also a raw sweetener that is pretty much no-glycemic, so it doesn’t alter…
  • Mike Adams had an interview where he said that eating dark blue fruits/berries naturally protect you from the sun. But I don’t know how to speed up your tanning process without burning.
  • We also get cases of coconuts from an Asian store or an Amish store that sells health foods…also have to call ahead on it and pick up.
  • Hi grassdude, Very young coconuts have a purplish tinge to them. The coconut meat also will be almost liquidy/jelly-like and not white in color. The white color developes as the meat darkens, and if it’s bad it will be grayish and the water will tas…
  • Wheatberries do turn into wheatgrass. ...you can also grow them without soil, but if you have mineral rich soil, that is really beneficial for the wheatberries. I have sprouting trays and if I keep them rinsed, they will grow into wheatgrass if I le…
  • Were they dry or wet when you put them in the fridge? I personally would toss them out if they were turning color or look moldy. It is not worth risking getting sick over 25 cents worth of wheatberries :) I always say, “would I feed this to my baby”…
  • I started putting 2 spoons full over fruit and goji berries for breakfast and I feel energetic and get lots more done than if I don’t have it. I don’t feel like I had cups of coffee, just feel “not tired” and actually more positive and happy :)
  • Don’t throw away your greens…you can wash them, dry them, and then freeze them to use in future smoothies.
    in Grocery Bill!! Comment by rawmama
  • Foraging: http://www.roaringlionpublishing.com
    in Grocery Bill!! Comment by rawmama
  • Do you grow sprouts? Have you gone to any farmer’s markets? Some farmers will sell their produce dirt cheap at the end of the day :)
    in Grocery Bill!! Comment by rawmama
  • I didn’t think you sounded hostile :) Being in book publishing, it is an absolute no-no to publish or copy without permission. But, not everybody knows that, so there’s just a learning curve. Kandace / Ray, would it be possible to insert an “alert” …
    in Copyright material Comment by rawmama
  • Yep :) That’s one of their site’s (Angela Stokes or Matt Monarch) :) Thank you for sharing that with me. So how do you like them? Did you buy the black or white chia? Is it in a sealed bag when it is delivered to you?
  • Haven’t been there since last year. I did send them an email with some questions…this was when their site said they were soon going to be under new management, but never got a response. I believe that both the owner and chef will be leaving, so wond…
  • Duh…it probably was the thread on goneraw.com that pianissima mentioned :) Should have guessed it, goneraw.com is a great place to find wonderful new recipes and people :)
    in Bunny Berry Here Comment by rawmama