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  • We all need it. Most people don't have a clue about thinking logically, understand how belief systems are formed or how they arrive at their own conclusions. I have a minor in philosophy which started as taking electives but when I took a class in l…
  • After the 2nd day I had more energy but still felt yucky at times. By the 4th day I felt great. By the 10th day my skin looked fantastic and everyone I ran into told me how good I looked. I can't believe I went that many days without food but it was…
  • ZINFANDEL - How awesome is that! I just registered for my free year. I am glad I didn't know about something like that while I was studying philosophy because I may not have read all my lessons. BTW, I see Andre' gave you an informative aswer to you…
  • ZOE S. - I had a long discussion the other day with a raw foodist in my neighborhood about urine therapy. He has been doing it for several months but has not resolved his issues. Of course, his lack of success doesn't mean it is without merit. The s…
  • BLUEYZ - Infused oils make a great gift. I have made them on several occasions and everyone loves them. You still have enough time to make some in the next few days for the holidays. I would go online and look for direction on several sites before y…
  • ZINFADEL - I am sorry to hear about your IBS. I know 2 people who suffer with this illness and it is debilitating. I would not wish it on anyone. While I have no experience with IBS, I have read that extended water fasting can have a profound impact…
  • The very sad fact is that all the potential candidates for Secretary of Agriculture that the Obama Transition Team has floated in public are pro big agribiz and GMO. I don't think we can expect much from Obama on food or health care reform as these …
    in Food Democracy Comment by Meditating
  • Yes they are great but they leave your teeth looking really rough. Always have to brush and rinse right afterwards.
    in kale chips Comment by Meditating
  • I used to love pralines. About 8 months into high raw I went to the farmer's market one day and a woman was selling pralines she had made. I kept looking at them and decided to get one. Within a minute after the first bite, I could have just puked. …
  • Thanks for the post. I see this as one of the most important issues for Americans and the most crucial for bringing down the cost of healthcare. I wish an organic apple was readily available at every store and cost a $1.00 while a Twinkie should cos…
  • INTERNET TOURIST - For me, the jury is out. First, it is hard to find reliable information on anything these days as most research is driven by money and often biased in order to sell a product. You're right that there are claims to both side of the…
  • Rent a car if you can. If it breaks down, the rental company should provide you with a new one. No miles on your car.
    in Thanks! Comment by Meditating
  • Jungle peanuts are wild peanuts that grow in the jungle. You can get them from some of the online raw food sites. I have twice found raw peanuts locally but they don't taste raw. I think there is a misrepresentation in there, which doesn't mean you …
  • I love this recipe: Mix together these ingredients to make a salad and then lay it out on a plate: 1/2 pineapple (chunked) and an equal amount of bean sprouts 1 cup of raw peanuts (I like to use the jungle peanuts) 2 large grated carrots 1 small dic…
  • RAW CANADIAN - I was familiar with the website BEYOND VEG prior to your post. Granted 100% die-hard raw foodists would not be thrilled with much of the material presented there since it does not promote a 100% raw food diet; however their goal is no…
  • And whenever I eat my fresh organic greens from the garden I don't wash them and remind myself I am getting B12.
  • PARSLEY - I did not interpret your initial post to state that you developed the proposed theory. I did comment that the proposition seemed like it was tooled by a raw vegan because it wrapped both issues together and asserts a correlation (cooking b…
  • ZINFANDEL - You are correct that our ancestors did eat meat. This fact does not appeal to people who, for ethical or health reasons, choose not to eat meat at all or meats raised pursuant to large-scale contemporary practices. PARSLEY - While I appr…
  • I ordered some coconuts through RawGuru.com that were suppose to be delivered around Thanksgiving. I don't have them yet and understand that they will be available in January. I have ordered from RawGuru.com before. While I don't have any problem wi…
  • ISTORZ - One of the original ladies who studied in Japan with the founder of macrobiotics was from the town I live in. She retired here and advocated the diet so we have an unusually large macro community here and a local health food market that has…
  • RAW CURLS - Peppermint tea with honey. That sounds great. One of my macro books states that it is difficult to eat raw food because the body is generally not healthy enough to pull minerals from raw food. I never bought that although it is true SOME…
  • I never agreed with the heavy use of grains either. I eat oatmeal occasionally and that is it, I feel much better eating high raw with some macro foods, especially in the winter. I have more energy eating high raw. With high raw, I also go through p…
  • When I make soups, I often heat up the broth and then put raw vegetables in at the last minute. They are in the broth just long enough to get warm throughout but they are still raw for the most part. I also sometimes add a small amount of veggies to…
  • JOYOUS FIG - I did macro for some time before going raw. I still eat some macro but more during the winter mostly. I don't know what your health profile is like but I have been reading a great deal about fasting and cleansing the last year. This mig…
  • I started oil pulling first thing in the morning. Some people dilute hydrogen peroxide so it is less foamy. I usually don't. Hydrogen peroxide is water with an extra oxygen molecule (H2O2), The second oxygen molecule breaks off and the action causes…
  • Obviously flossing will help too. One thing I want to mention about cleaning your teeth. For 7 years, I had my teeth cleaned at the same dentist's office twice yearly, yet my teeth often felt loose in my head and I had pain between cleanings. I was …
  • It is my understanding that the #1 cause of a receding gumline is periodontal disease. Keeping your mouth cleans is going to be very important. I have been reading for sometime about oil-pulling, which I dismissed as a bunch of crap because the alle…
  • I love raw milk cheeses. It is the one dairy food that there is no substitute for. Vegan cheese tastes like crap.
  • Nurses often have difficulty taking my blood too. One thing a nurse taught me was that it is easy to take blood from a vein on the front of the hand. I know it seems strange because that is not the place we are accustomed to but it works fine and do…
  • AUTUMN FAIRY - Your baby is beautiful. Since you use the term "fast," I assume you mean taking in water only. When juicing, it is more appropriately referred to as a "feast" since fasting precludes any nutrition. I have been reading a great deal abo…