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  • Heya :) Starting out raw is always difficult as we are attached to our cooked foods. It is good to let yourself have time before going raw to plan and research. I recommend reading as many books as possible on the subject so you can get a feel for b…
  • A chat room could be a great idea too. But still I think we need some way of communicating like email, where the other person doesn’t need to be online at the same time to get the message.
  • :) Glad to see I had a good idea!
  • all excellent ideas :) I will be giving them a try!
  • Sounds good! I have romaine ;)
  • Spinach with mango sounds interesting! I’m not a huge fan of pineapple but I could give it a try :D
  • I have only tried a few but I found mung beans were good too!
  • Hey Sarm. Personally I make a big batch of green smoothie and drink it during the morning. Then another batch later. It really is up to you how you do it. You can drink as much or as little of the stuff as you like with as many different ingredient …
  • Keep going, everyone is doing fabulous. Let us know any great smoothie concoctions you come up with!
  • Glad to hear you are feeling better and getting on with those smoothies. I had another for breakfast today although I admit to having a salad for my lunch! (hides) I am considering getting my hands on some maca, is it really worth getting it? I have…
  • Day 3 for me. I am having my first green smoothie this morning. Bunch of frozen berries with spinach and a touch of agave. It is yum. How is everyone else doing?
  • No-one can blame you for sneaking something non-smoothie if you are feeling bad. For a cold I would suggest mega dosing of vitamin C so lots of peppers, broccoli, brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, oranges and kiwi fruit which are high in Vitamin C. …
  • The best way is to have them fresh, but if it is not possible to make them at work I think putting them somewhere cool would be ok for a few hours! I am sure lots of people have different ideas, but I make a big batch in the morning and sip it slowl…
  • Day 2 for me. I make a batch of smoothie and drink it slowly every so often until it’s gone. It’s been 2 batches a day so far. I’m mixing various greens with fruit in my smoothies as I’m not a big ‘green taste’ fan – but the nutrients are there just…
  • I am replacing meals with mine, stuffing them full of nutritional goodies :D
  • I have started this morning with my smoothies :) would be great to have other people’s comments at the same time and to see how they are doing. I am hoping to kick start my weight loss and nutrient levels! I think I am going to have mental blocks an…
  • Sounds good to me :)
  • I have read that book recently too :) It is inspiring isn’t it? I will be starting mine tomorrow. Hope yours goes well!
  • :) How did the MC go? I would love to try it but I’m a little scared! lol. Pathetic I know ;) I am looking forward to trying a green smoothie fast though, I love making smoothies and think it would be a great way to detox/ work my way further into r…
  • Hey. I have been wearing them to walk on the treadmill at my local gym and you can feel them working. Calves particularly! If you stand in them properly you can feel yourself wanting to lean back on your heels! The first day I wore them I got a back…
    in MBT Trainers Comment by evildarkvirus
  • Hey Cyd, welcome to the gone raw! You are lucky to have the support of your wife for your transition. It is amazing the things I have read about diabetics and the raw food diet, maybe you/your wife should consider creating a blog in order to show th…
  • Hey Maggie :) If you want to try a green smoothie fast you can join me on mine – I am starting today. It’s a good way of detoxing and starting on your journey. Smoothies in general are good for you, full of fruit/greens etc and full of nutrients! On…
  • Lol it sure does!
  • Wow. That’s interesting. I will keep my eye on it and see how it goes. It feels to be settling down now, I did take an antihistamine and it seems to be working which is a relief. Maybe it is something to do with detox then!!
  • My clothes washing stuff hasn’t changed recently so I don’t think that is the culprit. It is interesting about legs holding toxins though, maybe it is a combination of both an allergic and detox. These spots have now spread to cover most of my body,…
  • Thanks for the advice. I think it may be an allergy, but detox might be playing a part. I had peach in my smoothie today which I haven’t had for a long time – if anything it would be that causing the reaction, everything else I have eaten before and…
  • Hey there Sarah! We are glad to have you. I have been vegetarian for around 3 years and having done research into the raw food diet via books and websites and I think this forum is a great place to chat, get advice and help, and just be around like-…
  • Like I said – they are injected deep under the skin between layers, so it takes a long time for your skin to wear down to where it is. I’m pretty sure that is how it works because tattoos DO fade after time.
  • Well, I have 5 tattoos which I adore :D of course it gets into your system, it is injected in between deep layers of skin. It really depends on your view of your body!