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  • your food on your site looks wonderful! :)
    in Love it Raw! Comment by humanimal
  • I would cut back a bit on the working out. Detoxification and vigorous exercise do not mix very well. He may not be getting enough calories as well. Tell him to up his calorie intake. Lot of bananas keep my weight up. But I do eat quite a lot (12-20…
  • I am very open my friend! I am not telling anyone to do as I do at all, and I’m sorry if it sounded that way. Just warning nagev and others out there that there may be consequences for taking hallucinogens and other related substances. I’ sorry to n…
    in Magic Mushrooms Comment by humanimal
  • Why are you using shrooms anyways? Personally I dont like to depend on something to make me feel spiritually connected. I would rather do on my own. But hey man thats just me. It is your body, your property and you do as you please. Just be warned t…
    in Magic Mushrooms Comment by humanimal
  • A cup a day is good and I very glad I made your day!. Eat those baby coconuts!
  • Big difference in fat between young coconut meat and mature coconut meat. The young ones don’t have much fat at all. As the coconut matures the fat level rises considerably. Here check it out! http://www.youngcoconuts.com/nutrition.html Drink the th…
  • How long have you been raw? Because all these things take time as you probably already know. Once your body have detoxed your weight will come down significantly. Focus primarily on consuming most of your calories from fresh fruits and keep the fat …
  • How long have you been raw? Because all these things take time as you probably already know. Once your body have detoxed your weight will come down significantly. Focus primarily on consuming most of your calories from fresh fruits and keep the fat …
  • I agree with Katie 100%. People should not base how healthy they are on primarily weight and BMI. If you are functioning normally and are very thin then there is nothing wrong with that at all. My nutritionist has always told me not to focus on the …
  • If you have an Asian supermarket near by then they should carry some. Some health stores and co-ops also carry them. If all else fails check online. Good luck!
    in young coconuts Comment by humanimal
  • Dont eat that coconut meat! Purple meat = rotten coconut. The water should be fine to drink, but stay away from the purple stuff :)
    in young coconuts Comment by humanimal
  • Greensburg, PA
    in Raw Teenagers Comment by humanimal
  • Raw food 20 yr old here! I am lonely as well. Just watchin all my friends chowin down greasy chips and fries makes me cringe. Oh well at least I have you guys on here :)
    in Raw Teenagers Comment by humanimal
  • I back up ambikalee’s suggestion! I would could really go for a OJ fast :)
    in ORANGES! Comment by humanimal
  • I believe that various salts have different quantities of certain minerals which give them their colors. Himalayan salt for example is rich in iron which is the primary ingredient that gives it its distinct pinkish tint.
  • Thank goodness I my Cuisinart blender has a glass container!
  • I would go with spinach. It is one of the most mild tasting green which makes ideal for smoothies. I have tried kale and collards but they seem to overpower the fruit, nut I will tell you that spinach actually enhances the taste of the fruit.
  • wow that sounds super simple! thanks Lucy:)
    in 8/1/1 recipes Comment by humanimal
  • wouldnt the folks in the states pay a bit more because of the pounds and dollar converting?
    in Price comparing! Comment by humanimal
  • 100% does not eliminate spices at all. There are some raw foodies that go to the extreme and do eliminate spices because they feel spices are detrimental to the body. In my own opinion Mother Earth provided me with seeds as spices and I am confident…
    in 100% raw? Comment by humanimal
  • Check out this website! http://www.sunfood.com/?af=2240&gclid=CNXRjL61k…
    in Chocolate/Carob Comment by humanimal
  • Yeah absolutely! Detox for most people is hell on Earth. I had headaches, stomach pains, light headed, mucus drainage, and thats just to name a few. Depression is actually quite common. Your body is cleaning itself and at times it will crave great a…
    in Raw for me Comment by humanimal
  • For head congestion I would recommend nasal irrigation a neti pot to clear the sinuses. A neti pot is a literally a pot that is filled with warm water and pure sea salt. The spout is placed in one nostril and water flows into one nostril and out of …
  • How can you tell an old bird from a young one? They do not acquire grey feathers as we do grey hair. If you send a lot of time in the wild then you will see quite a few dead birds. Most of them die in their natural habitat(especially the elder birds…
  • hahah. And the blindfold is removed “I” !
  • Yeah most of the human race are definitely manipulating Mother Nature. It is very sad to witness all the ill treatment that Mother Nature is experiencing now and in the past. But in the future my hope is that all this will come to end and the blindf…
  • Chris I will have to disagree with you about the animals in nature. Animals do not live as long in the wild as they do in captivity. In the wild animals often die from: being hunted by predators, sickness and disease, and old age. In captivity they …
  • I could be a number of things. Certain foods, not chewing enough, and eating with your mouth open. What I suggest is that you examine which foods trigger the bloating or drink green smoothies for a week to clear things up. But is very important to c…
  • I swear by teas for their beneficial properties. They have caffeine, but it is not man made in a lab like the kind they place in soft drinks and adrenaline drinks. Dont worry about teas at all my friend :)
  • black walnuts are supposed to taste different. They have been used for many years a medicine. The main medicinal property in them is that they act as a cery strong antibiotic. Thats why they have a distinct sharp smell and taste to them. Use them in…