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  • Wonderful! Thanks!
  • Awesome! Thanks for your help:)
  • That’s a great point that worleyhimself2 made. What do you generally eat during the day?
  • We are currently transitioning from eating raw until dinner to eating raw all day. We think that the whole cooked food at night thing is largely emotional and are just trying to tell ourselves not to eat for emotional reasons as the emotions are nev…
  • here is my green smoothie recipe. it’s never brown, always green! 2 organic bananas, 1 cup of organic strawberries, 6-8 large organic romaine leaves, a large fistful of organic spinach.
  • Drink green smoothies and green juice and cut out the nuts—you don’t need them and most people can’t eat just some. Try an avocado or some seeds for your fat—you won’t want to “binge” on them and they will easily serve your fat needs. Fruit should d…
  • I’m definitely less hungry—it’s pretty amazing. And definitely economical!
  • an avocado is like 250 calories and 30 grams of fat. it’s the perfect food and it’s a fruit! i would make yourself some guacamole and if you’re into it, eat it with flax crackers (more fat). you could also add dried fruit (tons of calories). raw is …
  • I am not 100% yet but I entered raw through Green for Life and that book totally shaped my approach to raw. Right now I am eating raw until dinner. I find that I feel best when I eat a ton of greens (via green smoothies and green juices) and fruit a…
  • my daily schedule is green lemonade in the a.m., fruit (usually half a cantaloupe and an apple), green smoothie, another apple, an avocado and tomato salad, and then dinner—which has been quickly moving from cooked to raw as I am finding it more and…
  • Avocados definitely!
  • wow rawmumma! that’s horrible and disgusting with regards to aspartame.
    in MS... Comment by kellygoneraw
  • not with raw food and MS…but my aunt sent hers into remission by cutting out all stress (she was able to quit her job) and basically consuming a non-fat diet. maybe you can make sure to limit your fats to a minimum…
    in MS... Comment by kellygoneraw
  • You might try a green juice in the a.m. when you first get up. Greens = energy. And green juice is pretty powerful.
  • what do you eat until 3 p.m.?
  • An interesting recent study—well just the part at the end with regards to appetite suppressing hormones. Also, I read someplace else that when you increase your exercise, your body can go through a phase of feeling less hungry but than once it gets …
  • Greens are NOT vegetables and therefore combine excellently with fruits. Victoria Boutenko has a great section in her book Green for Life that discusses the difference, which is very important one. But basically greens are leafy and everything else …
  • I have read that it is pointless to soak any nut or seed that is chipped. Maybe just eat the chipped ones and soak the rest?
  • I agree with Alix1962! I feel like I DON’T worry about death and cancer and all of that stuff anymore because of going raw.
  • So I think the whole issue here is that eating raw is not meant to be thought of in terms of fat, protein, carbs, calories. If those are your concern, I would not advise going raw simply to lose weight. If you still want to go raw, I would just pay …
  • Natalia Rose has a good section on colonics and enemas. They really should only be used if you are having problems detoxing naturally. I would eat greens and fruits, cut out the dried fruits and nuts, and eat avocado or coconut for fat and then see …
  • You know I would also advise Natalia Rose’s book—she has a web site too. Sounds like you need to transition to raw (as the vast vast majority of people do, like me!) as opposed to going from 0 to 100% right away. Many of the raw foodists we admire m…
  • ps Read Victoria Boutenko’s Greens for Life!
  • Shady Lady if you really focus on adding greens to your diet I promise you your cravings will dissipate. Try to include a green juice and a green smoothie in your diet everyday. Greens are what your body is craving and will also help with the non-ra…
  • Definitely! Caffeine is extremely powerful, more powerful on a raw body.
  • If I were to guess I would say you are not consuming enough greens. I think if you replace something you are eating with a green smoothie (that includes bananas) you will notice huge changes in your energy level and possibly cure those cramps.
  • What is your diet?
  • ginger helps with digestive fire. i think veggies aren’t really necessary to a raw diet—i’m talking true veggies. the body really does seem to do well with fruits (sweet and savory) and greens and a minimal amount of fat—that’s how chimpanzees eat!
  • Your body probably needs to adjust to taking in foods differently. People who become 100% raw simply desire much less food than people who are transitioning or eating less than 100% raw. Some people add supplements to their smoothies such as bee pol…
    in Eating enough Comment by kellygoneraw
  • It sounds like he really needs to incorporate greens into his diet. Eating greens via juice or smoothies isn’t fasting—greens are essential to feeling healthy and full and getting sufficient nutrients. And greens are really cheap.