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  • Agave is cooked to make it sweet – not really raw…
  • Yeah, to be honest, after watching that commerical, I’ve never felt MORE SANE in my entire life. What is the world coming to?
  • So deceptive…I try not to HATE, but damn…I’m hard-pressed right now… Why are these bastards doing this? Are they really so blinded by greed?
  • THANK GOD I don’t have a TV. I would have been unable to contain my rage.
  • Ori – I know that juicing isn’t strictly 811 – but the most important and vital thing for me right now is not indulging in overt fat – for cleansing. I definitely felt a lot better after my little juice cleanse. Now I’m feeling fruity. :-)
  • How is everyone doing? I drank pure raw fruit juices all day yesterday; apple and then pineapple. Today I am mono-mealing on watermelon. I really feel okay – better then I have in days.
  • Heyenglish! I know how you feel. My belly and body is STILL bloated and “fat-feeling” from all the overt fat I’ve gorged on the past few days. I wonder if there is a way I could help myself feel better, faster. I was thinking about juicing, but I fe…
  • Still doing yoga though! Gets me through the “fat” times.
  • Hey everyone…just checking in… I’ve fallen off the 811 path the past two days! On Sunday, while in NYC, I ate my first Durian fruit, which was a strange experience to say the least. I ate half of it! It’s definitely best shared with a friend. Then y…
  • Hey guys! I found out that it was poor FRUIT COMBINING that caused the pain and bloating and gas. I combined LOTs of bananas with LOTS of gold kiwi and a gastral explosion occured, LOL. I usually feel great with flat tummy on all fruit – but clearly…
  • Gotta make this quick…it’s waay past my bedtime. I read everyone’s posts and just wanna say…everyone sounds like they’re doing awesome! Listening to their bodies and giving selves what they need…yay… me: I stuffed myself today with fruit. Pounds of …
  • NYCgrrl – so glad to see you’re back with us! You’ve been in my thoughts…I’m excited for you to note that you’ll be running a marathon soon – that takes some gumption! I’m sure that 811 will help propel you throughout your training. As for my calori…
  • SinzOfMan – you are experiencing rapid detox – fruit is incredibly cleansing. I have heard of doctors warning people to take it easy with fruit because it can cleanse a person very quickly and in the body, the skin is a route of elimination for the …
  • Sounds awesome, dude. Glad to have you in here! The more the merrier.
  • Littlegems; that raw pizza sounds TO DIE FOR! Already looking forward to my next trip to the Organic Garden for some pizza, LOL. Today I had: The juice of 1 pineapple The juice of 1 cantaloupe 4 bananas 3 apples 1 young coconut w/water and meat 3 or…
  • Littlegems – I wish you fruity dreams tonight! I hope that salad was yummy…I still feel sluggish from overdoing it on the overts yesterday. I pretty much did nothing today but work, and then lay around and read, eating lots of fruit. Just had low en…
  • Littlegems – I wish you fruity dreams tonight! I hope that salad was yummy…I still feel sluggish from overdoing it on the overts yesterday. I pretty much did nothing today but work, and then lay around and read, eating lots of fruit. Just had low en…
  • Nycgrrl: you CAN totally do this! :-D It’s fun to hear everyone’s goals…helps keep me focused. My goals for the next week: 1. No overt fats (mostly mono-mealing fruit) 2. 2 vinyasa classes a day (starting tomorrow – no available class today) 3. Writ…
  • NYCgrrl: I read about your placing in a run, and I just want to offer my congrats! How beautiful and wonderful and how thrilling! Great job, girl. Pretty amazing stuff. In regards to food intake, I also tend to eat less when I am under emotional typ…
  • nycgrrl – that durian shake sounds divine! When I go to NYC on the 20th, I am going to be in Chinatown and I hope to pick up and devour my first Durian. I hope you have a yummy experience at Raw Star! littlegems – I’ve never eaten Ethiopian! Have a …
  • BWAHAHA@! Glad to hear how well everyone is doing! I just got back home from the Organic Garden – where I REALLY went to town with the food and didn’t hold back at all, LOL. I was celebrating a few things, just growth in general, change and transiti…
  • Sounds BEAUTIFUL, heyenglish! I’m really gung-ho for mango! (I notice mango also makes my ‘man go!’ LOL I always take a poo after eating them) Hope everyone is doing EXCELLANT! figsandolives: Yep, heyenglish is right! Just be gentle with yourself du…
  • TreeOfLife: Wow, that’s cool! I love Bitt’s posts! We should definitely meet up for a raw meal or two, hehe. :-) I love apples (had 6 for breakfast today!) so I’ll certainly be on the lookout for any rogue trees. I spend A LOT of money on produce; j…
  • Damn…I need to find some apple trees. I’m in Woburn – not too rural, but you never know.
  • TreeofLIfe – you work at the Organic Garden?? Too cool! I’m very excited about my outing on Wednesday! I probably won’t be eating 811, but since I don’t do overt fats at any other time, I feel like it’s okay to splurge a little! Love that place. Hav…
  • figs and olives – include exercise into your day, and there’s no way you will gain with 811, in my opinion. I had the same fears at first – I am incredibly triggery when it comes to the idea of weight gain, and I didn’t want that to happen at all. I…
  • littlegems! Glad to have you with us. I’ve never had squash pasta, but I know some people use it as an alternative to zucchini. I might try it myself, as I’m not a zucchini fan but I would still like to have some pasta. Anyone know what type of squa…
  • Today turned out awesome, thanks to yoga and TOMATOES! Holy shit, I CANNOT get enough right now! Appetite has returned. :-)
  • NYCgrrl- sounds like such a lovely evening! Yet another NYC raw venue I will have to check out. I plan on taking several trips to the city this fall and winter, so I’ll put that place on my list. I’m not going to be able to go to Dr. Graham’s talk…I…
  • Yep, I started with Shiva Rea’s vinyasa DVD. I spent about 4 years doing that at home before I ever made it into a studio. I’m glad I was familiar with it before I started the hot studio vinyasa. I’m not that flexible either; working on that, and my…