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  • The thing to me that stands out in all the is the amount of apples! If I ate that amount daily I’d be in major belly pain, I can’t do much more than one apple daily(sister and niece can’t either, think it’s just a genetic sensitivity thing).
  • I have cut back on coffee a LOT from what I used to drink. If I drink it now I can feel it's effects. Tea, much bigger drinker and supporter. I don't do much of black or green, but I do love my herbal teas both in winter and summer(iced). In fact a …
  • Sounds great, the date and coconut could be what I was missing. Did you simply mix the ingredients by hand? Oh, and I realized on another post you live in CT as well. Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather today :)
    in chocolate dip Comment by blueyz
  • I just bought a little pumkpin myself and wondering the same thing so thanks for the post. I remember baking the seeds as a kid, I’m sure a good rinse and perhaps toss with oil/spices or sea salt then put in the dehydrator would be good too. I do li…
  • If you want it thinner you can try adding more liquid, or even straining the mix through a nutbag to get out chunks and the like.
  • I just bought more chia, for some reason couldn’t find it around me for awhile, so it’s funny I am just reading this post. I think I need to find something to make so I have a pudding ready to go for breakfast in the am. Any good ideas using peaches…
  • A few months ago I switched over to more natural shampoos(Trader Joes brand) and cut back the amount of times I washed it a week. That and about 2 times a week I do a cider vinegar rinse. My scalp is much better than it used to be. Once a month I wi…
  • I found I spent less $$ this summer going to farmers market and buying what was in season. Also take a walk around before buying anything because when food IS in season the booths often compete with prices at a larger market. Same goes with local st…
  • Greenghost thanks, that is sort of advice I was looking for :) Simple yet effective is good!
    in Cutting corn? Comment by blueyz
  • I have had this issue, and for me the swelling was the worst around my middle. Drinking lots of water helps, but often I wouldn’t feel better unless I went home and slept it off and then was better the next day. In the last year I made some dietary …
  • I don’t think it has to be cookies, but any comforting home baked smell works well. Where do you live? This time of year in Northeast fall is hitting and apples/cider is a better smell to me personally than cookies are. Perhaps gently simmer some mu…
  • I agreed with the comment :) I had already decided who I would vote for out of the two, last night just confirmed it but I do like listening to the debates(lol, must be getting old I used to hate politice). The VP debate should be interesting.
  • For sandwich or dips(thicker dressing) you could make a raw hummus. Sproated chick peas, a tiny bit of olive oil, lemon, and red pepper for extra zing has worked before. I tried this once with red lentils, it was interesting but tasty.
    in Fat free dressings Comment by blueyz
  • Try making a fruit based dressing if you don’t want any fat. What is it you want the dressing for?
    in Fat free dressings Comment by blueyz
  • I got out of the tea habit over the summer, for the most part because I did make some sun tea. I will see what happens this winter, but also in CT (pianissima where in CT are you?) it gets chilly so I like a good cup of tea. Tea I drink is only herb…
    in Tea and Chocolate Comment by blueyz
  • I think the biggest thing is listening to your body on what it needs. If you are eating mostly green smoothies and suddenly really crave higher fat foods, or a specific food then go for it – your body likely is missing something and wants you to eat…
  • I was going to suggest thryoid as well, sounds like it (and would also give the anxiety and jittery energy feeling - I've been there when on too many meds for hypo). If you do get tested, make sure they test for more than TSH because that really nev…
  • OH, another thought…do you have any good natural food/health stores near you? The one near my school is how I found my naturopath and she(her partner plus other Dr’s) do afternoon free visits once a week at the store.
  • What type of insurance do you have? I have had 3 different ones in the last 2 years(changed jobs then then switched insurance) but all of them have covered my current naturopath. I am SO happy about this because I’ve only been seeing her about 2 yea…
  • The good thing, raw foodism is gaining enough momentum for someone to have to go after it and comment(as in ANY dietary choice it seems). The bad is that they clearly are going on general knowledge and not enough background, with incomplete data. Fo…
  • My mom always swore by Adolph’s meat tenderizer(I guess most brands would do). Mix with water and make a paste, it draws out the sting. She got this trick from a Dr.(YEARS ago). Not that many on here might have meat tenderizer, but it’s something I …
  • If anything, lunch at work is the only time I do get off eating raw or all natural(which is more my goal than raw). I do eat a lot healthier than in the past, and getting back on track have had some interesting salads and need to get back into soups…
    in Work reactions Comment by blueyz
  • Thanks :) I have a number of superfoods(cacoa, gogi berries, chia seed) but never sure how they mix well with others in a smoothie. I have never used lecthin though, or even seen it to buy! Stevio – I agree with watermelon and on weekends/days off i…
  • Stevio – this is awesome and I am so happy for you!! I am going back to my naturopath on Tuesday because something is still off and need to figure out what is so can adress it correctly (for a change I think it is something other than thryoid since …
  • I have a friend of mine(2 actually) that got on board in CT and are promoting this line of products. I just have to say I LOVE the stuff, and want to give it a thumbs up!
  • I have no issues with coconut oil or water, but avoid the milk. It is too heavy for me and heavy foods = sleepy!
  • I agree with the comments on magnesium. Raw cacao is very high in magnesium and it takes much less to cure cravings, but makes total sence when many people are magnesium deficient why woman want chocolate during PMS. I have a magnesium drink I use a…
    in Craving Chocolate Comment by blueyz
  • I am OK with small bits of actual meat(although if do buy it, only local raised), but burgers don’t sit so well and definitely make me ill if I eat in combo with grains. I don’t do wheat! I do notice a difference though, and it’s more motivation to …
  • Thanks for all the replies :) Lots of good things to try! Sky Princess like your blog, what great resources you have on there as well.
    in Dessert help Comment by blueyz
  • I don’t know if I can get the coconuts in time for this week, but will definitely keep the lemon custard in mind (sounds good).
    in Dessert help Comment by blueyz