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  • I LOVE spinach smoothies. It has turned into my comfort food.
    in Raw Zest Comment by spirit
  • Hmm, I had also heard 112-118. I wonder how that rumor got started? 99 is still a very long healthy life, it looks like his wife lived a long life as well.
  • This is not quite a raw natural rememdy, but my BF got a series of microdermabrasion treatments. He had bad acne as a teenager with really bad scars and this smoothed his skin like nothing else. I should also note that he is not 100% raw but about 5…
    in raw home remedies Comment by spirit
  • For most people it is to burn off the glucose and maintain a stable blood sugar.
  • I tried that once, I had a terrible candida reaction ( not a detox ). It took me a couple of weeks of no fruit to get myself back into balance. I think like everything else, it works for some people and not for others. It was too much sugar for me.
  • Okay, I’m starting tomorrow! My body is craving a cleanse.
    in juice fast Comment by spirit
  • I’m on board but I’ll have to do green smoothie fast. I work a lot of hours so green smoothies give me more energy than juice. I once did a juice fast for 10 days but I was on vacation so I could rest when I needed to. I will also have to start tomo…
    in juice fast Comment by spirit
  • I only made the recipe once as well and found it very overwhelming. With all of this inspiration I may tweak it and try again.
  • You could also make the spicy taco meat ( recipe on this site ) with ground pumpkin seeds. I remember one of the people who commented on that recipe used pumpkin seeds instead of walnuts and said that it was fabulous.
  • Matt Monarch of www.rawspirit.org talks about gaseous cell detoxification in his latest newsletter. He talks about the bloat, hair loss and occasional sulphur “burps” that some raw foodist experience. I found this article quite informative. You seem…
    in Bloat and hair loss Comment by spirit
  • Also, I wanted to let you know that they would give you some medication to reduce the risk of adverse effects from the stroke ( if it is a stroke ). After the acute phase they would only suggest a blood thinner or an antihypertensive, of course that…
    in STROKE??? Comment by spirit
  • I am a nurse and one of my co-workers had a stroke in one of our morning meetings. Her first symptoms was numbness around the mouth. I would definately advise you to go to the ER or an Urgent care clinic ASAP. These symptoms actually happened to me …
    in STROKE??? Comment by spirit
  • Grew up on Cape Cod MA. Now living in Roanoke VA.
  • Grew up on Cape Cod MA. Now living in Roanoke VA.
  • I have a medical book written in the late 1800’s. In this book they talk about women’s menses and how it should be a small amount of dark ( older blood ) with some tissue and mucous leaving the body for about 2-3 days. They also talked about the new…
    in period Comment by spirit
  • I have a good friend who gradually went raw vegan with the help of a dehydrated salmon recipe I got from one of the threads on this site. He had a lot of blood sugar issues and his sugar would bottom out on a strictly raw vegan diet. He used the deh…
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by spirit
  • Incredible info, thanks for sharing Kauaigirl
    in Raw Food Channeling Comment by spirit
  • Oh Yeah!!! I’m in Richmond right now on business. I’ll try it out
  • Wanna_B, I all the way down in Roanoke right now.
    in Hello from VA Comment by spirit
  • Hello Wanna_B_raw, I’m also in Virginia. This is a great site for support, motivation and recipes. It’s funny how some of us gravitate towards fruit and others towards vegetables, I’m definately a veggie girl. Many blessings on your journey.
    in Hello from VA Comment by spirit
  • From my experience, once your body starts to become clearer the cooked garbanzo beans in the hummus may start to effect you negatively. The good news for me was that I like the no bean raw hummus even better than the cooked garbanzo bean type.
  • Zoe, it’s a moist cookie. It has a crumbly cake like coating covering a moist dried fig filling. Even though I’ve always loved them they are famous as a senior citizen treat ( maybe for the fiber ).
    in Figs! Comment by spirit
  • Am I the only one who loved fig newtons? ( I guess so ) My new office partner at work has a fig tree and is going to bring some in as soon as they are ripe. I’ve never had a fresh fig and I’m very excited. I never knew that a fig tree could grow in …
    in Figs! Comment by spirit
  • Zoe, I have the same reaction to cacao. I never was a coffee or tea drinker so the caffiene hits me hard. My heart races, I get a pounding headache, a little nausea and yes, I could run a jittery marathon and then I crash hard. I wonder why some raw…
    in Cake Rant! Comment by spirit
  • I still go to the dentist twice a year. Although, I don’t have any plaque to scrap off and I always have a clean bill of health. I guess it’s just a habit but it makes me feel good. Blindguru—I have seen many dogs and cats develop plaque. I’m assumi…
  • I personally use the toothsoap and love it. I do use a natural toothpaste to brush my tongue with because I don’t like the soap taste on my tongue.
  • My Boyfriend is not a vegan. He is working towards 100% raw but incorporates some raw cheese and raw dehydrated salmon. He did say that some day ( if he tolerates it well ) he would like to be a raw vegan. I just want him healthy and happy so, missi…
  • Sara, my healthfood store just stopped selling polycarbonate bottles ( which actually are plastic )I asked why and they told me that studies since 1998 have shown a dangerous chemical that leaches with hot water, harsh detergent,freezing or scratche…
    in Glass or Stainless? Comment by spirit
  • I recently found out that my polycarbonate bottles are no good so I am in the same situation. I thought that I would buy some mason jars to store my juice or smoothie in the fridge and stainless to bring to work with me ( won’t break with the handli…
    in Glass or Stainless? Comment by spirit
  • I have found that most peoples tastes change when they go raw. I never liked avacados ( even for months being raw I couldnt stand them ), now I dream about them. I was actually at my computer at work daydreaming about opening up the perfect avacado …