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  • Yes, very true pianissima, I hadn’t got round to thoses sorts of arguments but they are all true too! I personally like the lead by example method very much, when I was just a vegi and had not even heard of RV, (i am not anywhere near100% btw but tr…
  • Try doing some research on acrylamide in food (only gets made in food thats heated, as you prob know acrylamide is deadly toxic) and aussies having more stomch cancer from all the BBQ (i.e. burnt) meat that they eat. Also there are bacteria and shri…
  • Hi Debs, I have a lot of problems with the enzyme agument too, of course enzymes are proteins and are broken down in the stomach. If whole enzymes pssed into our blood stream we would make antibodies to them. Helicobacter pylori have special cell wa…
  • I think this would be a great idea, I always look at the before and afters on other sites, when you are feeling SAD (or SUKed in my case) it is good inspiration :-)
  • I dont have any bamboo utensils but I do have a wooden fork, does that count?
  • Ughhh!!!!!!!!! would anyone buy this, dosen’t sound good…
  • Blue eyes, sorry for your loss, remember the good times you had with her. Peace be with her.
  • ” the picky husband test!” I wish I could get anything past the picky boyfriend test! lol! Will give these a go though they sound yum…
  • When it is really cold or I feel a bit under the weather I will have a yogi tea with a little bit of honey in it (yes I know, but I’m not vegan yet but working on it promise ;-)). I have found that it was quite spicey too but now I only put the tea …
    in Is tea ok? Comment by springleaf
  • Egg-cell-ant I shall start a thread right now.
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Yes, or maybe just all write to manufacturers asking if they are raw products or not and then set up a thread on here, purely to report back and state which companies gave the answers we want to hear, would be like Zoe and Chris’s dead food list but…
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Seems to me that what we need is a universal “raw” symbol, like the vegi and vegan ones, companies can only use it if their product is 100% raw processed at every stage. probable have to be a lot more rawists before that ever happens though…
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Augh! hadn’t spotted that tjb, thanks for pointing that out. bother!
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Hi Clr, I have already got some food grade coconut oil but the massage I had was with coconut oil that was liquid, it smelt wonderfully of coconut. Baldwins (link below) sell some I was just wondering if that was you used. I use the organic tampons …
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Ummm, maybe I should try the coconut oil first, have seen it for sale on the baldwins site. Clr, where do you get yours? I used to buy so many products, up until about 5 years ago, then I read about all the junk in them, and changed to using as few …
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • here’s the link http://www.rawgaia.com/about-raw-gaia.asp
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • I put this up somewhere else recently but thought it would be relivent here too. Raw Gaia make 100% vegan, raw, face products. They only use things like cold pressed oils and butters, and essential oils in their products. I recently met the girl who…
    in oil cleansing Comment by springleaf
  • Kandace and Ray: Thank you for all your hard work, we’re all truly grateful!
  • Durianrider You have such a cool way of looking at fertility, unfortunatly many men have a misplaced fear of having their balls messed with! and fear a “loss of manhood”. I wish more men had your opinion on this one!
  • What people are having after eating kiwis etc is oral allery syndrome, this link explains about it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oral_allergy_syndrome Pineapples have a very powerful enzyme in them (bromelain) which is a proteolytic enzyme (an enzyme…
  • I will have a try tonight and concentrate on what i’m doing so can describe it to you if you still have no joy with your daikon… good luck!
    in Saladacco Comment by springleaf
  • hi clr me again, not much time so not totally read other posts, but. I have the same one. same happened to me, is very important to get the veg right on the center spike otherwise you only get short bits. it works by going round and round like a spi…
    in Saladacco Comment by springleaf
  • Ur, sorry to disapoint, but himalayan salt is sea salt, the himalayas are mountains formed when two continental shelves collided and pushed up together, between the shelves used to be a sea, which dryed out, this is where the salt layer comes from. …
    in Salt Comment by springleaf
  • reading at work When I go to the seaside and pick up seaweed it smells like fish, but I think all seaweed smells like that! However, I have read (I think it was shazzies site, not sure) that when they collect the nori, litle shrimp get gathered up t…
  • I read somewhere that if potatoes had only just been discovered they would be banned from human consumption due to their toxicity! Unfortunatly as harmonylia says they are one of the few things better off cooked as it destroys these toxins (or most …
    in Raw potatoes? Comment by springleaf
  • Oh! sorry I ment I was suspicious about how it would taste, not whether it was 100% raw! I’ve met jess from TRF and I am sure she would only get the best!
  • I have only just got into spirulina and bought some from “Total Raw Food” an english company, I was a little suspisious but tried the raw cauliflower popcorn (mentioned above, recipie on this site) and loved it straight away. I would guess it varrie…
  • Quiora Dry brushing is where you brush your skin to increase the circulation before you shower. It should be done in long sweeping strokes towards the heart, don’t know too much about it and have never done it, but that is generaly the idea.
    in Raw Beauty Comment by springleaf
  • You might be interested in the company RAW GAIA they are a range of total raw skincare, I have chatted with the girl that makes them and she is 100% RV, so you can trust that these products are as good as they say they are. http://mammaearth.com/ski…
    in Raw Beauty Comment by springleaf
  • wow, I like this thread, loads of good ideas. I especially like the sound of redemmas raw oat and almond milk etc breakfast. I had also never thought of making enough juice for two days and putting it in the fridge, – dur. I am getting the picture t…