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  • I ate a whole lot when I first went raw – too much. But eventually it balanced out, and I think yours will as well. Now my quantities are pretty much stable unless I am stressed out and am looking to eat instead of do work (school, etc) – and that h…
  • And also – I will agree with alix. Grains are addictive and were my biggest hurdle. Even now, I don’t think it is the end of the world if I incorporated grain into my diet – but I refuse to eat even whole grains because I am an addict and it will ev…
    in Scared/Confused Comment by thecavsman
  • Don’t worry. I remember I used to eat all raw – EXCEPT for rice cakes w/ almond butter. Then eventually I faded that out when I started the full body detox from dherbs (dherbs.com). After I did the herbal detox I felt like I wanted to stay clean for…
    in Scared/Confused Comment by thecavsman
  • I agree 100% with the tests in principal aspire – and maybe one day I will get to the point where I want one. The hard part for me is these established “norms”. I read the symptoms of vitamin B deficiencies and I have none of them – the body communi…
  • Also – aren’t thse “normal” amounts of these vitamins determined by the normal SAD eater? How do we know fruitarians have a deficiency? Maybe we are just SUPPOSED to have less. If you don’t feel any negative effects, what is the problem? I don’t thi…
  • Ugggh. This stuff is going to ruin my healthy placebo effect! I don’t want to be dragged into the whole bloodwork/vitamin part of raw foodism – but maybe I need to. I basically eat 80/10/10 – not because I follow 80/10/10 but just because I love fru…
  • Some people theorize that there is but one disease with all of these symptoms. Lethargy and constipation are supposed to be the first two, and heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc are the final stages of this big disease. The SAD diet definitely bro…
    in Coincidence?? Comment by thecavsman
  • Everyone is different but I will try to share. I just went through full fledged SAD to raw between late February and mid April of this year. I don’t have the same emotional food addiction as you, since I just liked to eat just to get full before goi…
  • No Crust Key Lime Pie
  • Yeah bitt…I agree about the ethical part. I just do not eat raw for the ethics to tell you the truth – or let’s say that I didn’t start off this way for the ethics but now I have gained a sort of different world view through it all and I am much mor…
  • Congrats to you, too Only problem is I didn’t want to lose those 25 pounds and it caught me off guard. I am actually trying to gain that weight back in healthy weight – got into eating avocado. Ur right – meat and dairy is a restriction worth mentio…
  • I live and work in the downtown of a northern city (Philly) so people are a little more open minded. There are actually a lot of people that eat Lean Cuisine, Salads, etc occasionally at my job (significant if you know anything about the average die…
  • I live and work in the downtown of a northern city (Philly) so people are a little more open minded. There are actually a lot of people that eat Lean Cuisine, Salads, etc occasionally at my job (significant if you know anything about the average die…
  • Just to add…maybe you should try some puddings? My favorite is the “no crust key lime pie” but there are others on this site. That recipe was really important once I started preparing food since I could throw it in little Rubbermaid containers in th…
  • Fruit, fruit, fruit. Maybe it doesn’t work for everyone, but the best way for me to replace SAD was good quality mangos, pureed dates, greapfruits, etc. I had to learn how to load up on fruit until I was full. Most people have a deep psychological b…
  • Avocados, mangos, greens, bananas, peaches – so far it has worked on EVERYTHING. Saved me a lot of money and gives me the peace of mind of being able to buy fruit that are already ripe at the store. Actually, I had to take my mangos and some of my b…
    in Green Bags ?? Comment by thecavsman
  • Avocados, mangos, greens, bananas, peaches – so far it has worked on EVERYTHING. Saved me a lot of money and gives me the peace of mind of being able to buy fruit that are already ripe at the store. Actually, I had to take my mangos and some of my b…
    in Green Bags ?? Comment by thecavsman
  • Gotta agree w/ you Girlfridae… Feels great not to eat that stuff. On the flip side, I was eyeing cheating from raw a little bit (I’m controlled enough not to relapse) when I go on vacation with another couple in late June. Not cheating for food, but…
  • Let me not go starting rumors. I assume they are not organic because they just say “almonds, dates, pecans” etc. They brag about not having GMO, about not having sodium, about being raw, and a few other things. And we know that everyone brags about …
  • http://www.funkyraw.com/shop/index.php?main_pag… According to that link, it only has those 3 ingredients. Other links say the same. Here’s another. http://www.vitacost.com/Humm-Foods-Larabar-Peca… (look at the very bottom of nutrition facts) Yeah, o…
  • Good Question. I assume the obvious – that you put the ingredients written on the wrapper (only organic, as Larabars are conventional) in a food processor. But I would like some help with the relative quantities/methods if anyone has done it before.…
  • Yeah thats straight BS People are ignorant about prices. I told a friend of mine that I spend 60 per week on raw food for myself and they thought that was a lot. Why? Because they spend what, $50? Not to mention I eat virtually no “outside food:. So…
  • I too am starting to not see a little bit of cooked grain as bad, I just genuinely like raw more. I’m just starting to lose my animosity towards maybe straying from raw a tiny bit very occasionally. It’s just hard to not want to keep the streak goin…
  • Not sure what MC is, but I started using raw honey a week ago – the creamy colored really raw kind (We Bee Honey Brand) and it works great as a sweetner in place of agave – but I’m not sure about in place of maple syrup. What is mc?
  • All good things in moderation is true jgfergus. I think it is alright to say all things in moderation – because one slice of pizza 2 times a year won’t kill you. I guess everyone has a different opinion about moderation since moderation, for me, is …
  • I know the people at my job must wonder why I go to the bathroom all day – but I BM probably 3.5 times per day on average – as much as 5, usually 3, rarely 2 – the frequency is partially because I’m a grazer and never have a real “meal”. And then fr…
    in Bowel movements Comment by thecavsman
  • Ahhh. So there are no really raw nuts that I can get by tomorrow? Are raw walnuts really raw? I don’t see a reason to heat walnuts, but you never know. How about sunflower seeds for that recipe I posted? By the way, I feel like in a perfect world we…
  • Thank you all so much. There is such a wealth of sharing and information here – it’s amazing. So I will be trying the raw honey tomorrow. I now have an excuse to buy an expensive sweetner (something you need excuses). I’ll buy really raw honey becau…
  • Raw. But I’ve caught her cheating behind my back in the recent past – rarely – and luckily only cheating with food lol. She is right behind me in the raw transition – I’ve been 100% for about 5 weeks and she is probably 95%. I got her into it and no…
  • I remember when I was still on the way to being raw (about 3 weeks into transition) – I only ate whole grain vegan foods, and the only thing I had that was cooked were rice cakes and salmon (rarely). I didn’t have salmon for about a week and the nex…