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  • I followed a vegetarian and fish diet for over 20 years, but don’t eat fish now. Reasons I don’t now? Well, it’s taken me a long time to twig this, but now feel it can’t be right for fish to suffocate, basically, to feed us. And secondly, as well as…
    in Raw fish? Comment by debbietook
  • Germin8 – is it not the case that waste is only unclean if one is eating a toxic diet? If we ate a 100% non-toxic diet, and lived a non-toxic lifestyle (difficult!), then surely our waste would be the perfect thing to fertilise our garden with. But,…
    in Raw on TV Comment by debbietook
  • I think the Wife Swap show must have been a repeat as we saw that one in the UK a while ago. Yes, it’s a pity that they used a family that ate raw meat, as 99% of raw fooders don’t. What I found interesting is how the other family, who happily ate c…
    in Raw on TV Comment by debbietook
  • Sorry, mygreenmojo – very late reply to your message! Anyhow, it was Essene texts I was referring to. Also, raw milk (apologies as this is a vegan forum, but just answering your question) is a very different thing from pasteurised milk. (In fact, Th…
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by debbietook
  • Would just like to say that I am 500% WITH ‘lovespeter’. I find it interesting that jamestheraw started this debate with a statement that those who think vegans shouldn’t wear wool scarves are ‘anally retentive’ (!), then lovespeter comes along and …
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by debbietook
  • Thanks for that clarification, Kandace (and Zoe). The ‘raw vegan’ bit disappearing whilst one is logged in explains why I couldn’t find it! (as the times I’ve wanted to check have always been when logged in…)
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by debbietook
  • Hi mygreenmojo As someone who draws the line at killing animals and eating their flesh, I have another take on your comment, ’’I
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by debbietook
  • Jenny A says Okay
    in 100% Vegan? Comment by debbietook
  • Hi folks – I’m in damp, drizzly, usually-cloudy UK! But, a dehydrator is not necessary. Mine dehydrates by evening just standing in the kitchen. Sorry writeeternity, but cooking at 245 is no way Essene bread, as the point of the bread described in E…
  • I make Essene bread (as per the ‘recipe’ in the Essene Gospel of Peace) every day. For one portion: soak 1/3 cup berries overnight. Drain and sprout for 1 day at the window (doesn’t even have to be sunny). Next day process them into a sticky dough (…
  • I’m wondering if it could be defensiveness, ie she knows deep-down her own food habits could have affected her health, but no way wants to change them now…! I’ve got on very well with my in-laws for the past 20 years, but raw food has become a bit o…
  • Lost!
  • Thanks for that, so it seems my measuring spoons are US ! (and that there doesn’t seem to be that much difference re the cups – thank goodness)
  • Re nama shoyu, assume everyone knows it’s made from bacteria feeding on dead matter, ie cooked soya beans and roasted wheat? The word ‘nama’ simply means it isn’t pasteurised after that. I know it’s very tasty, and can help in a transition to a raw …
  • Thank you SO much, everybody – mystery solved!
  • Earlier I wrote that sometimes I have BO at the gym on a 90% raw diet. I think I’ve found the answer. The BO seems to occur shortly after eating onions and/or garlic, and fresh BO does in fact have an oniony smell! I’m also fairly sure that garlic h…
  • Just to throw into the mix: I have never smelt BO on my husband in 20 years. Even in the years when he smoked, drank (a lot), took amphetamines, ate meat and a very toxic diet, and didn’t shower or wash any more than the average. But he never used a…
  • Thought I’d better post a follow-up. Bought the Belazu in can from Tesco and still tastes…awful. Must be as Bluejett suggests – my raw body is rejecting the olive oil I used to love so much when cooked for some reason. Perhaps there’s something in i…
  • Thank you all so much for this. Bluejett – good to know I’m not the only one. Zoe and Coconutty – I’ll try the purely raw olive oil, and didn’t realise Tesco sold it. Here’s hoping…as Bluejett says it’s sort of sad losing one’s taste for something t…
  • I love the raw olives sold unline. In the UK I buy from Detox Your World and I think they import from Nature’s First Law. They are the real thing (or the closest we have!) (and ripe) and full of the most gorgeous intense flavour and do of course tas…
  • I’m convinced they shouldn’t smell bad on a raw diet. Other people should be able to use the bathroom straight after you. If they do smell, then there’s something wrong – eg perhaps too many different sorts of foods mixed together. I’ve noticed garl…
  • Please don’t have an IUD. A year after having one inserted, I became pregnant, and it was ectopic. This is actually quite a common ‘side-effect’ of IUDs. Also consider the moral side -we are conceiving babies then terminating the pregnancy by preven…
  • Hi I’d have thought that if you’re going to eat seafood there’d be a strong argument to cook it! Seafood is the biggest cause of food poisoning in the United States, having caused 237 outbreaks since 1990. I think there must have been a good reason …
  • Yes, I have a blog, and it’s all about raw food! Because I do love my food. Last two posts: ‘Do You Eat the Pips?’ and ‘The Olive – ‘One of the Most Perfect Foods’. www.debbietookrawforlife.blogspot.com (UK)
  • Hi Stylistchick Re mucus, here’s some information from Dr Norman W Walker. Admittedly, it’s 1970, but his writings are still respected by many raw fooders (eg Matthew Monarch). Norman is known for living to 108, or 118, depending on source..! ‘Cow
  • Hi Part of my motivation for going raw is The Essene Gospel of Peace in which the milk of beasts is mentioned. Also, I don’t know if any of you have heard of the Ringing Cedars series (Anastasia etc), which, although ‘fiction’ (or is it?!), also sug…
  • Here’s a good one for anyone who hasn’t found a green smoothie they like yet (from Karen Knowler). Blend a large mango (or two medium). Important – it should be a bit overripe, ie very sweet. Then add and blend five handfuls of spinach. They might h…
  • Hi Kurdish Mom Many thanks for the info and picture. Your dates do look like the Medjools in my local supermarket, so feeling a little more confident..! Love Debbie Took
    in Dates! Comment by debbietook
  • We have Medjool dates in the UK, and I do love them. They’re like toffees! And so useful for sweetening. But are they raw? I’ve heard some alarming things recently about dates being steamed to plump them, and that if they look smooth and shiny (as M…
    in Dates! Comment by debbietook
  • Yes, I’ve heard of raw foodists that eat meat. In UK we saw a US Wife Swap and one of the families were raw fooders. Got all excited until found that they ate raw meat…! Trust that programme to pick a very atypical raw food family for shock value. I…