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  • Day 14 of a juicefeast and going well so far. I am tired again today because I didn’t sleep so well last night…weird dreams. I feel totally satisfied by the 4 qts of juice and really have no desire for food. Congrat’s Marysia! The 1st time I came o…
  • I can’t believe it’s day 11. It is really flying. I am really having no problems except the time in the AM it takes to juice. I think I am going to get the enzymes, though. My muscle pain is much better but not resolved but I am stretching a lot bet…
  • SeeYa Marysia, I have to say that I think breaking a fast is the hardest part and you have to do it on the raod! Yikes! Best Wishes to you and enjoy those oranges!
  • SpurEm, Maysia posted a link to the online book in one of her posts on this thread. You can check it out. Best Wishes Kminty! I am in awe of long distance runners. I can hike and walk forever, but I never was a good runner; I always felt like I cou…
  • Finally, a pretty good night’s sleep! I fell into bed at 8:30 and my alarm woke me at 4:30. I had to get up to P a few times but no trouble going back to sleep and this is normal for me anyway. I def. don’t feel as well today but it is waxing and wa…
  • Didn’t sleep well last night, and was awakened at 3:30 and couldn’t go back to sleep! so I got up at 4 and started juicing. I think I am going to try making some juice at night so I don’t have to make so much in the AM. My hubby is leaving tonight f…
  • Well, I slept alot better and my alarm woke me this AM. I am still a bit tired, but not too bad. I managed to get a bit of wt lifting in last night. I am not supposed to lift to build, but I really need to maintain and it is my favorite form of exer…
  • I survived, Marysia. I was more tired than usual, but I have been retiring at 10 or so and waking on my own at 4:30 or so. My hubby got back late last night and woke me at 11, and I woke up a couple of other times and still had to get up at 4:45, so…
  • So far so good and enjoy your Home Spa Experience! I wonder if day 7 will be a problem for me. I will let you know tomorrow.
  • Enjoy your anniversary Marysia! My husband I just celebrated our 17th at the end of Dec. Time really flies. That Kenny Chesney song “Don’t Blink” isn’t kidding! So far I feel really good. I am waking up very early. I have my clock set for 4:45 but t…
  • Welcome! PrincessSITA- I am also doing a lenten cleanse, but I am doing a juice feast. I have a problem with getting alkaline and I think I really need all the green juice right now. I am aiming for Easter, Marysia, but I have in my mind to go 60. A…
  • I think attitude is extremely important and I really didn’t think so until I consciously made an effort to be positive. I tend to be very hard on myself and downright mean! I am MUCH happier being nice to myself and it has really made a difference i…
  • Glad to see you pulled through Marysia. I do not fast well at all, either. My 1st was the Blessed Herb Cleanse and I had days I thought I was going to die I felt so bad. It also turned into one of the busiest, most hectic, stressful weeks of the ent…
  • Hunger was not so bad this afternoon. Drank 3 qts juice + the green superfoods, etc. I am oscillating between lots of energy and tired, but in general,I feel good; I am just having times when I am very cold. Hopefully I can get a skin brush and get …
  • I tried the SWF on it’s own a while ago and it did very little for me. There was a lot of gurgling etc., but hardly anything produced. I think I absorbed all of that salt! so I never tried it again. I get good movement with senna type teas and colon…
  • First day of the juice feast down and I learned ALOT! I started juicing a 5 AM and juiced until 6:30 and still only got 2.5 qts of green juice made. I made some more at lunch for a total of about 3qts which is less than the 4 qts I am supposed to dr…
  • well, the juice feast starts tomorrow so wish me luck! Good luck and Blessings to all those on or embarking on a cleanse!
  • Marysia- We can keep up with each other on this thread. I usually check in at lunch and evening. I am going to do some juicing this weekend to get my timing down and mixtures figured out. I am also trying to lighten my diet which I needed to do anyw…
  • John Barron’s world detox event. It entailed taking a liver tincture and blood cleanser (both cleansing type herb extracts) 3 times daily, fresh juice as needed and a morning flush drink to stimulate a good gall bladder contraction. The morning flus…
  • Wow Isis, 30 days! Congrats! (a little early). I hope to do as well on my juice feast I’ll start 2/6. My worst time after the first couple of days is always breaking the fast. I did much better on my 5 day liver flush, so I’m hoping I’ll have contro…
  • I’m not doing the MC but I will be juicefeasting starting 2/6 I will probably be experiencing the same things so I follow the thread. I had a very toxic diet the last 3 mo of 07 but have been off junk since 1/1. I still eat alot of nuts though. I am…
  • I think thyroid problems could also cause some of what you are seeing, too. If my symptoms had been a little more complicated or I didn’t feel I was progressing, I was going to go to a Naturopathic Dr. so I could have my hormone levels monitored. I …
    in confused body Comment by deborahann
  • I abruptly stopped having mine around march o6, well before I even heard about raw. I had dropped about 10-15 ponds of weight that I had been trying to lose for 20 yrs (freshman 15!). Hormone levels showed a slightly low estrogen. The Dr thought low…
    in confused body Comment by deborahann
  • I think it is very difficult to find truly raw wild rice because if it is black it has been toasted. You can soak it for a few days to get it soft and I’m sure there are nutrients worth having in it but no live enzymes! I believe there are a couple …
    in crunchy rice... Comment by deborahann
  • I’m seriously considering one for lent (40 days starting 2/6) I worry about having enough time to make all that juice! I will use mostly veg with just enough fruit to make it palatable. I find if I make green juice with a fair amount of cuke that I …
    in Juice feasting Comment by deborahann
  • I use Kiss My Face olive oil based soaps and Burt’s Bees products for shampoos and lotions. (I am not vegan)
    in Body and Hair Comment by deborahann
  • Could you have thyroid issues? What about weight training? Keeping the muscle level up will dramatically help the metabolic rate. The body also acclimates to the exercise we do. Have you switched up your regular exercise? I think fluctuating hormo…
  • Thanks for the heads up Brenilou. I unfortunately bought a pretty large volume when I bought my agave when starting on this path and if I finish this batch, I probably won’t get anymore because I really do like the honey. It’s infuriating that these…
  • I think the primary difference is the glycemic load that each places on the body. Agave nectar is much lower. I use both and I prefer the taste of really raw, unfiltered honey. Apparently some of the raw agave’s aren’t. There is one that is clear an…
  • Maybe your body needs the essntial fats and so that’s what you crave. Soaked walnuts are also a very good source of omega 3 as is flax. Hemp is higher in omega 6’s. You can get pH tape pretty cheap (I get mine at swansonvitamins.com for about 5.50) …
    in Scared of Fruit Comment by deborahann