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  • Wow, thanks all for the great ideas! I think I will try the KitchenPlus to start then work my way through. I had found some great hand cranked things at Lehman's but they were way, way out of our budget. Nice to see there are some options out there …
  • I read The Drinking Water Book and decided on a home distiller. It was $100 and works great for us. The water distills into a plastic jug that came with the unit, but I get it out of there ASAP and store the water in 5 gal glass containers from some…
  • I can’t offer a suggestion directly, as I don’t wear makeup. BUT have you tried this site? http://www.cosmeticsdatabase.com/index.php?noth… I was amazed by the high (bad) scores on many of the so-called “safe” products they sell at my local health f…
    in mascara Comment by beepsandclicks
  • lzhpt— Do you mean post to the recipe section of this site? (I’m a bit slow on the uptake lately….sleep deprived!) :-)
    in Stinky Me Comment by beepsandclicks
  • I have been expecting the “no stink” thing to kick in, as we’ve been raw for about 7 months, but so far it hasn’t happened. I’ve tried about a dozen “natural” deodorants without much success. Well, I stumbled across this recipe for homemade deoderan…
    in Stinky Me Comment by beepsandclicks
  • Thanks,all! I made him some of the chia/cacao stuff and it worked out great. I’m totally craving the stuff now…yum!
  • We are near downtown, off Allen Parkway! At least for now…we’re hoping to make it to Asheville, NC in a few months.
  • Ah! I can’t believe I didn’t think of the Vitamix! I love this forum. And thanks deborah, for the heads up on the Cousens’ book. I’ll check it out!
  • I want to thank both of you ladies SO very much. I used to buy formula at odd hours so no one would see me and pass judgement! :-( At the time we lived in a rather “crunchy” Colorado town and it really felt like I was the odd one out. I even cancell…
  • Looks like you already solved your stain crisis, but just in case… I see you tried white vinegar, but did you pour boiling water over the stain afterwards? That might be the key. I just did this on some pretty major blueberry stains and it worked li…
  • The “mother” Whole Foods in Austin has a tiny raw cafe, but unfortunately I have not seen another like it in any other Whole Foods! Shame, really.
  • About that smell…I read in a Gabriel Cousens book about tackling that issue by dehydrating the first couple of hours at 145 degrees then lowering the temp. He swears the food won’t go above the max. desired temp to keep things raw. Wish I had the bo…
  • thanks, ladies!