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  • Zucchini have a very high water content so whenever I make any kind of dip or sauce that needs "heft" I usually start out with 1/2 the amount of squash called for and increase it if I need to. Maybe take half of what you made and try blending it wit…
  • Thanks guys! I have a much better idea of what to look for now and now I'm positive that what I got before was just bad to start with. That's why I love this site. If left to my own devices I would have just assumed all "raw" olive oil had that tast…
  • chris: So if it's marked unrefined or unfiltered then it is a "raw" oil? The one I bought was the only one clearly marked cold pressed and it never occurred to me that there might be some other terminology to look for. There's so much stuff to know!…
  • Yep, I was a EVOO girl. I love that aroma. I'm still so new to raw that just the thought of warm bread and EVOO makes me rethink all the fresh fruit on my counter. That's why I try not to!! I made a batch of onion bread a couple of weeks ago wtih EV…
  • I am a novice at dehydrating and have no proactive advice, but I have the same problem with my flax seed crackers. Unless you are going to vacuum seal everything I think outside moisture is going to invade. I usually put my crackers back in the dehy…