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  • I agree with Kurite. I would take that B-12 claim with a grain of salt. I would supplement. They do look interesting though!
  • Get some different fruits. Try something new. After you've eaten a healthy amount of fruit, then have some buckwheat and enjoy it. Eat a BIG salad. If you still want rice and beans- THEN have it. Enjoy it. Fill up on raw fruits and greens. Enjoy som…
    in Fed up!!! Comment by sisterbecky
  • Some people experience dry skin if they keep their fat levels fairly lower than before (if you are going the 80/10/10 route). I'm not sure if it's dry skin you are actually talking about?
    in Skin burns Comment by sisterbecky
  • When my husband had gall stones it felt to him like he was having a heart attack. I took him several times to the emergency room because of it. Unfortunately, since he smoked back then (quit several years ago) the doctors would always assume it was …
    in Gallstones? Comment by sisterbecky
  • Jenthor, I understand your hangup with cheese and bread- those are my binge foods too:-) For me (and it hasn't worked perfectly, but I feel I'm greatly improving) is to feed my body first. Eat that big salad, the big bowl of fruit. If you still want…
  • Rice, tomatoe and beans- I wouldn't worry about that (just my opinion). I guess it depends on your take on food. I don't believe cooked food is bad- just a lot of cooked food choices out there are. Have a nice big fruit salad today. Or a big green s…
  • Butterfly, Sweating is natural- it's how we cool our selves off. So don't feel bad about it. Bacteria like those warm wet places like underarms. Even in raw vegans you are going to have bacteria there. Hence, chance for odor. When I was in school (m…
    in I Stink. Comment by sisterbecky
  • I'm vegetarian (and fluctuate between following a vegan diet to going back to lacto/ovo veg). So, I don't in any way feel the need to bash vegetarian or vegan diets. That said, quite a bit of the article's claims, according to most credible nutritio…
  • Hmm, I thought you would get some responses by now? Well, I'll bump your post back out there by giving you my two cents on it. Just my opinion, mind you. I really wouldn't get too worked up and worried over it. I know we really don't know yet how mu…
  • I agree with Paul's suggestions. To add something else- yes, our intestines make B-12, but it is generally past the point in the intestine that we actually absorb it. Essentially, our waste has b-12, but we don't benefit from it. This is why some ra…
  • It's my understanding that a raw food diet is just simply that- the food is raw (whether it be fruit, veggies, dairy or meat). It seems that raw vegan diets are more common. But, more common doesn't mean it's the only way of course. I know Carol Alt…
    in Paleo diet Comment by sisterbecky
  • RawPretzel, If your going to follow a raw vegan diet you really should supplement with B-12. There just isn't B-12 in fruits and veggies. One can get B-12 from soil (not washing your food)- but the amount you would get would be questionable. Fecal c…
  • Cooking does make some veggies more easy to digest, I don't believe it has to do with just chopping it up, but an actual chemical change. Of course, some vitamins can be lost (why you don't want to overcook). I'm going on memory, and will try to fin…
  • Definately, not enough calories could be causing it! There are several different approaches you could take to up your calories: Fruit smoothies. You can get a lot of fruits (and tender greens) into your system this way. If you do not have a strong a…
    in Calorie DRAMA Comment by sisterbecky
  • Brown paper bag. Or place with other overripe fruit- the fruit releases a pheromone that encourages the other fruit to ripen quicker (one bad apple ruins the barrel).
    in green bananas Comment by sisterbecky
  • Sorry to hear of your difficulties. But it's nice you are using it as an opportunity to help your diet and health. I sympathize with you, IMHO it is cheaper to eat junk food. But not better for you. Bananas and apples are usually cheap. As far as fr…
  • I will second the hemp as a good complete protein (otherwords, it has all the amino acids in it your body can not make on it's own, the "essential amino acids" ). Quinoa is another good complete protein. Yes, you can get all your essential amino aci…
  • I love Pavlina's stuff as well:-)
  • I live in Ohio- and yes it is pretty tough right now. That said, just because I like it here doesn't mean that it is the place for you. The saying "one man's heaven is another man's hell" is very true (imho). My first thoughts are about commitements…
  • I'm guessing she meant post #16 when you wrote " Sounds like an insecure person using adjectives to describe another to try to make themselves feel better." Whether you meant it that way or not, it did sound rather confrontational.
  • I would second Eecho's advice on not making decisions based on what label you fall under. I eat high raw, but do not consider myself a "raw foodist." Some days I eat probably 100% raw, other days much lower. (For me, not trying to be "strict" about …
  • Honestly, from being midwester too (Northeaster Ohio) I would truly not rule out the weather combined with all the nasty virus, colds and such going around. Though eating healthy helps keep you, well keep healthy, sometimes viruses and bacteria can …
  • I second books by Pema Chodron and the Dalai lama. As someone already mentioned, no need to be Buddhist to get something from them.
  • Sweet, From your different posts it sounds like you are have a tough time with weight issues (thought it doesn't sound to me like you should worry) and just plain getting a bit bored with your raw diet. Many young girls (I'm assuming your young) see…
    in fats or carbs? Comment by sisterbecky
  • "but the withdrawal from psych meds can be pretty severe" Couldn't agree more with that statement. I'm not sure why whey protein will help, but maybe there is some science behind it? (I'm not a doctor). Coming off of serious meds like that I would b…
  • I'm guessing most people would suggest not using the whey protein, but your doctor may have good reason to want you on it? I'm not a doctor, and I doubt most here on the board are either. Doctors aren't always right. But, sometimes they are. Have yo…
  • Some thoughts- the spring greens you eat, are they in a bag all premixed and prewashed? I don't usually have problems with those, but some prewashed mixes use some type of chemical that preserves them that some people react bad too. It may not be th…
  • I mostly quite drinking coffee (still have a cup or two a week) and switched to black, green and herbal teas. There is a connection between high consumption of coffee and bladder cancer. That was my reason for quitting. I feel good with the teas. I'…
  • Don't forget, your body also makes cholesterol- it isn't only in your food. That's why some people can have horrible diet's and not have high cholesterol, and others really watch it and have high cholesterol. Also- your numbers aren't high anyways.
  • Strlingmf, I'm one of those weirdos too (crave salty stuff). As long as you don't have high blood pressure, I would try some of the savory snacks on this site and not be afraid of adding some sea salt. I crave salt on food, and would occassionally g…