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  • I think you can leave out the baking soda and use oatmeal (grind some of it up so it's not ALL huge chunks), mix with olive oil and maybe some essential oil like lavender or tea tree. A lot of people using baking soda as a deodorant but it seems a b…
  • Hmmm - I don't agree with sugars making him blow up since in raw it's quite the opposite but I'll respect the fact that you both feel this way. Good sources of protein are sprouted lentils/beans (if your body can handle them), quinoa, etc. Sprouting…
  • WHY exactly does he need lots of protein and not a lot of sugars? It sounds like these kinds of restrictions will set him up for failure. By eliminating "sugars" i.e. fruit, he's already missing out on loads of great vitamins and minerals, fiber and…
  • ADD ME! Terilyn Lemaire I love perving on Facebook profiles and mine is full of stuff to perv on!
  • If I were you I would try raw until dinner or a cooked (or prepared) breakfast and raw for the rest of the day. Please know that detox does NOT necessarily equal everything you just mentioned! I have none of those issues and I went raw cold turkey. …
  • Fresh ginger is your friend, as are bananas. Banana + ginger smoothies? MAGIC! Ginger settles your stomach and bananas are also very soothing. Chewing on ginger without swallowing it is also helpful. Focus on eating more fruit and less everything el…
  • I have been "clinically depressed" for years and was on hardcore medication for depression and insomnia (30mg Remeron/day) for years and have recently weaned off the medication (you may have noticed I've gone in my posts from happy camper to hardass…
  • YIKES! I've actually never heard about this kind of candida detox happening vaginally (it's usually most apparent on the tongue) but then again infected vaginas are not generally used talking points :) I wouldn't think this is abnormal at all - it o…
  • GET READY TO POOP! lol Everything that you have been poisoning your body with over the past years is now going to come out of your bowels (with gusto), through your urine and through your skin (prepare for some funky B.O. thanks to meat and dairy) I…
  • Well, see my above-mentioned initial response to your question on meat dehydration. Hope it helps :) (p.s. I retain - on some ridiculous level - a degree of personal satisfaction that you don't eat meat on a regular basis. Props to that!)
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • Let me be clear here - I'm not angry at all. I don't agree with most of what is coming out of your mouth but so long as we don't get into f-bombs and name-calling, it doesn't make me mad. I am trying to be as straightforward as I can be with you abo…
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • What you just said kurite makes no sense whatsoever unless you are completely immune to sarcasm. Are you actually suggesting high fructose corn syrup isn't 100% healthy and natural? :| How can you possibly say "but we have tested nearly as much as w…
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • "...but i still believe we need meat and eggs in our diet..." ?? I for one think that it DOES matter that we are intelligent beings because it means we are personally and scientifically able to determine what is actually BEST for our bodies. Our bod…
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • I'm curious why you're on a raw, VEGAN site if you're promoting the consumption of raw meat and dairy. Maybe you're better suited to Carol Alt's raw. I've said this about a million times: WHO CARES WHAT OUR ANCESTORS ATE. Who cares. We are present, …
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • You can dehydrate meat, at least beef, and it becomes biltong or beef jerky. Excalibur has a book accompaniment to their dehydrator and it has a whole section on drying meats. I'm curious why - if you're going raw - you're looking for ways to includ…
    in Meat and Nuts Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • To get dates to blend, soak them first until they're super soft. I've never chopped ice in my bullet - I just put it in a bag, wrap it in a dish towel and beat the crap out of it on the counter or pound it with a meat tenderizer, then add it back in…
  • Hey! You don't need a lot of equipment to get started - in fact the only MAJOR thing you need is a blender and it doesn't have to be a vita-mix (I don't have one and I'm surviving just fine :) I got my dehydrator later and I only use it for bread an…
  • Thanks a mil! I'm covered. Thirty-six hours went into my arm alone with more work still to be done. LOVE. TATTOOS. They're a strange addition, as I'm sure every tattooed person knows! :D
  • Is it weird that I want to add everyone on this site as Facebook friends just to perv on all their photos? These tiny pics don't say enough!! :D
  • Just so everyone knows - you only need to soak buckwheat for 20 minutes, which makes the sprouting process a lot quicker. Any longer than that and you're in danger of "drowning" the buckwheat. Also - buckwheat ferments REALLY easy when sprouting so …
  • Hi there :) You absolutely do NOT need a food processor and a dehydrator to go raw but you will need a solid blender that will hold up with constant use. Some recipes require a dehydrator (raw breads, etc) but you can certainly make a variety of foo…
  • 1. I've never, ever heard of packaged raw nut milks. If for some reason they exist, look for milks that contain unpasturized nuts, pure water, high mineral salt (celtic, himalayan) and are unsweetened. Nothing else should be in there! 2. Some people…
  • It's basically the scientific determination of what foods work well together in the gut. Good food combining = good digestion/no bloating/no gas/ good elimination, etc., etc. Go here for a very basic chart: http://www.alderbrooke.com/chart.htm or he…
  • Thanks for all the info guys - I have a lot to think about. One thing is for sure - I definitely get enough Vitamin D! One of the pros of living in equatorial Africa :)
  • I ran a search on calcium on this site and a google search for raw vegan sources of calcium as well but everything I read was either unsatisfying or contradictory so I thought I'd ask you guys - I have never had a cavity and now, after being 100% ve…
  • I eat about 3/4 of a smallish avocado a day plus about 1 tbsp of flax seed oil on salad and I have no problems at all. When I make raw chocolate made with coconut oil though... WATCH OUT! If I eat more than one piece I not only feel really physicall…
    in Fat Comment by BushCrazyRaw
  • To the newbies - KEEP IT SIMPLE! If you're feeling like crap, start making smoothies! - they're super high in nutrition, full of calories and natural sugars, and are super easy to digest and assimilate. Same goes with raw soups. And, as always, drin…
  • Hahahaha it's funny that you say that HappyRawGirl - my husband and I have this argument all the time! For him, how I say things is almost as important as what I'm saying and unfortunately not everything comes out so bubble-gum pink! :) At the end o…
  • I personally feel that open, honest opinion is discouraged here. User the59sound always tells it as he sees it and every time he does someone jumps down his throat about being "negative" and not being "loving" or "helpful" or "supportive." It seems …
  • OooOh - if you're not 100% raw why not get some rice paper wrappers and make some fresh Vietnamese spring rolls? You just dip the paper in lukewarm water for a minute, stuff it with raw veg like carrots, cucumbers, cilantro, onion, avocado, tomato, …