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  • Newbie Page

    As a newbie, here are a few things I would and maybe others in the future would like to know:

    1.) I would like info. on produce. How to tell what’s ripe, things to avoid, how to store it properly. I buy produce almost every other day, and EVERY day I’m having to throw stuff out :o( The “kids” at the grocery store can’t pull their pants up, let alone tell me where I can find a persimmon. Surprisingly, even the folks at whole foods couldn’t identify kale in the bin of greens they have—though they were MUCH friendlier and were willing to help and try and find out at least(actually, the 15 year old girl at the juice counter was the most help and DID in fact know her whole foods.) I have a couple of raw books from the library and just bought another, and while they have a LOT of information, it tends to be mostly recipes.

    2.) Do you use those green stay fresh bags?

    3.) Newbies would like to know what to expect with detox. Duration, range of symptoms, what is happening, etc.

    4.) What is the official raw temp. no no? I’ve heard 108, 112, 116, and 118.

    5.) What order to eat foods—fruit in a.m.? nuts at lunch/snack? veggies in p.m.? ???

    I’m all over the place, I know, I am just a little overwelmed by all the new information for my new raw journey.

    Note to newbs: be sure to check out the threads on natural hygiene. Deodorants, toothpaste, and alternative ‘poos… great info!

    Thank you everyone!
