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Well, my boyfriend and I are starting the MC today. We did one a few months ago and loved it. Then something happened a few weeks ago, and I have been eating like crap! Processed foods, even some dairy. It seems I just can’t get my eating under control when under stress or having serious emotions. Well, so it is back to the drawing board. I feel so gross from all the nasty food I’ve eaten, I am so excited to get going again. I don’t know how many days we are going this time. We will go at least 2 weeks, from there we will see! Congrates to everyone just finishing up, and good luck to everyone starting!
ALYSSADYANE - Glad you are on board. I remember when I was a party girl. I never would have imagined that the day would come in my life when I would be excited to do a cleansing fast or would know other people that would too. WOW! Times have changed.
I know what you mean about eating as an emotional response to stress and things like that. I have been really good about not overeating since my last cleanse, which was 5 months ago. Last week I purchased some Paul Newman cookies and ate a third of the box before I threw the rest away. They didn’t taste too sugary going down but once they got there I had that awful sugar thing going on.
This is day 2 for my MC. I guess doing a MC is like having a baby, each one is different. I had hunger pangs for about 3 hours earlier today and finally got to sleep. I didn’t have any hunger pangs last time throughout the entire cleanse. When I woke up, they were gone. This morning, my tongue was super mungy and I had to pull out the tongue scraper. I have a slight headache, but lately my BP has been a little higher than usual so it may just be a BP headache.
I have been off work for 2 weeks so now I am on a crazy sleeping schedule: 4 hours sleep and then up for 8, sleeping 4 and up for 8. I have to get that in sync with normal people time by tomorrow. That means I will either over sleep or under sleep and neither one is any fun.
DAY 8…Feel good right now, but I know in the afternoon I will feel super weak again…but I’m ok. Looking forward to food, and more jollified food. The recipes here and everywhere else are getting me excited, lol.
Meditating~ So it’s almost an MC blended drink? I was wondering about that. I’m using organic lemons right now so the seeds would be good. Today I was going to invent a slush version of the lemonade…something icy and refreshing. It’s all warm and sunny now.
Well, I’m on DAY TWO now. I really like the lemonade, it’s really tasty. I do miss eating spinach, though. And mushrooms.
I am wondering do you guys think it would be safe to do the MC while of perscription drugs (300 mg of antidepression medication a day) I don’t even know why I am so concerns are even valid so I thought I would put the question out there.
I’m curious, bc I want to try the MC. Does everyone here do the salt water flushes? If so, how many per MC? And does everyone drink like a whole gallon everyday?
GO RACHEL! I saw someone post on here that you shouldn’t make your MC lemonade (MCL) too far in advanced. I made a gallon yesterday and took it to work but didn’t drink it all. I didn’t make any new to take to work today because I only drank .5 gallon yesterday. It was awful. I forcd myself to drink a few glasses but got home and made some fresh MCL and it was just heavenly. It really quenches your hunger when it is fresh. I felt awful and hungry all day but I just drank 2 full glasses of MCL and I feel rejuvenated.
KELLY - I won’t do the salt water flush until I realize I haven’t done anything for a day or so. Then I have to take the day off so I will probably do it Friday night. Now that is the way to kick off your weekend.
EMMIE - I don’t really know how to answer your question. I have chronic pain syndrome so when I have pain I have to take strong narcotics. This has mostly been limited to two days a month when I have my period, which of course was today. I usually take about 3000 mg hydrocodone daily or take something stronger if that doesn’t knock it out. I knew I had to take some today and was wondering what effect it would have on my cleanse. While I obviously don’t know, I thought I might dispense with the medicinal residue faster.
The first thing that jumps into my head about your situation is that anti-depressents can sometimes cause adverse effects if you don’t wean yourself off of them. Given this, I would think that you should stay on them. The fast may help with your depression, which is something I have read others report on their MC blogs. The MC instructions advise that you not take any drugs YOU DON’T HAVE TO. I think you will have to make that decision for yourself but I, having no medical expertise at all, would think you should continue taking them. You may want to find a naturopath and ask them, although they may try to get you off of them permanently. I suspect a western doctor would tell you not to consider the cleanse but perhaps there are a few out there that understand more than they were taught in school.
I just took all my lovely greens I bought at the farmer’s market and put them in a freezer bag for future smoothies. I read you can do that here but it is the first time I did it. It was a sad sight and hope they will taste just as good, although it is hard to imagine.
Meditating~ I may have to try the greens in the freezer trick sometimes. Altho’ I doubt I’d have the occasion to try it…greens around here are downed way too soon. We love greens. :)
Emd of DAY 8…so glad to be almost done. It was a hard day because I was super weak. I feel good now.
Well, my bf and I are on day 2. I am not hungry today, but I have the worst headache I have ever had. Ever. I hope it passes soon. Our 16 year old wants to join us on the fast. Has anyone’s kid’s ever done it?
DAY 9 I’m almost there! YAY! So glad.
Alyssa I had a headached on day 2, I think it was. And I didn’t have any after that…hopefully it’ll be the same for you. :)
I was lucky the first time I did the MC, I felt great the whole time. In fact, I felt so great it was totally bizarre. I am sure I will feel fine tomorrow. Thanks. Congrats on day 9!
Thanks Alyssa…
Oh my goodness…it’s past one and I still haven’t gotten weak or shaky yet. I’m so happy. I imagine I will soon, but lemonade tends to stregthen and perk me up. I made it into a slush today and it’s SUPER good that way! I’m actually addicted. Yay, a new break into the MC.
I have a slight headache this afternoon and since I’ve been working outside all day…I feel really tired…and sorta weak, but not as bad as the last few days. Right now I think a chewable vitamin C would taste nice…just one? Lol, it’s ok. I’ll wait for that. :)
I’m pretty much out of maple syrup and there will be not enough for tomorrow, my last day… ahhhh, what to do? Well, I’ve decided I’ll just use honey for the last day. After all, lots of people do do that for the MC. One day and of course, the last day won’t hurt. Otherwise, I’d just have to quit a day early and…I don’t want to 9 days, just to stop on the tenth. Give me your thoughts if you’d like.
David Wolfe recommends doing it with raw honey.
Yay…I heard something about people on Juice Feasting reccomending honey too…I think. I feel really good about this now. Totally out of maple syrup now so I’ve been using honey anyway.
To me, it makes even more sense that maple syrup…it’s totally raw and way more healthy…in my opinion, altho’ maple syrup is good too…I’m a honey girl.
I can’t believe my adventure is almost over. One more day and then coming off it….
Ok people! I am starting my second master cleanse on Sunday and am going to go for 14-18 days depending on how it goes. I’m really super excited about doing the cleanse again. I loooved it when I first did it for 10 days. I did however have a really bad bout of anemia about three days after finishing the cleanse the first time so I will take some iron supplements along with the lemonade this time.
Warning to all anemics or people with tendencies toward might want to consider taking iron supplements or considering some way of putting iron into your system during the cleanse or you might have a bad reaction.
I got so bad that I could barely move without feeling like I was going to pass out and couldn’t swallow anything for about three days after my two days of fresh juice. So just a word of warning….But I learned and am happy to start a longer cleanse this time! I was going strong with raw for a while but fell off the band wagon half way for the past month and want to give myself some time to get back on track and get rid of anything extra i’ve been holding onto inside.
So excited!
Today was day 3 for me. I was tired most of the day but that may be my medication. I should be off of it tomorrow afternoon and then I will know if I still have a headache or not. Didn’t feel hungry today but just sluggish although I woke up for about 20 minutes in the middle of hte night and felt a little hungry but I was too sleepy to really care. My tongue was icky this morning too but not as bad as yesterday I don’t think. I am glad so many people are cleansing and on this thread. It is nice to know you can communicate with others who are doing the same thing. Everybody keep up the good work!
I know, Meditating, isn’t it great? I love this encouragement and accountability! Tomorrow is DAY 10! Crazy excited to be done. Lol…only one more day!
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who is sharing their experience with the MC here. Sky Princess your account has been fun to read! My husband and I are starting the 10-day on Saturday and I’m very excited…kind of nervous. Anyways it’s nice to know what to expect. Thanks again!!
Day three for me. When I woke up this morning, the nasty headache I had all day yesterday was gone. Thank goodness! I feel just fine so far today. I had to use some honey this morning, ran out of maple. Getting more maple today, but it is nice to try it both ways.
Okay, we started a day early so today is Day 1. Just did the saltwater flush which was not fun to drink, but it wasn’t the worst thing in the world. I kept telling myself it was vegetable broth so that I wouldn’t throw up.
Kindaraw Thanks…you’re sweet. Hope everything goes super well for you. I know, ugh, that salt flush is super gross. My mistake was drinking it slow…I should’ve just slurped it down and gagged afterward. :)
Alyssa Honey is nice…I like maple syrup better for hot lemonade, but honey better for slush MC drink as well as cold. Only today left and then orange juice here I come!!!! YAY!
Oh, and my latest post on my blog is about a whole bunch of tips and things that have helped me these last nine days on the MC, if you’d like you can check it out here:
Hope it helps in some small way. :)
Hi, everyone! Great to know there are other folks crazy enough to do the MC —this is my second one (first one in January for 14 days) and I’m on my Day 5, planning to go at least 20 this time.
I find that it helps me during the salt water to gulp it all at once, and as I’m drinking it, I either recite Scripture or pray. For those of you who aren’t religiously inclined, perhaps it would help to say a favourite poem to yourself, or think of a song lyrics which inspire you.
I haven’t been hungry, but it has been difficult watching my hubby and son eat all the wrong things (both uber-omnivores) not because I want what they’re eating, but because I hate to see them destroying their bodies. Anyone else in this position?
Needless to say, I don’t get a lot of support at home whilst on the MC, so I am grateful for all of you! GO ALL OF US!!!
OldDogNewTricks: my boyfriend is such an unhealthy eater too! But I’ve definitly decided to let him observe my eating habits and become inspired on his own terms rather than lecture him on how much damage he is doing. It’s difficult when the ones you love don’t always want to eat the same healthy things…but he did make me some wonderful raw burritos the other night which were delicious, so I guess progess is being made! (he of course ate something fried…oh well)
Sunday is the day everyone! I’m so excited to start a second cleanse.
I ran out of maple syrup!!! :( so I had hardly any today and I feel really sick and weak and tired… I read that you can substitute the maple syrup with blue agave nectar. That’s great, because the Grade B organic Canadian maple syrup at Hy-Vee is like TWENTY BUCKS, and we can’t really afford that right now. sooo. my dad’s gonna get me some blue agave nectar tonight so I don’t die :D
I’ve also read that honey is a big NO on the master cleanse, but I’m not sure why… probably because it’s not plant-based and it doesn’t have the same amount of minerals and vitamins.
I’ve been doing my salt water flushes at night, butthey seem to work better in the morning.
oh!! I have a question!!!
I haven’t been getting the white tongue or fuzzy teeth in the morning! what’s up with that?
RACHEL - No icky tongue either indicates you don’t have as many toxins that cleanse that way in the body or you have them but your body may be expelling them differently. That’s my best guess anyway. I am going to do my first SWF tonight. Yoohooo, it’s Friday. I save the really wild stuff for the weekends.
I started getting a little tired today around 2pm, but now I am home and feel much refreshed after sprawling on the couch for a while. Overall, I think my daily energy has increased from pre-cleanse and my concentration has really improved today. Today is day 4 for me and I finally got on the scales although I could tell I lost some weight. I’ve lost 7 pounds so that is good too.
Really glad to see so many people coming on board and Sky Princess is graduating tomorrow. I remember her way back when. I guess Sabrina is at the wedding (wasn’t she going to a wedding) and I hope she is having a great time and adjusting well after coming off her cleanse too.
Thanks, Meditating! and congrats on graduating, Sky Princess/Charissa. I don’t graduate until next year. :’(
RACHEL - I meant graduating from the cleanse. Not sure what you thought I meant since you said you would be graduating next year. Whatever you meant, I laughed out loud when I read your post. I am always in a good mood after I post to or read a post on this thread. It is kinda cool to do something like this with a group and feel like part of the group when in reality none of us know each other. I think that is extraordinary. It is the upside of technology.
Ok, that really made me laugh…love it! Rachel and Meditating, you’re great!
Thanks for all the congrats! Believe me…I’m super excited..because to be honest…I’m totally sick of that lemonade. LOL
Meditating Love what you said…too true. We’re part of a little group and yet we don’t know each other…but it’s lots of fun and we feel like friends. I like that. :)
Rachel I read that about honey too, but personally, I think it’s baloney. Honey is very incredible for your health and yes, it’s plant based, but so is maple syrup. A few people reccomend honey, but some don’t. I guess it’s really up to ourselves. :) Yay, don’t you love choices? Hope the agave works…cause you don’t want to die. :)
I’ll try to report my going off of this thing…weaning myself back to foods.