Juicing kale

I just got a new juicer and was wondering what techniques you guys use to juice kale. I know the stalks are supposed to be hard to digest. But do you juice the entire thing? Stalk and all?


  • germin8germin8 Raw Master

    How about high-speed blender instead? I don’t have a fancy juicer that presses juice out of greens… but, yes the entire leaf is good. We blend ours in a smoothie. Or make a kale salad removing the vine… and we blend the vines in our smoothies the next day with other greens.

    I’m curious to hear how other people get rid of the fiber by juicing their greens.

  • When using my juicer I put the entire leaf in. But when I use my blender I rip the leaves off each side of the stem (I use 2 leaves), add a banana, apple juice and yogurt. Love it!

  • I juice whole leaves of kale with a Champion. I then run the pulp through with a fleshy item like Burdock root or an apple to give the juicer an opportunity to extract every last bit of green.
    As a warning, juicing the tough stem of Kale gives a much more bitter juice. While it IS better for you (bitter is almost always better) you may want to just juice the leafy portion until you acclimate to the bitterness.

  • Thnx for all the suggestions guys. I did juice the whole kale piece leaf & Stem. It didn’t come out too horrible because I put carrots in as well. But it was definitely bitter. I think I will just juice the leaves until I get used to it as suggested. I just got a new juicer so I was a bit too excited. Ha

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