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I live in Massachusetts and don’t know any rawfoodists personally. I know there’s a potluck advertised at the health food store so I’m not alone!
I only know other raw-fooders online, unfortunately. So 0 here, too. What would we all do without the internet?
hey sabriya! I’m either moving to Columbia SC or Tucson in a few months. Probably Columbia. I move to Columbia we should meet somewhere.
Only know you guys! Never met any raw foodists in the North East of England!
Benny! There are no veg restaurants in town, but we also have Earthfare, but there is a smaller place I go to that has fabulous produce and even a few raw desserts for sale. There is another larger store with all sort of raw breads and snacks and stuff, because I heard the manager is raw. Unfortunately, our farmers market involves driving up and down a warehouse with your car and occasionally yelling out the window, “HOW MUCH IS YO WATAMELONS!!”
Ashtangi108, I am also a huge Atlanta fan, and going there this weekend with the express purpose of eating! They have a couple of raw restuarants and there is even raw food van where you can order online and have it delivered within city limits! I am about 80% raw, so there are so many more options in Atlanta! Columbia on the other hand…. have you been here before?
Ummm..none? Darn shame too b/c I live in NY, NY. I think I converted a few people to “semi-veg.” (pescatarians?) but I know no real vegans or raw foodists. Which let me tell you kind of is a bummer.
I know I know I should do the potluck thing but I am so busy.
Hey sabriya! yeah, I have been to Columbia to visit. The fact is that I am intentionally moving to either Columbia or Tucson for my job soon. You know that in my neighborhood in ATL I have farmers markets with every kind of produce, so I have yet to make it to the raw restaurants, except R Thomas downtown (and it only has raw selections, not totally raw). I’m also about 80%. I really do this because it feels good, not to define some sense of who I am or anything like it you know, so I’m at peace with my degrees of rawness. Any way where is this place you speak of in Columbia with great produce & raw deserts? Is it the Rosewood?
I have a lot of vegan friends, but I don’t know any raw foodies( except you guys :)
I’m in Chicago and don’t know any.
I personally have know a few. I know a family who is mostly raw (the father and his two kids) but a few years ago they moved out west. The son remains still in NY, who is completely 100% raw. My yoga teacher is 100% raw and so is his yoga teacher. My man was 100% for several months also.
Benny & sabriya, isn’t there a Raw restaurant just outside of Charleston called “Sprout”?
Yeah, Sprout is the place I was referring to (guess I didn’t mention the name). I wouldn’t call it a restaurant, really; it’s not exactly a sitdown place. They make smoothies and juices and have stuff like tortilla chips, sunburgers, salads, and deserts—it seems like a cool place, but I prefer my homemade stuff. One of the awesome things I’ve learned being raw is that I can make most everything I enjoy right in my kitchen—it’s a great day to be raw:D
Wow! A real honest to goodness raw food joint?! I had no idea! Benny, I am with you on the preferring to prepare food in my own kitchen, but one thing I miss about being raw in SC is just the go-out-and-grab-a-meal-ability that Americans are so accustomed to. Of course for us, grabbing and apple and a banana IS grabbing a meal! Ashtangi108, Rosewood is where I go every single day! But 14 Carrots is the place with all the raw prepared foods. There is a lady who does potlucks sometimes too, but I guess maybe we could have one too! Everybody else! It just makes me that much more appreciative of this site, it is truly our only contact with other rawfooders, at least for most of us!
Yeah, even though I know a few people who I would classify as raw foodies, only a couple of them are 100 %, and they are the ones I don’t live near. This site is awesome for support!
I know none either in terms of “friends” but I was lucky enough to meet Chris Carlton and Zoe who both post on here. Im in an alternating spiral of veggie/vegan/raw! I forget how great raw is when I come off it. I live in North West England where is it usually wet and cold. I know a few veggies and several of the kids I teach are veggie.
sabriya- hey! I will know soon if I’m moving to Columbia or not- actually in about 2 weeks. I didn’t find 14 Carrots when I went to visit. It sounds YUMMY. I hope I make it to SC!
None :( Everyone thinks “I’m crazy” Anyone else in NoVA??
Don’t know any raw foodies. Have a few vegetarian friends but no vegans.
Ashtangi108- well if you move to SC, I will me happy to show you 14 Carrots and introduce you to the lady who has a raw meal catering service, and has the potlucks, just let me know if you are interested and I will give you my email address.
Whenever I tell anyone I know that I've gone Raw they look at me like I'm Nutz... So I don't know of anyone besides myself Here In New Orleans Which is a pretty backwards city anyway... Hell, they still Flouridate the water here... In fact our Know It All Governor Bobby Jindel has mandated and passed a law that says that every city in Louisiana is to be Flouridated... However, Lafayette, LA is fighting that Asinine(def-Devoid of intelligence) law...(Good For Them). If my kids weren't here and If I could Sell my House I would Be out of here like a shot... www.FlourideAlert.Org
I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, which is full of vegetarians and vegans, as well as lots of raw foodists (at least there are a few raw restaurants). I don't know anyone else who is raw, and I'm not 100% raw either, as I still eat some cooked veggie soups, beans, and winter squash.
I have many friends who are vegetarian though, and supportive of my lifestyle and love it when we have raw potlucks.
I've also recently joined a raw meet-up group in my area, but haven't gone to the first meeting yet.
We know of 4 others not including ourselves although we are struggling thru having some cooked vegan meals lately with all the cold rainy weather here in NorthWest Wasington By the border so hello raw Canadians!
Planning a raw food potluck sometime this month with others interested in our area.
my only raw food friend lives in boulder, I live in upstate NY..
We're in Alaska, all five of us. That's my husband, my kids and I. : ) Other than that, I don't know anyone I've met, though my dear email friend Wendy in Texas is just starting a 3 week raw challenge.
Two of my kids have joined me eating 100% raw (except when we fall off the wagon--something that happens all to frequently!). We're in Edmonton
I'm in Phoenix, AZ and I only met two at a farmer's market a couple months back, but how raw they are (%) I don't know. No one else I know is interested in raw or let alone at least a vegetarian. But my boyfriend does love the raw desserts I make and green smoothies :)I would love to meet more raw foodies as it gets lonely feeling your the only one!
I am in Columbia, South Carolina. I just moved here a few months ago. I don't know any raw foodists, but I would love to meet some!
I am in Toronto, and though I know of thousands of raw foodists (you guys) and a few that I communicate with - until I went to my first raw food meetup (Durham), I had never met a raw-fooder in the flesh (bad choice of words, I know).
so - my number is three people: Jenny, Vaughn and their three year-old son, who's also raw.
raw_mama - is that Nova Scotia? I have often thought that it'd be really difficult (or expensive) to be raw in colder or desert-type climates. Someone earlier mentioned Alaska.
Shout out to Nova Scotia if that's where you are (raw_mama). An shout out to Birmingham too - I used to live in Sheffield (England) before moving go Toronto, and (if had had been raw-minded at the time), I would have found it quite difficult, I think.