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Improve my shake?

Ok, let me start off by saying I’m not a raw foodist, but I do want to start incorporating raw foods into my diet. Therefore I want to ‘raw’ my protein shake. Any ideas for making this healthier? I am looking to add more/better enzymes and/or amino acids. I want to keep the flax in there (to get my omega-3’s), but I would even be willing to replace the protein powder with a raw option if it provided as much protein and not too much more fat.

2 heaping tbsp. rice protein powder / 2 cups kale/spinach / 1 cup soy milk / 1 medium/large banana / 1tbsp agave / 2tbsp flax seeds

Directions: Blend everything together Nutrition: 513 cals, 21f, 55c, 30p, 5f (37-39-24)

Thanks in advance for anyone that has some ideas!


  • Here’s my favorite milk shake:

    1/2 cup raw almonds, soaked overnight

    1/2 cup raw brazil nuts, soaked overnight

    3-4 cups clean water

    4 tablespoons maple syrup or raw agave nectar

    seeds from 1/2 vanilla bean

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Add 1/4 cup frozen strawberries for a strawberry shake, or 1-2 tablespoons raw cocoa powder. Blend everything in a vita-mix until smooth. Strain through a nut milk bag.

    By the way, soy milk is not raw, so you might want to leave it out depending. Hope this recipe helps!

  • newbienewbie Raw Newbie

    everything you have in your recipe sounds raw, except the rice protein powder and soy milk. suggest substituting fresh hemp seeds for protein powder and fresh nut mylk for the soy.

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    Nutribiotic makes a raw protein powder, vegan and soy-free. I would get rid of the soy milk and add almond or seed milk or water.

  • Thanks to everyone for all the replies! Where would I get raw almond milk?

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    You have to make your own almond milk. Soak almonds over-night and blend with water and pour the mix through a nut milk bag or sieve, I bought a bunch of raw almonds before the mandatory pasteurization. You have to be careful of the source to get trully raw ones now. You can make nut or seed milk with a wide variety in the same way. I think that just adding water to the shake would work just as well, especially since you include a banana.


  • You can make it!!! Just blend up soaked almonds with water and than strain it threw a cheesecloth. If you don’t have a cheese cloth i just use clean panty hose…just don’t plan on wearing the panty hose again ;)

  • alpdesignsalpdesigns Raw Newbie

    I hope you didn’t wear them first!

  • newbienewbie Raw Newbie

    also, consider just making hemp seed mylk – that way you can take care of the super protein and liquid that you want for consistency. since the hemp seeds are so soft, you won’t need to soak them and they blend up easier than large nuts, like almonds.

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