The Rawtarian Community
The Rawtarian Community is one of the largest online raw food communities. In addition to this community forum, you can browse and search thousands of community recipes added by over 5000 talented Rawtarian Community members just like you!
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I’m nowhere near michigan but it’s all in the same country right? haha
Hey! I’m a Michigander too!
Hey there! I’m from Michigan too! Originally from the Newaygo area, than Mt. Pleasant and Lansing, now I’m living around the border near Toledo in Lambertville. What areas are you all from? It’s good to know there are others in Michigan. I have not yet found any raw food people in my own area.
I live a world away … in Canada. However, I’m minutes from the Detroit-Windsor border. There’s a cafe in Windsor that offers living foods cuisine on Wednesday evenings. I’m keen to try it out. If you’re not too far away, consider crossing the border to meet up for a raw restaurant experience. You might want to have a look at this site to learn about fellow raw Michiganders:
I'm in Michigan also - right across from Canada, I can see it out my front window. Welcome to this forum!
Hey, Rawlinda Sue! Whereabouts are you? I'm 10 minutes from the Ambassador Bridge. We almost have enough people for a raw meetup sometime.
Finally someone else from Michigan! doesn't seem to be a lot of raw-fooders around here...