My dad is always worried guys =/ so i need some help and recommendation on how to eat...
right now im doing P90X and im a month into it. im fine just sleep alot. my dad says my bod is healing ha. idk. after words i plan on doing boxing regularly and playing soccer a couple times a week.
But he worries about protien. i only eat eggs and i hardly eat dairy. my dad wants me to eat chicken but really i cant see myself ever eating it again... so i just stick to eggs for some protein for now.
my meals during the week consist of
a few pieces of fruit for breakfast
fruit for snack
mixed green salad w/ boiled eggs, avocado, cucumbers etc.
then dinner varries but every week we eat beans, letel beans, and eggs once
any suggestions. i dont have much variety which i kno i probably the biggest problem. i just fall into a patern and get comfratable with it. =] help is greatly appreciated
Try some hemp protein powder in a green smoothie. I have one everyday and change the types of greens I put in. I am doing P90X as well and am having no problem building muscles and I have plenty of energy. Hemp protein is the only concerted effort I make to get extra protein as I am 100% Raw. Try it out and see if it works for you.
Nutiva makes a great hemp protein and it's really affordable. You can get it on auto-ship on Amazon for cheap. Here's a link:
i get my protein from leafy greens, non-sweet fruits, other vegetables, and sweet fruits. all you have to do is eat enough calories.
YOU don't need the answer here.
Sounds like daddy-boy needs to do some research - he seems to know very little about diet, whole-foods healthy living.
Kwashiorkor is a disease where the body lacks protein. Most people have never heard of it, because it is very rare in this country. This disease mostly flourishes in continents like Africa, where the majority of the population lives in poverty. This disease can only appear in individuals (mostly children) who do not eat, or eat very little because there is a lack of food. My point is, protein exists in every food. It is almost impossible to not get enough protein in this country. As a matter of fact. We as a country are eating too much protein. The fact that protein only exists in animal products is a myth thought up by the meat and dairy industries so that they continue to be in business. To get enough protein, just eat...that is all. Sounds wiered, but it is very true. Chances are slim to none that you will ever develop Kwashiorkor.
It's true. I got blood work done after about a month of being fruitarian! That means no greens. I had also been 99% raw for months before that. My protein levels were great and my iron was off the charts.
Yeah, I'd say the dad as the burden of proof since he's the one trying to change your diet and he's teh one making claims that he can't back up.
Everything, that would fall under a raw food diet, has protein. One itty-bitty cup of watermelon has a gram of protein. A small 5 1/4 inch honeydew melon has 5 grams of protein.
Have your dad, with you, wander around on Put in anything you can think of and just try to find a *natural* *whole* food that does not have protein!
(edited for typo)