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  • I like to dip them in a mixture of avocado, cocoa with a bit of agave. oooo chocolate is a FAB!
  • signed!!
  • Wheat grass, still green but sweeter not so bitter either way I would suggest chasing your shot down quickly with an orange slice to get the tast out of your mouth,
  • When I am 100% raw for the week my cost is half of what I spent on SAD. But then I do not use alot of nuts and seeds, they are for special and occasional use. I do use alot of avacados tho. And I dont have access to much that is organic, I buy what …
    in Grocery Bills Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • I understand where you are coming from. Family can be such a pain in more ways than one. Mine Even tho you can tell I am breathing better and the color in my face ( after years of them complaining about me) my weight is finally up to normal ( they u…
  • The dressing I use most often because it is so easy Berry Simple Dressing 1 cup of mixed berries juice from one lemon 8 soaked dates combine in Blender adding the soaking (dates) water as needed for the consistancy you like
    in Salad Dressings Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • Ok I made it three days and was sooo weak I had to start on the oranges just to move today I went to a store in Madison, wi, and OMG I thought I was in produce heaven!! It was so hard to pick from everything the had it was wonderful it took everythi…
    in Water Fast Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • day 2 I am not sure yet how long yet everyhing I have read so far says it differs for each person and I only weight 128lbs but need to unload all the toxins for my asthma to go away. I want to at least go 5days hope I can more if able. i did the mas…
    in Water Fast Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • Would love to hear what others experienced during a fast. thanks
    in Water Fast Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • I have looked into this and it has been pasterized so it is not raw and all the rules of damage from being cooked apply here. Is it good for you? I would say no. Is it ok to drink it? Well that would be up to you on how raw you are and if you are wi…
  • SimplyRaw, Thanks for the kind words!!! Thanks for the info I Will give this a try when I get home in July. We have fallen off the raw wagon lately. with Relatives dying and other stresses but I have been reading and looking at the new reciepes to g…
  • wow this is a great thread, so much info, makes me wish i was spending more time at home. my parents always had huge gardens but like others i was young and did not appreciate it. so i did not try to learn anything. Had a vegy garden for two yeai rs…
  • YEAH WATERBABY!!!!!!!! Thanks for that great post!! having asthma and being told by my holistic lady that I was extremely low on minerals, I know the importantance of sea salt, I wont ever let that go. It has improved my life so much and brought me …
    in Salt and Pepper Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • Your body needs salt in order to properly process the water. Are you eating enough with sodium in it? otherwise add some sea salt to your diet. without the proper salt to water ratio you could hurt yourself. so don't skip the salt unless you are get…
  • Well good news Molly is safe and has a new friend a steer at the place where she is staying, From what I gathered from the report it is a organic farm, they do fruit and vegies so no chance of slaughter!!! they have taken in unwanted animals before …
  • Yeah, baby cow!!! Glad he will probably get to live. the sad part is everything that has happened to him in his little life. the things they do for veal. Hope someone makes it up to him and treats him right maybe reverse the harm done like to his li…
  • I have been no poo since the middle of 2008 and all is well, when I am at home I rinse my hair daily with water so it is always great. but out here on the road i do have to go a few days between so I use a ACV rinse each time. Hardly ever use baking…
    in No Poo Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • Ok that was so hard that I admit I cheated on it and looked it up. I would never have figured it out on my own. So I will not post the answer so that someone else can have fun with it. Every time I thought I had it then every thing would fall apart.…
    in Brain Teaser Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • is it www, world wide web????????????
    in Brain Teaser Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • www.freecycle.org this is the link to freecycle just type in your city and state you may have one in your are . here you can give things you dont need and get things you do all for free.
  • I have a lot of floaters but that is not the same thing as the glitters I only saw them once when I was hiking up a hill and my asthma kicked in. Instead of reaching for the inhaler I decided to try a breathing exercise and then i saw them. They rem…
  • I feel for ya! I have always HATED salads and not big on most fruit either. So yea it was rough in the beginning for me also. But good news here, you get a NEW set of taste buds every 10 DAYS and they form around what ever you are eating so if you c…
  • I do not use shampoos and conditioners anymore but the dandruff being little or worse depends on what i am eating. I do use a apple cider vinegar rinse and that works wonders. I rinse my hair pour on the acv/water mix (i do not measure just kind of …
    in Dandruff Comment by Blue_Eyes
  • Sorry, I just saw that this topic was already brought up. guess i got to excited and should have looked first!!
  • They are either "catching on" OR 'what is the catch'?????
  • I am now 45 but I had bad acne when I was your age on up to about 4 years ago. For me cutting out gluten and dairy was magic!!! Now I only break out if I slip and eat it or some detox brings it back a little (you detox thru your skin also) I hope yo…
  • sorry carnap, I just dont know how to take you, your comments on other threads confuse me on what you are really about. they just dont seem to stay on the same track.
  • YES vegan2raw, you beat me to it. That was what I was thinking when I read that.
  • ok after reading the comments on here I had to go and watch it. those kids seemed perfectly normal kids to me. They were playing music come on they are pretty smart girls. they were being asked questions and to me they did a great job about being fi…
  • Would also love to meet some raw foodist there. If anyone is interested.