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  • I’ve got like that after drinking nut milk with cacao before. I’ve quit nuts now and it doesn’t happen any more. If I get a nausea feeling with anger, I always put it down to a stressed out liver, so I have no fat, but maybe just juiced greens, grap…
  • Hi ejowett, sorry to hear that you’ve been having such a hard time. When you go raw you have to quit eating food for comfort/emotional reasons, which isn’t easy at the best of times, let alone when you’re ultra stressed. Give yourself a break, you’l…
  • drinking lots of juice, green juice like cucumber and celery will help to fill you up and satisfy you too.
  • Hi There, Do you eat much seaweed? The really gorgeous seaweeds, like my favourite sea spaghetti, can satisfy a fish craving pretty well. I eat it with creamy pesto sauce, it is so dense and nutritious. Raw nori, dulse, kelp are all great too. If yo…
  • Achy feelings can come from your blood being full of the toxins that you’re eliminating. Try and move around a bit, and if you’re not up to doing that get a kind soul to give you a massage. It will help to flush your system. Drink plenty of water, l…
    in Painful Detox? Comment by Zoe
  • You can use them to make pate, burgers, cheese, etc in fact any recipe that has nuts or seeds in it you can use the hemp seeds in instead/or as well as them.
  • Thanks Mon, I think I will. I’m planning on a tour of Eastern raw restaurants ;)
  • wow I just looked at their menu, it looks amazing. I’ll be living in Staunton, Virginia soon, is that a drivable distance??
  • One of the main features of being raw is that you do get the maxium amounts of nutrients out of your food – compared to a cooked diet. Aside from the B12 issue, you should be able to get everything you need from a raw vegan diet, and your ability to…
  • Lara bars aren’t raw because they use nuts that aren’t truly raw. But some people don’t mind and eat them seeing them as a lesser evil than a Snickers bar Check out The Dead Food List for some more of those dodgy items ;)
  • I was a life time coffee drinker too, and it took me ages to quit, I just couldn’t see how I would possibly function without it. Luckily I quite and found out it wasn’t such a big part of my personality after all! I didn’t have any bad withdrawals b…
    in I Give up! Comment by Zoe
  • Sprouted beans can be a bit nasty, although some people say they can do them and they’re delicious. I’ve never managed it, I stick to sprouting sunflower seeds. It sounds like you’re in need of a few recipes, there’s plenty to try on this site. You …
  • simplyraw – check out Louise Hay, she has a book that is a dictionary type thing of diseases, organs etc and what they mean on an emotional level
  • Liver is linked to depression in natural health terms isn’t it? Sounds like you had something old raked up there from the detox. I have found myself remembering sad things from decades ago when detoxing, especially fasting. I did the liver flush and…
  • Hi Marianne, great to meet you. Also good for you finding a nutritionist who recommends raw food! Looking forward to seeing what you come up with ;)
    in Hello from London, UK Comment by Zoe
  • I started cutting them out when I researched them and found that they weren’t always raw. First macadamias went, then brazils, then almonds, and finally walnuts and pine nuts. And I feel better for it, the food tastes just fine as I use sunflower sp…
  • victoria boutenko does/did wedding catering, it says in one of her books that she catered a wedding of SAD people and they loved the food, but no-one knew that all the food was raw. She told them at the end, how inspirational ;)
    in Raw wedding Comment by Zoe
  • This topic makes me that meat and dairy is subsidised and fruit and veg isn’t. Not many people would be able to afford meat if it was priced at how much it truly costs. And if fruit and veg was subsidised to the extent that meat and dairy is, then l…
    in broke and going raw? Comment by Zoe
  • my friend suffers with this. When she comes and stays and is fed 100% raw all er symptoms are gone in about 2-3 days. Then she goes back to her normal life and it all goes back to ‘normal’. We have tried all we can to help her go raw, but now I am j…
    in IBS anyone??? Comment by Zoe
  • The China Study is meant to be good, it has got decades of research into veganism and protein.
  • there are nutrients and enzymes in good quality leuttice. Maybe not ice bergy but the other types are good. It’s nice to mixe up and experiemnt with greens, it can be suprising. Try mint which is great with cucumber and celery juice. Or put sprouts …
  • that is so interesting thanks germin8!
  • My current fave comfort food is avocado, green apple, basil and a garlicky/mayonaise type sauce. I make the sauce with sunflower seed sprouts, garlic, acv, lemon juice, dates and salt. Could wrap it in a leuttice leaf. Sometimes I put loads of curry…
  • I get itchy spots on my feet and ankles when I excercise and I believe it is old stuff being raked up by the excercise. And I’ve been 100% for 3 1/2 years. I also feel my bone structure in my face shifting and changing, it is so weird…you can see on…
  • Yes she came to stay with us and she showed me how to warm the bees. It was amazing. The same girl had two cats who ran away from home when she moved house. She thought they were gone forever, then one day she heard a miow at the back door and there…
  • I think there should be more education to the consumer about the bad bee keepers, the en mass bee farms, coz they are the ones that are a problem. Like you say, there are Lovely bee keepers who have amazing relationships with their bees, and these p…
  • maybe she wrote that book before raw choc was available. I meet loads of raw fooders that are avid herbal teas drinkers. Personally I Love my green juice, that is my cup of tea, My body temp is so stable that I don’t normally feel the cold. I walk a…
    in Tea and Chocolate Comment by Zoe
  • They can’t be raw if they don’t sprout. Or is there any other processing aside from heat that would cause them to not be able to sprout?
  • oooh OK, Snickerdoodles it is then ;) I was just looking at them. Poemm is so generous to give us all these amazing recipes!
  • I have been checking out her lovely recipes but I haven’t tried any yet, what do you guys think I should try first?