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  • Here's the link to a GoneRaw search for 80/10/10 aka 811. There are a LOT of threads that discuss this topic. You might want to just look at the ones with either 80/10/10 or 811 in the topic. A Google search will also get you to a website that is ex…
  • You might want to Google this question to get a more in depth answer, but it is my understanding that you can only get them raw if you are in the Amazon Rain Forest. The berries go rancid very quickly, so shipping them fresh / raw is not possible. A…
  • Anyone have suggestions?
    in Simple Bread Comment by emtpdmom
  • Interesting reading. Thank you for supplying the link. Sis
    in Organics 101 Comment by emtpdmom
  • Carrie -- Sorry to hear you have not been well. I missed your post, or would have bumped it to the home page much sooner. I hope you have found some relief and are feeling better. Did you find a remedy without resorting to traditional medication?
  • My pleasure.
  • Soak and then try to sprout. If they sprout, they're raw. For soaking and sprouting information, check the threads. There are quite a few on these topics. You might also check out www.sproutpeople.com. They are experts on sprouting information.
  • From first hand experience, I can attest to the painful nature of shingles. I had them on my scalp. The pain, which for me came as a sharp, stabbing sensation, with almost rhythmical regularity (about every 5 to 10 seconds), was literally knee-buckl…
    in Shingles Comment by emtpdmom
  • Mikfizzle, I can only tell you what I do, and am quite comfortable with. My first preference is always herbs picked fresh from my container herb garden. I also dry some of my own herbs. If I don't have what I need in the garden, I try to buy fresh o…
    in Craving Salt Comment by emtpdmom
  • I think I'd be a bit cautious about drinking from a metal straw from 7-11. My guess is that a straw that came with a slurpee would be made from the cheapest materials available. Have you checked to see what metals are in the straw?
  • All I know is that she gardens during the summer and dehydrates a LOT of what she grows. They tend to sail during the fall and winter, and she says fresh veggies are too expensive at the ports, so she uses what she dehydrates (and sometimes pulveriz…
  • I've not personally done the dehydrated ingredients for reconstituted soups. I do, however, have a friend who spends a good bit of time on a yacht and she dehydrates veggies to use in soups all the time. Sometimes she leaves them in pieces; sometime…
  • I should have suggested this instead of my "bump" but was a bit too sleepy and not thinking clearly. There are at least 2 recent threads that discuss raw when out with nature . . . one about a canoe trip and another on camping / hiking. And a lot of…
  • Good morning, Ginny, and welcome to Gone Raw. It's exciting to see medical professionals join in. I was excited when you mentioned your blog, but, alas I can't find it. Might I suggest that you enter your blog URL on your user profile? It would make…
    in 1 year high raw Comment by emtpdmom
  • We actually had the option to add pictures to a recipe for a while. They did a major upgrade to the system about 6 months ago and we got a lot of new features. Unfortunately, we lost the option to add photos to another user's recipe. Lots of users w…
  • There are a number of suggestions on this thread: http://www.goneraw.com/forum/ladys-only-please
  • I've read a few comments where people were somewhat successful at using an oven. It's my understanding that most ovens will not hold consistently at a low enough temperature to remain raw. Some suggestions / comments to check and see if your oven mi…
  • Zinfandel -- I don't know your reason for wishing to delete your account, but I do know if you choose to leave our "family" you will be missed. I enjoy reading your comments, and really would hate to see you go. Might you reconsider?
  • I do not think it is possible to delete an account. Someone last year asked the same question, and was not able to do so. It is possible to delete all the information from your profile, except your signon and the date you joined. Beyond that, I don'…
  • Jenoz -- Would you mind telling us which model food processor you use.
  • Annalea -- I don't personally have a food processor. I'm a family of one (plus a pooch), so slicing and dicing is not a major time consumer. But, I have thought about getting a FP for when I need to prepare for a large group. This will bump your thr…
  • Interesting question Pixx. I soak, sprout (to about a quarter inch) and then dehydrate sunflower seeds all the time, and love the flavor and crunch . . . but are they still live? I'll have to experiment after summer school is over. Shazam, there was…
  • Pixx -- Is your "Ginger Snap" recipe posted here on GoneRaw? I tried a search, but didn't find it. If it's not here, how 'bout posting it (even if it's just bananas and ginger) with proportions so it's readily available in the recipe files. I LOVE g…
  • Sorry I didn't see this earlier. I took a raw food class (one day) at the co-op and really enjoyed it. It wasn't as fancy as the one you're taking today, but was beneficial for me. Please share with us how the class went. Did you enjoy it? Would you…
  • Nefertiti666, I agree and may give it a try in the near future. If you try it, do let us know what you think.
  • Raw Divas current Newsletter includes a recipe for natural deodorant. Scroll down a little less than half way for the directions. http://www.healthinhighheels.com/
  • I use baking soda as a body scrub, and always make sure to scrub my pits well. Then I rinse and pat dry. No odor. On the rare occasions when that is not sufficient . . . like when I've eaten something other than raw vegan the day before . . . I use …
  • I've been using the salt crystal for about 3 years. Still have the original stick, and love it.
  • Waterbaby -- Your trail mix combination sounds wonderful. It's a shame that it will be "lost" here in the forums. I think most people search for recipes in the recipe section only. As a result, lots of good ideas go unnoticed. Why not make a batch a…