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  • Yes, I agree excercise is very good for your circulation and helps you get warm. Ginger tea can work wonders too. It’s interesting because I’m quite the opposite, people are cold when I feel warm. Maybe it is just me, but when I eat more salt it see…
  • Until now I was working at this easter, so I didn’t have to attend anything thank God. It is GREAT that your mother Had this fantastic idea replacing the usual chocolate basket with a fruit one. Real traditions are what we make for ourselves! Regard…
    in Easter Comment by flybaby
  • Then I don’t understand rawclaire why did you appologise if you don’t want to take the blame! Your posts are totally contradicting!!!
    in I'm Sorry :) Comment by flybaby
  • Maybe they are too old, if they are too old it sometimes happens. The best is to buy them in a busy place, where the turnaround of goods is quick. If you buy them from those big bags from your hfs, it sometimes happens that they are too old, because…
  • Congratulations you have living sprouted oats! They are DEFINITELY raw. I didn’t managed to sprout even the ones labelled raw sprouting oats:(
  • I have tried it 2 times and it reaqlly works!!! If I had enough money for everything I want, I would buy one.You feel fantastic afterwards. But gypsycowgirl is right, you should replace your electrolytes after the bath with some natural supplement a…
    in detox foot bath Comment by flybaby
  • Yeah, Winona is right, these debates or informetions about the non raw ingredients are because to warn others that certain ingreds are not raw, but these are not intended to offend anyone, having all the information everyone can make their own choic…
    in Worried... Comment by flybaby
  • Adensspell, I was about 85 percent raw for quite a long time, now about 95, and I love using spices onions and garlic. Carrots are the best for carotin if you don’t have access to superfoods, like goji berries!!! and they contain a lot of other valu…
    in Worried... Comment by flybaby
  • It is totally normal if you have a low body fat percentage! The same for me, my period lasts for only 1 or 2 days if there’s any.
  • David Wolf is right flax, hemp and pumpkin seeds are very important to eat regaularly. Flax because of its omega3, hemp for the same, it has the ideal balance of omega6 and omega3, all essential amino acids and a perfect immmun stimulant, and pumpki…
  • I’m 0 type and according to the blood type theory I should eat meat and such, but I’m perfectly well on a raw vegan diet and I didn’t have any meat craving since I’m vegetarian.
  • My fav is Alnatura, it’s a german company. Their EVOO is very delish and not too expencive, I love it! Plus it is’s in a glass.
    in Favorite EVOO Comment by flybaby
  • Yeah, the thing I love in raw foods is that they are super easy and quick to make and taste gorgeous! Hummus is a good idea or you could make some guacamole or salsa. These are gret appetisers on raw crackers. For dessert make some raw chocolate! Pe…
  • I ate 1 tbsp flaxoil and about 3-4 tbsp of ground flax daily and it worked wonders to my eczema!
    in Eczema Comment by flybaby
  • Zoe, my father grows tomatoes in a greenhouse and I guess they have a lot of pesticides in them, there are a lot of big bags of chemicals in our backyard…
    in Choosing Organic Comment by flybaby
  • I’m happy, because I have found a company who says their sun-dried olives are dried at 25-30 degrees celsius!
  • Yeah it is a good question, sometimes certain dried food are labelled sun dried because it sounds good, be careful and look into it, search on the internet or call the company.
  • Well regarding tomatoes, research, read the labels as pianissima said, have a look at the companie’s website or call them. I’m so happy because I recently found a company what makes raw, organic sun-dried tomatoes. It is called Seeberger. Where do y…
  • Yumm, I love peanut butter!
    in Raw Peanuts? Comment by flybaby
  • Yes, I agree with winsome aloe vera is great! You can eat it internally as well. For me flaxoil and a lot of flaxseeds vere the solution for my skin problem. My skin had rashes all over my hands, the back of my knees and elbows. It was soo itchy tha…
  • Well, if it is enough food or not it largely depends on your activity level. If you want to gain weight you should do some weight training. High calorie raw foods include: nuts and seeds, avocado, coconuts, oils (olive, flax, hemp etc), olives, drie…
  • First they may not know that this is not raw! I didn’t know either and it is soo annoying!!! I love spices and I use tumeric quite often. Second because not everybody wants to be 100% raw. I’m about 95%, so I Don’t cook anything, just use spices, te…
    in Turmeric? Comment by flybaby
  • For low estrogen try flaxseed, because it is very high in phytoestrogens, which has the same effect as estrogen hormones.
  • apple seeds are very high in iodine and other minerals too!!! Apricot seeds had been said to be poisonous too, but now they are regarded as a natural relief for cancer.
    in Apples... Comment by flybaby
  • Limelady, it is a good idea to keep all the grocery receipts, I do the same. It is an easy and great way to monitor how much you spend!
  • Careful oats do contain gluten, i they are not specifically grown! Here’s a link about that: http://glutenfreeindy.com/contamination/oats.htm
    in Oatmeal Comment by flybaby
  • I also freeze them in whole! Did you know that freezing some liquid uses much more energy than freezing some solid things? I’m all for environment protection!
    in Freezing greens Comment by flybaby
  • I am freezing greens too, it is a good way to preserve their nutrients and I agree it is way better then throwing them out!
    in Freezing greens Comment by flybaby
  • For the flaxseeds I’m sure that no limitation would be needed, but for the coconut oil I think it is the same as the other fats( some kind of limitation should be applied), as it contains saturated fats.
  • I think flaxseeds no way make you gain weight!!! I don’t know about the coconut oil, but I also heared that they aid the weight loss.