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  • congrats about finding something that works for you. i think a lot of people feel really at home with the 80/10/10 diet. i feel that it is the best diet for healing many afflictions. i used to have really really bad candida and now at 4 months on 80…
  • i would definitely recommend checking out the 80/10/10 diet by dr. graham. people who follow this diet can be found at 30bananasaday.com. High fruit low fat is in my opinion, the way to go :)
    in Scared Comment by zinfandel
  • either your calories are too low or there is an emotional issue that you used to cover up by eating. cooked foods are addictive, mentally and physically. when we eat raw, the physical addiction isnt being fed, but the mental addiction is still going…
  • I just follow an 811 diet and I don't have to worry about health problems. 811 is the ultimate diet for health and energy, in my experience.
  • to set the record straight, raw food diets are not the CAUSE of iron deficiencies. i was fruitarian for a month and got my iron levels checked and they were above average. hah! if you already have a health imbalance in your body, then that's another…
  • there is a big crowd of raw fooders that just eat fruits and vegetables. and we do fine! you can learn about more options for your raw food journey at www.30bananasaday.com
  • Yep. I know a lady who did nothing but melons for 6 months. She's been fruitarian for 14 years and she's incredibly beautiful inside and out :) very sweet and juicy she is. Banana island is a common one. Mango island, watermelon island, melon island…
  • My body took a couple months to heal itself from dryness. Not only did 811 heal me of IBS and Candida, but it's also healed all of my negative thoughts related to food from past years having an eating disorder. That is invaluable to me.
  • Honey, there is no reason for you to have IBS. If you eat carefully you can never have it again. Stick with monomeals and low fat and you will be free of IBS in now time. Try avoiding acidic fruit during the healing process and you'll be great. Eat …
  • Eat to have smooth digestion, not to numb your emotions. Start taking a good look at your emotions. For perfect digestion try to eat like one would in nature. Eat one fruit per meal and pair it with lighter greens like lettuces. For example I have t…
  • I think having periods indicates the body is unhealthy. In societies close to nature women don't have their periods regularly. Here's an informative blog post on the subject: http://www.debbietookrawforlife.blogspot.com/ I've been raw for a year and…
  • This is a pretty out there opinion, but I think the manner in which we eat affects our energy for the day. I am most able to focus when I don't eat until noon and then eat lower sugar content foods for lunch, higher sugar liek bananas around 3-5 and…
  • definitely happened to me. i dropped about 15 lbs and then went back up to my preraw weight. now i have so little toxins in my body its fabulous.
  • when you quit smoking you will see improvements in your life in ways you didn't even think was possible! letting go of addiction thought patterns means all kind of positive things can come into your life. it is so worth it. so worth it. so worth it.
  • Think about how humans evolved. We evolved in the jungles of Africa- eating fruit and leafy greens. That's about it. Don't knock it till you try it!
  • check your local dollar store. there are some perfectly good items to be found.
  • your stomach acid is probably spiking because you are mixing cooked and raw foods.
  • nothing about that juice makes it good for children- it has been pasteurized! that's pure marketing sucking you in. in my humble opinion, your sister should be drinking the fresh juices because babys get their nutrients through milk. i would definil…
  • Eat more fruit. Not just apples. Oranges, bananas too. Eat less dried fruit. Try more exercise to stimulate appetite.
  • there is no way your candida will survive on 811. i highly recommend getting the book which will address every question you have and much more. i also recommend checking out the 811 forum at www.30bananasaday.com
  • A good way to figure out what foods don't agree with us is by focusing on mono-meals. Meals of just one kind of fruit, specifically. And then when we add other things in we will have a better idea. Proper food combining is also sooo important when i…
  • going on banana island is pretty cool (just bananas+greens)
  • 30bananasaday.com is the 811 forum. maybe you could ask your questions there as well.
  • my dad had knee bursitis and he can run again. he rested it up for a few months. i recommend avoiding running on concrete. it surely isn't entirely natural and it's much harder on the knees than running on grass/ a track. i dont think anybody would …
  • 123 I feel for you about your condition. Have you ever considered getting a consult by Dr. Doug Graham? He has helped thousands of people over 30+ years overcome many conditions. So many people rave about their consults with him and say their lives …
  • one good point that i often fail to remember is ethically for the environment. some people may argue it is okay to kill one animal once in a while but factory farms are entirely unnatural and produce more pollution than all automobiles put together!…
  • go ask the people on 30bananasaday.com if eating a ton of fruit is bad for you... stop worrying and start eating fruit. seriously. no need to suffer.
  • you be better off goign ot your grocery store and just stocking up on delicious fruit fromt he produce section.
  • kind of ODd on bananas today. need to go grocery shopping 10:30: 1 apple 12:00: 1 lb grapes 6 bananas 3:00: 1 lb grapes 4 bananas 5:30: 8 bananas ate celery in my banana smoothies @lulushka- isn't the point of fermenting to have it go moldy? ferment…
  • @appi- a lot of people's digestive systems can't handle the high fat raw. make sure the fat isn't repeatedly causing you tummy aches :) *hugs*