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  • mine start getting red and dry if I don’t get enough greens in…in fact I fixed my chronic dry eye which doctors couldnt explain/didnt see a problem by eating greens…
    in blood shot eyes Comment by Laurlo82
  • TomsMom – It is definitely awesome. I found them on Local Harvest and am so glad I did. I was spending probably $100 a week for less than I am receiving now, definitely. Even better I can tell them what I never want to receive and got to pick a most…
  • I just signed up with an organic farm that delivers weekly for $29 a delivery. At $116 a month I’ll be getting mostly fruit with some leafy greens. My first delivery came yesterday and I received 10 gala apples, 10 pears (2 different types) 3 red be…
  • That is too funny… Hrm.. my mom was born in Canada.. I have family there, think I could dash over the border under the guise of visiting family I have never met before?
  • I cringed when McCain talked about a spending freeze for all but the war and veterans… Yes the budget needs to be lowered but as a teacher I can tell you 80% of my class materials are out of pocket and I can not afford to pick up the last 20…I can b…
  • I have a friend who lives in San Diego, but last time I visited her I hadn’t started my journey towards raw foods… I imagine it’d be no worse there than elsewhere. They have farmers markets and such..
    in San Diego Comment by Laurlo82
  • No help really but I am curious where one finds raw oats?
  • you have to buy it I think.
    in DIVA DETOX DIET Comment by Laurlo82
  • their menu planner lets you eat anything raw so long as its not nuts or avocadoes (fats). Emphasis on smoothies and salads. You can also have lighter fruits..
    in DIVA DETOX DIET Comment by Laurlo82
  • just looked that up tggoesraw – thanks! http://www.goodkarmavegan.com/
  • hrm, there is a market near the improv down town that I think has some more healthy things – but I usually shop at whole foods or trader joe’s myself so I am not 100% on that. Otherwise yeah, mainly asian food places…
  • I do not think we have any raw food places directly in San Jose (where I am actually.) Closest is Berkeley and SF… then Santa Cruz. Though if I’m wrong and anyone knows of a place directly in San Jose I’d be appreciative of the information as well.
  • I still drink tea (though I am not 100% raw) and have no intention to give it up. I buy Numi brand, an organic brand, though I have no clue if it was cooked down or dehydrated. Its the best Ive tasted though so…
    in Is tea ok? Comment by Laurlo82
  • wow jaymz72 …. no thought at all that if women should keep their legs shut men should keep it in their pants? double standard much?
  • Meditating – your post way up there now said everything I was thinking far more eloquently than I have time to type. If I hadn’t already figured out who I was voting for, this post would have made up my mind. There is one issue that has always been …
  • so I tried looking up quantum eating and I see that its a book, but can anyone tell me what exactly its about? thank you.
  • I think it is an amino acid supplement essentially.. though I know it is on the dead food list..
  • Can’t really help you myself as my bm’s (bowel movements) increased from once a week to once a day incorporating more raw foods into my diet. Hopefully someone who can help will come along. screamingherb – bump means Quiora is bumping the topic up s…
    in Fiber Comment by Laurlo82
  • I so want to go one day… looks like it was a fabulous time!
  • I am so glad I never developed a taste for coffee. After watching my parents inability to function before having three heaping cup fulls laden with sugar and cream all my life and tasting its bitterness without the cream and sugar and its icky sweet…
  • I would guess honey, though I suppose it could be agave or yacon syrup too?
    in Sticky Sweetner? Comment by Laurlo82
  • I use raw honey that I bought at whole foods (has a big sticker that says it has not been pasteurized and is local) I heard though that yacon syrup is good but not sure if its raw.
  • I emailed when they were taking e-mails, do I need to fax again?
    in TAKE ACTION! Comment by Laurlo82
  • I am having the same issue with my spirulina (bought it from sunfood) the jars only been out of the cupboard once… ruined an entire smoothie once by adding it, taste wise anyway…
  • madame7 – that is awesome. I know there are lots of farms within an hours drive of me and have thought that I’d love to maybe work at one on weekends… but then I hit the issue of gas costs – ugh. I have found myself just staying close to home and go…
    in Budget Raw Joy! Comment by Laurlo82
  • Hrm, I may need to check out the Mexican markets, I already frequent the Asian market. Last night I went, young coconuts were 89 cents each – I bought five as I love them in my smoothies. They had the big baskets of strawberries for $1.29 each. Prob…
    in Budget Raw Joy! Comment by Laurlo82
  • David Wolfe covered it a bit in his sun food diet success system book… I’ll see if I can find it later. Think he mentioned building up tolerance slowly and only when the sun was rising or setting/rays weren’t that bright…
    in Sun-gazing - Comment by Laurlo82
  • I love maca with bananas, almond butter, and chocolate. It becomes a very thick malt type shake this way. I also will sparingly add it to fruit smoothies, it does not seem to mix well with my greens. as far as libido… I am not sure if it was me comi…
    in Maca recipes? Comment by Laurlo82
  • oranges maybe?
    in getting a cold... Comment by Laurlo82
  • my favorite yoga dvd is Ana Brett and Ravi Singhs Dance the Chakras Kundalini Yoga dvd. Any of their’s are wonderful though.