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  • I know how you are feeling, I've had UTI's and Kidney infections all my life also. I'm 40 now and have finally found a way to control them. I took antibiotics so much that I have severe reactions to them now, breathing problems and such. So I knew I…
  • I guess while eating all that unhealthy food, you'll need all the blessings you can get. I grew up in a Baptist Church and all the potlocks and stuff, so I know all about that. I'm still a christian, but fellow christians have trouble understanding …
  • Thanks for all your support. Sorry that I'm responding late, i had to work the early shift today and then passed out on the sofa. My beginning is kind of bumby. Before I left for work I drank a bluberry- green smoothie and had some crackers and pate…
  • I know what you mean. I had to put mine in the utiliy room and I keep the door closed. Luckily thats enough for us. My moms dehydrator was on the coneccting wall to my sisters room, and she even had her head board on that wall. Anyways, my mom can't…
  • I'm in Berlin and it doesn't snow much. It only gets sloshy. Sometimes we'll end up having black ice, which is lots of fun trying to get to work or whereever. I agree I should get moving, and cross country skiing would fit me more then downhill. I r…
    in I hate winter Comment by aimee
  • thanks for the replys, I'll try them out.
  • Hi teena, I'm in Germany. In Berlin. Where are you at? I'm just starting raw foods and have to slowly incorperate. I've known about it for years, but can't seem to get going.
  • I remember this one guy, he was around 50, but in top shape and very good looking. He had to have his prostate removed, due to "cancer". I was the first in Op to greet him and get him ready, this man was in tears. He kept saying" there goes my life,…
  • Hey sossoco, I'm in Berlin, also. How long have you been raw? I'm just now really starting up. It's hard with kids around that don't have the same motivating factor. I have 2 kids 14and 12.
  • Everytime my not eating meat comes up, Poeple will always say they don't eat very much meat. It's like they suddenly feel bad. But they'll have ham on their sandwiches and fish for lunch and some other type of meat every meal. If they're feeling rea…
    in Work reactions Comment by aimee
  • I get weird looks and comments just saying I'm vegetarien. If I'm caught eating an apple they rave about how healthy I'm eating. I get accused of being "extrem" and I'm only 50% raw. I'm really careful about totaly opening up, because people get all…
    in Work reactions Comment by aimee
  • It looks like I'm going to have to take a week off work and pre-prepare anything I can like raw crackers and bars and burgers, so i have them on hand. I have such a busy work schedule and a long commute. My husband and kids are open to raw food, but…
  • Hi Zoe, I'm in Berlin. Not too many raw people around here either. Did you go to any of the Rohvolution conventions? There is supposed to be one coming up in Berlin in March, which would be great for me, because it's right around the corner. My sist…
    in Heidelberg, Germany Comment by aimee
  • How do I tell in the store if the oat groats are rancid or not. I've bought some soaked overnight and made into raw porridge the next morning and they were bitter. Really disappointing.
  • Hi, I'm a christian and trying to be raw.I'm surprised that there are so many christians.
  • I'm in Berlin, Germany. So many lucky people live in California and other sunny places. Be gratful!