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  • dorian don’t – this is how I felt in the beginning, real noodles!! I have found myself making up the peanut sauce at 9:30 at night just so I can eat it with my noodles for a snack.
    in KELP NOODLES Comment by amysue
  • An hour to dehydrate should be fine, and you might want to stir it up every 20 minutes so the sauce gets distributed. So glad you liked the sauce, although I had nothing to do with it other than loving it. I never would have thought of the fruit ide…
    in KELP NOODLES Comment by amysue
  • The texture changes completely when you warm it in the saucce- not crunchy and wet, more like soft angel hair pasta, like nothing else raw, so really nice. I haven’t noticed any difference in taste between the two different kinds. queenfluff – I got…
    in KELP NOODLES Comment by amysue
  • You may eat more than you plan! When you dehydrate the noodles, not only will they absorb the sauce, they will shrink down quite a bit, so you may need to add some veggies if you’re trying to feed the family. The Peanut Sauce is one of my basics for…
    in KELP NOODLES Comment by amysue
  • These are my new addiction. I love them with the Peanut Dipping Sauce on this site: http://www.goneraw.com/recipes/1127-Peanut-Dipp… I toss it up and then warm it in the deydrator for an hour or less and add chopped cilantro before I eat it. The noo…
    in KELP NOODLES Comment by amysue
  • I like Chris Carlton’s advice, or maybe it was Zoe’s, when you go raw to not worry about sugar or fat, as long as they’re raw. This is really helping me, as I’ve recently gone 100% after a year of 80-90%. Your cravings will likely take a long time t…
  • I would check amazon for books about raw food and read the reviews. Just about all of them will teach you the basics, you just have to find the one that suits you best. There are lots of websites that sell raw food like www.sunfood.com, just not sur…
  • You might have to order them from somewhere like www.sunfoods.com or any other raw food website. My health food store now carries them in all forms.
    in raw cacao Comment by amysue
  • I only eat the whole beans if I’m traveling – I use the powder in smoothies typically. I dip the beans in raw honey and that helps A LOT. I’ve also tucked them into dates if I’m traveling and need a boost.
    in raw cacao Comment by amysue
  • I second the crazy sexy cancer – I saw her on Oprah with Doctor Oz and she was amazing. They were drinking green juices together. I’ve found Victoria Boutenko and Matt Monarch to be the most accessible for me. I haven’t read anything of theirs about…
    in Raw Food Facts Comment by amysue
  • His name wasn’t Wael was it?? That would be funny. We loved our guide too.
  • Wow! That gave me chills. We were at the Aswan Dam in November and NOBODY mentioned that!
  • I was just discussing this with a friend in Canada whose daughter in law is so happy because her neighborhood just dropped their ban on clotheslines. I bought an old fashioned wooden drying rack at a yard sale that I use indoors and it’s so big it h…
    in Energy saving tip Comment by amysue
  • Wow, the videos were great, thank you! Those coconuts look a lot nicer than the ones I’ve been trying to hack into. I will keep trying, although the chef’s knife terrifies me still. mellie-bellie – the serrated knife is clever and new to me – don’t …
  • This has always baffled me – how do you open them??? I’ve watched demonstrations on youtube with a chef’s knife and nearly cut off a finger. Don’t have a cleaver, which seems to work better. On my first one I ended up using a saw which took a good 1…
  • bbcc33 – feeling nostalgic, RAWvolution was my first raw book one year ago today, this being my anniversary. It was like reading another language – dehydrating, soaking, sprouting, so foreign, I couldn’t even begin to make most of the recipes, and a…
    in rawbie Comment by amysue
  • I agree. If there was ever a time to try easy raw it’s summer! There are so many fresh options available and a food processor can do lots for you – pates, pestos, puddings, dips for a little variety. I love blending up fruits, nuts and dates into a …
    in rawbie Comment by amysue
  • Thank you for the julienne peeler idea! I bought some kind of saladacco type thing, can’t remember because I chucked it, I think it was Joyce Chen and my husband and I both battled with it with no success. The julienne peeler looks perfect!
    in spiralizer Comment by amysue
  • Aziah – I love the fridge idea since my daughter is getting so much more independent, she would love to help herself. NonDairyQueen – I LOVED the Brady Bunch picture of your family!! I have a problem recently with my daughter publicly complaining ab…
  • mimo22 – two of my seven year old’s favorites – her favorite breakfast is an apple chopped, mixed with raw almond butter, maple syrup and cinnamon. Her favorite dish to make is salad people from Molly Katzen. Cut up fruit and veg for different body …
  • Favorite summer salad and one of my first “raw” dishes that I loved. When corn is in season slice it off the cob and combine in a bowl with chunks of avocado, tomato, chopped cilantro, lime and salt. It’s ridiculously good.
    in raw corn Comment by amysue
  • Hey Rawcuss! Two suggestions: you can check out Zoe and Chris’s Dead Food List to get an overview of what is truly raw http://purelyraw.com/deadfoodlist.htm It horrified me at first but now I’m at peace with it because you can work up to that. To fi…
    in Hi! Help! Comment by amysue
  • You can also buy sun-dried tomatoes from raw websites so you know where they come from.
  • Glad you’re feeling good again!
    in A Short Sojourn... Comment by amysue
  • My hair is definitely lighter than it has been as an adult, but it could also be that I’m not as afraid of the sun. I still have a gray streak that I’ve had for years, but I’ve heard that genetic premature gray doesn’t change.
  • froemer – I love reading everything I can get my hands on – Matt Monarch, David Wolfe, Gabriel Cousens, Victoria Boutenko, Angela Stokes, Philip McCluskey, Tim VanOrden all inspire me. I pick and choose advice from all of them to fit my needs. And a…
  • Hey Aaron – have you checked out Philip McCluskey at Loving Raw? He’s had amazing weight loss being raw and he seems to be loving life. Good luck!
    in Slowly But surely Comment by amysue
  • That’s brilliant. My daughter would love to check that out being a huge animal lover. Pets are having a tough time, I was aware of the problems with rescuing pets during the flooding in the midwest, but I hadn’t heard of this. Thanks.
  • Ok – good news and bad news. She said they’ve had very little luck finding good healthy food in that area, plenty of diners and lobster shacks. She does remember loving the Belfast Coop, which might be on your way up a couple of hours south, dependi…
  • I will get back to you after I ask my friends who are Acadia regulars…