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  • Take your favorite fruit and eat as much as you can! When your full the cravings go away. As for your eczema and zit problem. Can you tell me what you would eat on an average day?
  • Just because no one has ever had calcium defficiency doesn't mean that they're bones aren't weakened by certain foods.
  • Organic bananas aren't gassed? Maybe its because they're not gassed that they don't ripen the same.
    in bananas Comment by kurite
  • Eat some fatty foods, nuts, olive oil etc....
  • So you can ripen them like any other fruit? How do you know when fully ripe????
    in Persimmons? Comment by kurite
  • Is there other ways? Ive also heard you should do that with vodka to get rid of the bitterness. What does the flour do?
    in Persimmons? Comment by kurite
  • When lettuce is bitter it just means that the farmers let it grow to long. People actually eat young lettuce, as it ages it gets more bitter.
  • Have you been eating a lot of sour fruits? This may be the cause.
  • You cant they lose potency very quickly, Currently they may only be grown in Africa.
  • Its not. You cant eat peanuts raw, they are not even nuts.
    in Underweight Comment by kurite
  • Did you do something that could have spurred this on?
  • The best thing you can do is start slow. At one point in the day instead of picking up potato chips pick up an apple (or any fruit/veggie) and eat it. Do this once a day for a week. Then the next week do this twice per day and go for another week. E…
  • Yep but your not gonna like the answer...consuming meat and whey protein. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2010/02/23/science-finally-reveals-how-you-can-actually-revese-aging.aspx
    in Telomerase Comment by kurite
  • When I play indoor tennis during winter the air inside always gives me very dry skin. If I don't play indoor tennis for a while this problem goes away. So unfortunately you may have to keep using chapstick for a while.
    in Chapped lips Comment by kurite
  • I would cite a website on this issue however its highly debatable and nobody really knows. My own personal theory on it is if you can get fruit with seeds than do simply because its more natural.
    in seedless watermelon Comment by kurite
  • Watermelons are not genetically modified. GM food cant be organic. Its just hybridized, just like 90% of the fruit you eat.
    in seedless watermelon Comment by kurite
  • Chimps aren't vegans either, when they can get meat, they eat it.
  • Are they fresh chives? If they are just wash them. Everything is better organic but its fine if you cant get them.
    in chives Comment by kurite
  • Please just read this http://healthmad.com/nutrition/fat-free-diets-can-be-downright-dangerous/ http://www.dietbites.com/diet-fat-cut.html
    in fat free question Comment by kurite
  • Do not do a fat free diet its dangerous. Look it up on google theres a thousand articles about it.
    in fat free question Comment by kurite
  • I already mentioned that buckwheat is technically not a grain but its nutritionally very similar to grains and not similar to any fruit I know of.
  • Cami in what way is buckwheat nutritionally similar to fruit in anyway? DB, I
  • good advice
  • I would eat nuts over grains any day. Preferably sprouted/soaked but if you don
  • I personally dont believe in 80/10/10 and try to eat plenty of fat. As for buckwheat being a seed...Yes thats true but so is wheat and oats and every cereal grains. They are however almost identical to each other nutritionally and most people consid…
  • Because humans aren't meant to eat grains? http://www.sunfood.net/grains.html
  • Dont go cold turkey or you will fail. I would gradually lower the amount maybe 100 calories every 3-4 days or faster if you can handle it. If you need more calories why not eat nuts and seeds?
  • GC there have been plenty of studies saying that to much fiber does block the absorption of certain nutrients. http://www.faqs.org/nutrition/Erg-Foo/Fiber.html If you don't want to read the whole thing the last paragraph explains more on what im say…
    in How much fibre? Comment by kurite
  • I personally use fruit juices, some of the members on this site use raw honey. Both are healthier choices.
  • Although I completely agree that agave is unhealthy because it is basically devoid of healthy nutrients, I just want to mention that Mercola has started an anti fructose campaign. He thinks fructose is the devil when it comes to health. But in all r…