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  • Dont fall into the trap that because fitday or other online calculators telling you that your getting all the nutrients you need, many of the data is based on the maximum nutrients fruit or vegetables contain, we all know how poor the soil is that m…
    in Hair fall Comment by powerlifer
  • Headache can be a sign of hypoglycemia, it may not be a good idea if your head is as sore as you suggest. Its all fine going raw but if it effects your health adversely it isnt. About your hair, im not sure if your male or female, but one of the mo…
    in Hair fall Comment by powerlifer
  • You guys are lucky to have raw restaurants near you, it would make eating out much easier. Im lucky if i can find a vegan restaurant.  
  • Not everyone is 100% raw on here so i dont feel he needs to go anywhere else, theres nothing wrong with the 3 foods hes listed such as quiona so staying away from them will do nothing but make him worse due to the lack of current calories and variet…
  • Id say likely from what your eating your going to be definitely lacking protein aswell as many other essential nutrients. So yeah increasing calories and variation is a good idea or you could potentially run into some nasty problems. Id go with the…
  • All vegetables are good for you sweet:), you sound alot like i used to be over complicating things by thinking how healthy the food is for you. By the sounds of things it sounds like your not getting enough calories or variation still. I would thin…
  • That cant be good going all day without food till 6pm sweet, it will slow your metabolism down, possibly cause hypoglycemia etc. I remember we talked abit before im sure about the variety of foods you were getting, how are you doing these days? May…
  • Welcome to the forums:)  
  • Id say around 20-25 percent of your calories from good fat sources is fine, you might want to try fitday or some other online calorie counter at the start to see your breakdown and over all calories. Im not fond of low fat diets myself.  
  • Being that you said the drink set your stomach on fire type symptoms this sounds alot like low stomach acid which can bring many of these symptoms especially due to increased fermentation. I would try a bitter herb on the back of the tongue pre-mea…
  • There are a few good herbs such as yucca root and licorice root, but i wouldnt be able to advise them since you are breastfeeding currently. What is the symptoms and what area of the stomach are you feeling this, any other digestive symptoms?  
  • Happy new year everyone, hopefully its a year full of health and happiness for everyone:).  
    in Happy New Year Comment by powerlifer
  • Theres no problem going in over night rather than easing in, minus you may feel a little stomach discomfort from the increased fiber. As long as your getting sufficient calories you probably wont feel much more hungry than usual.  
  • Welcome to the forums, any questions you have don hesitate to ask:). Good luck  
    in New To Raw Comment by powerlifer
  • Acne is due to a hormonal imbalance, you could try two things, one being adaptogenic herbs which balance the hormones but also increase the bodies resistance to stress. They have mountains of other benefits also. Or you can use bitter herbs on the …
  • Firstly dont stress, stress puts a major amount of strain on your adrenal glands which will only make you feel wore. If you cant follow raw have you tried eating high raw and the rest cooked vegan diet? Make sure your getting sufficient calories als…
  • Any fruits/vegetables rich in vitamin C and Vitamin b5 are good for the adrenals. A little parsley is very supportive to the adrenal and thyroid glands. If you are wanting to support your adrenals and thyroids you should look into adaptogenic herbs…
  • Im not away to pay that to view the information, i only hope they have the iodine issue contained. http://vegankingdom.co.uk/?p=39
    in Pregnancy Guide Comment by powerlifer
  • Have you tried just taking the maca in a little water 30 minutes before meals? Ive never read of such reaction with maca, worst comes to worst and you have to eliminate the maca there are other herbs with similar benefits such as jiaogulan which is…
    in maca reaction? Comment by powerlifer
  • Hmm are you sure it was the maca and not pineapple etc? How much did you use all you need is half a teaspoon 3 times daily at least 20 minutes before meals.  
    in maca reaction? Comment by powerlifer
  • Couldnt have said it better myself. Alot think of raw that you need all the fancy dehydrators and such. Dehydrators and such are good if you like doing abit of raw gourmet recipes but there not essential. You dont need to sprout either but sprouts …
  • You can get vegan creatine, as most of the formulas are synthetic so are not derived from animals. i believe NOW foods do a vegan creatine powder.
    in Newbie question Comment by powerlifer
  • hey, you dont need to combine at the same time more recent research shows that its what you eat over the day completes the protein etc. saying that if you are weight lifting you do need additional protein post workout, so a pea protein, hemp seed, …
    in Newbie question Comment by powerlifer
  • Well done, green smoothies are such as good source of nutrition that there worth the taste. Best idea is to rotate the greens in my opinion. I tend to use the dark lettuces mainly such as romaine and other non-goitrogen containing vegetables, as i h…
  • I agree bitt, and its probably why they focus it alot on the raw food movement. The same goes for onions etc, i mean if you don't like the taste or smell of them that isn't unnatural as many don't but if you think there unhealthy and support this wi…
  • GypsyForest orthorexia is more those who start to think foods such as onions are toxic and will kill you, impurify your blood etc. Sorry to hear how your family were thinking, mines were similar with my food allergies im not celiac but i did test p…
  • Orthorexia is a very real condition, i believe at one point i suffered it myself or something similar eating disorder. I dont believe some of the diagnostic criteria is very good, i mean up until the past 5-10 years those who were celiac had proble…
  • Ohh it was ages back in an old health book cant remember the name something like prescription to nutritional healing. It had a part about juicing so that led me onto raw food.  
  • Welcome to the forums:) nice choice of name also haha.  
  • I forgot to say you can get sublingual(best type) b12 which is methycobalmin.