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  • Help! Progesterone Deficient & Excess Estrogen

    Phyto-estrogens are ok, they are weak mimicking estrogenic compounds which lock up the receptor sites so more stronger estrogens aren't absorbed.

    Id personally give steroidal creams a miss, a good natural alternative to increase progesterone is Vitex (Chasteberry). It does take around a month to kick in though.

  • Help! Progesterone Deficient & Excess Estrogen

    To start you need to support your liver and the best way to do this is via bitter herbs on the back of the tongue pre meal. This cleanses the liver and inturn the liver can metabolize the excess hormones. There are many herbs which support the liver and are also bitters so powder form is a good idea. Some examples milk thistle, dandelion, andrographis, gentian etc.

    Supporting the adrenal glands is a good idea with adaptogenic herbs such as schizandra berry, jiaogulan, ashwagandha, siberian ginseng, maca root etc. These also balance hormones and some such as schizandra support the liver. Bee pollen is good for supporting the adrenal glands through its rich vitamin B5 content.

    You may be low on magnesium alot of your symptoms could be attributed to magnesium. The best types are acidified such as magnesium citrate/malate. Magnesium oxide should be avoided as its caustic and neutralizes stomach acid/ant-acid. Transdermal magnesium oil is great also and larger doses can be taken as it doesnt act as a laxative/cause the bowels to move.


  • Very Dry, Straw-like Hair :(

    Dry course, straw like hair is a symptom of either iodine deficiency or low thyroid/hypothyroidism.

    Try increasing your iodine intake via seaweeds. Any other symptoms such as cold intolerance etc.

    You have to watch certain greens raw as some of them contain goitrogens which interfere with thyroid function by messing up iodine uptake. Broccoli, spinach, kale etc are all goitrogens.


  • Happy New Year

    Happy new year everyone, hopefully its a year full of health and happiness for everyone:).


  • Worried about my mom.

    The only way ive found that works is to keep encouraging them to change little by little. Unless you dedicated radical dietary and health changes such as SAD diet to raw vegan is impossible for most. Get her to start adding in more fruit, cooking fresh healthy meals that still taste good. Whilst encouraging her to get some exercise daily.

    It wont come all together at once, but you could try make her aware that being even marginally overweight sets you up for diseases such as diabetes, stroke, heart disease and many other degenerative diseases which can be prevented with a more healthy lifestyle.

