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  • Added salt is pretty much as healthy as "added sugar". As a comfort addiction, can be stress reducing in small amounts. Just keep in mind: Salt was the only preservative for hundreds of millennia, and humankind is hopelessly genetically addicted...w…
    in Sea Salt???? Comment by Wheatgrass
  • Whats wrong with being called a hippie from the ‘60s and ‘70s? What’ wrong with her perspective to think it’s bad? (Yes, some were Charletains, but that is so in every lifestyle)
  • Top floor? Run down and up the stairs a few times if it is not appropriate to go outside….
  • 25 years ago or so there were “oral tanning pills”. Beta carotene mostly, but it made toy look orange! (Yellow is a component of the color orange-yellow and red). Other ingredients were added—probably not good for you—and they managed to get the col…
    in YELLO hands Comment by Wheatgrass
  • In Egypt, used as a dip for pita bread, I thought it was great to dip Falafel into. They have a hint of fresh lemon often, and it tastes totally different there as it was fresh seed 20 minutes earlier!
    in Tahini....?? Comment by Wheatgrass
  • Wheatsprouts are INTENSELY sweet, let the sprouts mature to grass, 6 inches tall, most of the benefits not as sweet. I “shoot” (as in shot glass) or chug 8oz—then chase by sipping 1-3 oz frsh OJ. Can mix sprout and grass to taste. Sprout has more of…
  • Once sprouted, the wheatberry is now a plant (a grass) and wheat allergies do not apply. Go slow, the first tablespoon of it put me in the bathroom (and bed) for three days. I’m surprised I ever tried it again. In Aspen, in the ‘80s, I did a bedside…
  • You do need to soak 24 hours, also should “sprout for 24 hours. Makes great (very sweet) bread and pie crust without any added ingredients.
  • Meat and dairy cheese attracts RATS
    in composting Comment by Wheatgrass
  • You can pull it off (without too many questions, and the questions will be positive) if you project that you are extremely comfortable with your lifestyle--and that you can understand why "they" are uncomfortable since they know little about it and …