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  • Powders nuts and seeds


    Also, https://nuts.com/tag/raw

  • No weight loss?

    I like your perspective, Malorie. smile

  • Would you mind answering some research questions?

    Hi :)


    Why did you start eating raw foods mainly/only?

    I was going through a time of utter exhaustion and someone at work suggested it might be because of my obsession with kettle chips and fried foods in general. I was pretty sure they were wrong because I had a fairly healthy diet (kettle chips and cooking methods aside), but I tried a mostly raw vegan diet for the weeks following that and I was pretty much bouncing off the walls from all of the energy I gained. That was what started it all for me. 

    How do you understand health?

    It's important to have. smile

    What improvements have you seen in your health?

    More energy, healthier weight, improved skin. 

    Other than raw food, are there any other alternative medicine choices that practice?

    Does using teatree oil as an antiseptic count? My doctor is trained in nutrition as well as medicine, so she usually suggests vitamins before resorting to medications. I'm happy with that. I think it's important to focus on prevention and finding the cause of symptoms. I hope that hasn't become solely alternative. 

    What foods do you enjoy consuming?

    Smoothies, salads, this recipe, half of the desserts on this website. wink I love trying new things (not just desserts). 


    What does it mean to you to be a raw food eater?

    Do you consider this a lifestyle?

    Those two are too philosophical for me. I'm not having a Gandhi moment. laughing

    I will be using false names in my paper as to protect everyone's identity. If you'd like though, I can use your username or real name, just let me know!

    Just name me after a veggie cool

  • Holy detox symptoms!

    I think you are pretty incredible to be cutting down on smoking while changing your diet to mostly raw. That is a lot of change to go through! 

    Everyone detoxes differently, so I can't say how long yours will last, but I've rarely heard of acne lasting for too long.

    And don't feel too bad about the ibuprofen. I lean on it sometimes for a pinched nerve, myself. I know that no one wants to use it all of the time (yikes!), but I think it's there for a reason when we need it. 


  • Juicing makes me feel sick?

    Hawk, I hope you are feeling better. 

    Could the carrots (and maybe the beet) have been too strong for first thing in the morning on an empty stomach? Personally, I have to majorly dilute carrot juice with other juices or it will be too harsh. 
