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  • Did some research, it's a type of Acacia, called Acacia saligna/Acacia Cyanophylla, I read that the tree produce the sap on the base of it's leaf as food for ants, which protect it from leaf eating insects, which is funny because I saw a few walking…
    in Eating tree sap Comment by ras-saadon
  • The best way to eat hemp seeds to truly get all the wonderful health benefits they carry is eating them whole unhulled, the taste can be somewhat hard at first, but you get used to it and eventually they become delicious, after I eat hemp seeds I al…
    in hemp seeds Comment by ras-saadon
  • I'd love to hear more on this as well, I have horrible teeth in that sense, I ALWAYS seem to get cavities and need fillings and this issue always bothered me, as a kid on cooked meat diet and now as a raw vegan even though I brush and all, my dentis…
  • wow thanks a lot guys, this stuff sounds really good, maybe it could also solve my dogs tick problem!
  • diatomaceous earth, interesting, sounds like nice stuff, I'm gonna look around see where I can get this stuff, how much would you recommend using?
  • Yea I get those a lot, actually it's the most common reaction I get, many people get very offended because they see it as a form of you judging them, saying their way of life is wrong and your's is right, and sometimes just confronting them with thi…
  • Washing your dates won't help inside rot, if you wanna make sure your not going to bite into a bad one open them up, take the pit out and then eat, honestly I can't be bothered just cause of a bad date every now and then..
  • I hardly use poo's, I usually use a mixture of aromatic oils(tea tree, eucalyptus, hemp, rosemary ect`) in my bath and soak my hair good, I have big dreads so washing them good with poo's isn't very effective anyway, sometimes I add a bit of organic…
  • I'll put it down in the simplest way possible, raw food+exercise+lots of sun=I feel like superman, I didn't have any specific illness before I went raw but I can tell you that after almost two years of high raw(80-100%) I feel absolutely perfect, my…
  • From what I know your supposed to drink a shot a day, so several+not being used to it could very well mean a bad stomach, with new stuff always start slow.
  • Yea also most of our natural foods are found in hot tropical environments, hardly anything for humans to eat in a frozen environments.
  • I'm a man, and 21, hence I have absolutely no idea on pregnancy BUT I totally agree with these 2: Your pregnant, AND nursing. Definately do whatever it takes to get nourishment. Worry, about your health, not being raw (they aren't always the same). …
  • Well its not often but not so rare, I've been eating 1 cooked meal every 2-3 days, thing is that I don't really want to eat those cooked, I mean I absolutely enjoy being 100% raw and I hate the after feeling of a cooked meal, yet I seem to "forget" …
  • I've also heard some great stuff regarding maca and fertility, think I saw some research done on men in which sperm count went up by like 50% or something, just be aware that it isn't for everyone, to me for example it gives the worse stomach cramps…
  • Sounds very interesting, I would definitely be interested in one, specially when it's for such a good cause, I'm wondering about shipping though, how would it work?
  • I usually go around 4 times a day, though if I eat a lot of fats I kinda go liquid&more, normally I eat around 3-4 meals a day, 1-2 green veggi salads, whats ever in season, and 1-2 fruit salads, again whats ever in season, I hardly eat any seed…
  • Yea actually lately I've been eating a few garlics a day, find myself really craving hot foods lately, tick still come, same for fly's and mosquitoes.
    in Ticks love me? Comment by ras-saadon
  • Well just an update to anyone who is interested, Shea butter and some essential oils did a really good job, though it still itches a bit from time to time, the scar has a really strong dark purple color, guess I cut myself deeper then I thought, tho…
    in Itching Scar Comment by ras-saadon
  • Maybe your right, I'm no skin expert but from the outside it seems pretty healed, its just a tiny bit raised, but no more then any other scar, I guess it will smooth out in a few months, that's how it usually happens(I've got tons of scars, always f…
    in Itching Scar Comment by ras-saadon
  • I'm sorry if this question seems foolish but I can't really understand whats the problem.. you have curly hair and...? is the fact that its curly that's the problem? your looking to get it straighten?
  • I'm also totally mad for bananas, usually I eat around 8-10 a day, depends on the type of bananas though, I noticed that bananas from Ecuador tastes simply divine, sometimes it feels that I can live on them alone, however our local Israeli bananas d…
    in Bananas Comment by ras-saadon
  • Generally cane sugar(even organic) isn't raw, they boil at high temps it to evaporate the water and separate the molasses from the sugar, but I know that in Italy there are brands of raw cane sugar, that its only evaporated with the sun and most of …
  • Well first of all, in the USA you can't get 100% raw&live seeds, its illegal, they must be made unable to sprout in order to sell, so its either shell, sterilization, powdering it, oil, making a seed butter out of it or anything else you can com…
  • Anything that messes up with your cycle will end up hurting you, you can be sure of that, one of the reason so many women have problems getting pregnant these days are all the pregnancy controls pills&hormones, my advice is either condoms, or th…
    in Birth Control Comment by ras-saadon
  • Yea you'll probably will have to make it, though I know there are areas you can buy hash oil and if I'm not mistaken you can use that topically but that is made with alcohol and many people(as myself) don't like the idea, at least for smoking, what …
  • I also do yoga for a few years now and from what I learned from my teacher is that with any case of injury take it very slow and listen to your body, if a certain position hurts then don't do it, or do a easier variation of it, as far as pain killer…
  • Yea from also what I know thet go bad in like 24hours so getting them fresh is only for locals basically.
  • Yea I agree on the high % of water, think same goes for watermelon, they are basically water with some taste :P.
    in melon Comment by ras-saadon
  • joannabanana, spinach juice is also extremely salty, I find it even more saltier then celery, with the spinach I tried to drink it pure a few times but couldn't due to the salt tastes sticking in my mouth for hours.
    in Craving Salt Comment by ras-saadon
  • wow 25$ a week.. I spend about 100$ a week.. maybe even more. EDIT: do you buy organic produce?