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Hi everybody, I had gave in to my craving for cooked food for the past few days but I am determine to do 100% raw today. Wish me luck!!!
Me too. :( I had 2 tbs of cooked brown rice and I am feeling it big time. I’m having such a horrible inflammatory reaction to it. Now I know I have to be 100% strict. One of the reasons I’m going raw is because I have multiple food allergies. Back on the straight and narrow!
Hi Puresun I lost weight at the start of being 100%, but now I have filled out again, with firmer more healthy looking flesh in all the right places. I lost a lot of weight for about 3 months after going 100%. I wasn’t oveweight to begin with either, people would say that I didn’t have any fat to lose.
I think I lost a whole load of toxins – I believe we store toxins in our fat cells. And now my first bit of detox is done, I have rebuilt my body using the best food on the planet. Even though I was thin before, I had cellulite and wobbly bits, but now: No cellulite, no wobbly bits, am amazed and very pleased :)
Hi puresun, I weighed less when I was vegan.I was 5’4” 118 and am now 121. I gained about 3 pounds when I went raw. I have been 90-100% (100% for last 17 days)raw since January. I feel like I am always hungry and never truly satisfied when I am raw-still trying to find the right balance for me! So many mixed ideas on fats are good/bad, do fruits cause mycosis (yeast) and composting of the body etc.
I’ve been raw since the end of January, so I guess it been 3 months. Wow! I never realized how long its been without nasty cooked food. What a great idea for people to post this info!! James
Me too,since January.
Okay, so I was 100% raw for 14 days then chose to eat some vegan Indian food last night. The choice component is important to mention, because I didn’t just give into a craving. I wanted to enjoy food with friends and family. Woah! About two hours after eating dinner I was extremely exhausted, it was only 9! My entire torso felt like I had done an extreme ab workout, I had bloating and a headache. Philosophically, I have no qualms with cooked vegan food, I don’t believe it is toxic, I just believe that raw is more nutrient dense which is good! But I’m struggling to understand what happened to my body last night. I’m back on raw and intend to stay raw for awhile. It will be cool to say at the end of the month, I had that one cooked meal, just because raw makes me feel so much better.
GirlyGirl I get confused myself on the different raw ideas. When I first learned about raw 5 years ago or so (found the Shazzie website) I though there was one way to be raw. Now I’m learning about high fruit low fat diets and question if that is right for me or not. Time will tell, but for now, I do better with more of a variety – at least in my detox/beginner stage.
How long does it take for us to know whats right for us?
Zoe and Girlygirl-thanks for the info. I am exploring some new ideas. OM, I do think that if you go raw for a week or two and then eat cooked food you may need to take an enzyme suppliment to help digest. I have found that part of my problem with digestion has been enzyme related. “Dinning in the Raw” by Rita Romano has a good article that explains the enzymic process. For me, being a cyliac, anything with gluten will make me bloat.
Hi all,
Zoe thanks for your encouragement a few days back, today I am 1 month raw, I am down to 210 lbs, from 220 when I started off. Slow but steady is what I say. I am starting to have energy and no longer feel exhausted. Must stop weighing myself continually, my body shape is changing! Yay! I feel better, more positive and a softer (as in less harsh, less doom and gloom) outlook in life. Soon my life will be changing drammatically, leaving Italy, leaving a relationship, not sure what I am going to do but somehow I feel its gonna be ok. This is one of the side benefits you get to discover, a better attitude and outlook. Also for barose, your body will tell you what works best for you. Just keep experimenting. One of the fabulous things I have discovered is my appetite again, feeling full, feeling hungry, feeling. Before nothing satisfied me, I would eat a huge meal and 30 mins later without feeling anything I would mechanically start eating or nibbling again. I am no longer a slave to bars, italian bars are not like US or UK bars as they have breakfast items croissants, sweets, cappuccinos, hot chocolate, mini pizzas etc…no longer enslaved to restaurants, pizzerias..Sicily has awesome cooked food, so good tasting but so bad for you. I no longer feel the need to stop and gorge. Eating raw fruit and veg has liberated me and for this I am so thankful. My goal is to be at 195 lbs by the end of June. I need to start moving, haven’t done much movement but I am confident as the detox symptoms wear out and my energy starts surging I will start moving. I still have a rash kind of bumps on my face but its toxins leaving my body. This new calm I have is wonderful, who knew that eating raw could help with mood and depression issues too…this is the best, ever.
Great to hear you’re doing so well deasmiles, good luck for your return to the usa.
Raw food has totally transformed my mind and emotions. I never thought it was possible for this to happen with just food.
I always believed that moods, emotions and mental issues were due to one’s childhood disasters and teenage problems, and anything else traumatic that occurs along the way. And I believed that without years of counselling, therapy and possibly a lobotomy nothing would change.
Then after I was raw for about 3 months I noticed that whenever I cheated I would become ‘old me’, moody, irritable and negative. And whenever I stayed on raw food I was the ‘new me’, Me at the happiest I have ever been. Positive, cheerful, full of optimism and energy. No depression. It was like night and day. Even if I cheated with just one small plate of chips, I’d be arguing with my husband, and generally full of doom and gloom. The next day, back on raw food, everything was back to the ‘new me’.
It took me a while to fully realise what was going on, and still, I am totally amazed at how eating cooked food effects me mentally. I am the person I always wanted to be, I feel as if I have had the slate wiped clean, as if my whole life has been nothing but full of love and joy. I used to be sad for myself and believe that I’d had it hard, in some ways I did – we all do in some way, and I know nothing can change that, but the after effects of past hurts are gone, with nothing but wisdom gained from it and distant memories left now.
I feel like I have a charmed life. As long as I stay raw. This is by far the best thing about raw food for me, the inner transformation. It is a miracle.
Zoe – that rings true for me too. I (and others) have noticed a swift change in my moods. I am a much happier person now; even when things are not going well. When I was on a 100% SAD in my early 20’s it was horrible severe mood swings, uncontrollable rage and emotions. Over the years I’ve taken out processed food, fast food, sugar, foods like breads, pasta, gluten, MSG, HFCS, then dairy, non organic produce and meat and things started to change. Then now being raw vegan is another transformation for me. Its amazing.
Hi all, could not get in this site for a day or so, missed it.
Well its day 32 for me and finally the energy surge is here. I am not working right now and I have been mopey and lying about well this morning at 5 I was done sleeping! I felt so good about myself, life, the future and it was strong, really strong. Finally feeling that energy everyone talks about. Wooohooo Yay! Life is good. My monthly visitor is here today and yeah I felt a little bit emotional a commercial made me tearful but nothing like in the past. No cramps, no aches,no moodswings, no bursts of anger.. nothing! I am so excited yayyyyy!!!!!!!!!
I am on day 168 100% Raw! I find it very helpful to keep track and keep it 100% (except for unknown slip-ups). It is too easy for me to spiral downwards once the “streak” is broken. I also have a streak going of 58 days w/o alcohol as I was having some “raw?” wine at first. A lot of detox ups & downs still…especially emotionally. Overall, though, feel 100% committed and looking forward to getting feeling better & better! Jill
Day 20 here! Feeling GREAT!
Hi there! Ive been 100% raw for two months now. My coworkers all think im nuts – but come lunch time – they all line up to see what Ive brought to eat and take samples! I love being raw!
this is a great topic, and it does help to have the support of this online community, and even better if you have a friend you can call when you’re ready to fall off the wagon… i’ve been on and off 100% for a few months now and since last summer when i first discovered this way of eating. i’m not too hard on myself when i give in to eating something cooked, but i do feel it and way prefer the way my body feels so light and energized when i don’t eat cooked. i’m glad it’s summer, it’s sooo much easier to be raw in summer, it’s like a great kick start to be 100%!
Hi all,
Day 40 for me, woo hoo! Feelin good…the energy and sense of well being is here, I am exercising finally and have gone down to 205lbs from 221 lbs start weight on April 2 when I started! My body shape is changing and all is well, my mood is elevated, I am happier… find myself smiling and humming to myself for no reason. I still cannot believe that simply changing outlook and taking better care of yourself can impact one’s life this much. :)))) feelin good… :))
Deasmiles, Congratulations! Your joy comes right through the screen! Blessings to you…
Thank you Om, re the calorie intake thread and your comments I do wonder sometimes if doing this raw food lifestyle without tracking minerals and iron could be dangerous. If there is such a thing when I move back home, I live in southern Italy right now but I am moving back to the US, I will try to find a good nutritionist who isn’t against a vegan raw diet and get some advice. I am really changing and feel like its ok to be more joyful, wish I had done this years ago, but now is good too. Blessings :))
I love this thread:-) Ive been off & on with raw for a year now. But as of 2 days ago I have finally, really commited myself to being 100% raw. Many Wishes to everyone here!
OK… it’s 3:33 in the afternoon here and so far I’ve been raw all day. Yay! Big green smoothie for breakfast, Lara bar for a snack, humongous salad for lunch and now I’m eyeing a juicy red apple.
I’ve been doing really well during the days, and I’ve even been eating raw dinners for the last few nights. It’s later in the evening that’s been killing me… and has historically been my “weak” time. I love dessert! And I have to contend with my husband’s favorite chocolate chip cookies from Safeway being in the house. They’re SO yummy. And SO full of fat and preservatives and who-knows-what-else. I’ve had one cookie every night for the last three nights, and then I make myself feel SO guilty about it. Not to mention that bloated, tired, sluggish, crabby feeling that follows about an hour later. Oh, and the headache, let’s not forget that lovely side-effect. It’s so not worth it, but somehow I keep finding myself with a cookie in my mouth. Gee, how’d THAT get there?? Hehe…
Well today I got smart. Well, I’m already smart. Today I got determined! At lunch time I went home and put some ripe bananas in the freezer and started some cashews soaking. So tonight I will have some kind of creamy-banana-cashew-cacao thing, instead of the evil Safeway chocolate chip chemical cookie. ;o)
And tomorrow, I’ll log in and post to this thread that I’ve been 100% raw for an entire 24-hour period! Or not. Heh… if I don’t do it today I’ll try again tomorrow. I only ever have right now, anyway, right? I’m REALLY trying to work on not beating myself up over perceived “mistakes,” and seeing everything as just another step in my journey. It sounds good, anyway! ;o)
Love this thread, and all the good vibes! :o)
Jenergy, If you are craving cookies, then try one of the yummy raw cookie dough recipes on this site. I have used them many times when the craving strikes. They are nice because they are quick & easy to make, so you can make them quick when you are in that I want a cookie emergency!
Okay guys this is the night before I’m going to start a 100% raw streak! I’m promising myself right now just 4 days but hoping to last (at least!) a week – some of my close friends are all out of town this weekend, so that means no drinking, so I figured nows as good a time as any! I’ve been actually really good so far, but I think now I’ve experimented a bit enough to know that what I’m eating is ACTUALLY raw. Now it’s a matter of cutting out the coffee, tea, and carbonated diet sodas, I hear that your cravings decrease majorly after these leave the system.
I was doing really well for a bit (except for eating certain things that I thought were raw but weren’t really), until I ate some cooked meals for a few days. I think that’s why my skin has broken out pretty bad lately, all a sudden I’m detoxing. I had been at an ashram for a month where they served us ayurvedic meals twice a day, so when I started raw I didn’t have too much trouble as there was less to detox (I believe).
soooooo anyway WISH ME LUCK GUYS! I’m sooo excited to begin this wee! okay, here I go!
You go girl Shambavi, you are going to feel amazing!! Sending loads of positive raw vibes your way!
Hi everyone! This is so cool to have and be able to put my thoughts in! I’ve been doing this raw thing since mid-February, not 100% all the time though. I finally comitted to 100% raw April 16 and was 100% for 29 days straight and then—boom! lost it on tuesday! :( And wednesday i might add. I got back on track Yesterday, and still 100% as of now :>) yeyyy! Its so cool to read all your stories and feedback. Way to go everyone! Heres a big PAT ON THE BACK to us all! :>) :>) :>)
I made it through my cookie emergency last night, yay! Hehe… the banana sorbet thing worked out quite nicely. YUM! I love it! And it’s so easy, just a little thinking ahead. That’s where I’ve been having a hard time with rawness, learning that many of the recipes require pre-planning for soaking, sprouting, freezing ingredients, etc. I’m getting it, though.
Day two, 100% raw! Woo! ;o)
Today is my 4th day 100% raw…but not just 100% raw but 100% fruit. I’m on a 30 day fruit cleanse.
Kooliaided – where would one find information about a fruit cleanse? I have heard of a 28 day fruit and veggie cleanse, but I’m interested to learn more – do you feel tired or hungry a lot?
I dont know what it is with me lately, maybe because I’ve been continually “slipping” and eating cooked foods (I was doing so good!) but I can’t.stop.eating.! I was thinking I might need to detox or so to cleanse my system, but I don’t want to do a water fast…
Hi Shambavi I’m doing the fruit cleanse with a few online friends. I got the imformation from a website called freedomyou. Here’s the link to the fruit cleanse….
For me the first day I didn’t feel any strong cravings for anything. Day 2 was much harder…I craved every proccessed food I saw. I was full off of fruit, but I still wanted to eat. The 3rd day was better and today is my 5th day on the fruit cleanse and I really don’t feel hungry or frantic for food.
I have became a lot calmer in spirit. I can’t really explain it…I’m more a peace with myself, and I have more patience. I now want to experience every aspect of the cleanse instead of trying to rush through it, and I really don’t even think about food anymore.
I water fasted before the fruit cleanse so I didn’t experience anything serious like tired and fatigue or throwing up. I’ve noticed more pimples on my face, but their clearing up. When I was water fasting, I was really short with people,I was cranky, I didn’t care about anything, and I felt horrible (I was going through detox symptomes)..but with the fruit fast I’m the exact opposite. I care about everything and everyone, I have energy and I feel great.
A friend of mine has serious alergies and all of her alergies came to the surface and she couldn’t go outside without her eyes swelling up. Today is her 6th day. I know in the end she’s probley going to be cured of allergies. I have a few sniffles here and there too, but nothing like what she went through.
I would suggest water fast at least a day before the fruit clease. You will enjoy and embrace the cleanse more, but do what you think is best and what you think your body is needing.