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I have been 100% raw for 4 months now! I have had so many amazing life changes in that four months! Too many to list on this post but I’ll update my blog for everyone soon!
I am so GREATFUL for Raw Food!
Made up my mind this very minute to go 100% raw. I’ve been on and off a bit but nothing to speak of. I am weak willed. As soon as I get a craving I give in right away. I’m hoping this confession will help me stick to it because I REALLY really REALLY want to. I have predictable “monthly” (girls you know what I mean) ups and downs and am hoping this will keep me steady after the initial detox. Plus, I’m also looking foward to all the other rewards you all talk about. Smooches and Hugs! Ricki (Lindaintheraw, can’t wait for your blog.)
Stacie- Of course it counts!!!
Stacie & Andiepoe- Good luck with your amazing transformations ;)
I have gone on and off raw due to work and my face is totally breaking out too!!!!
Any help!!!!
Hi, my name is Shannon, I have been mostly raw for over 6 months now, but 100% raw for 12 days. In those days, my skin has cleared significantly, and I have lost 4 pounds!! Detox hasn’t been fun, but I’m already feeling much better & look forward to my healthy, happy, green, veggie filled future!
I love this thread, so inspirational!!! Im planning on being fully raw by august, for myself, any change has to be at my own pace, my only non raw items(outside of the ones i thought where but arent, and im getting rid of those too!)my morning tea and an occational beer, sushi(veggie sushi) with the hubby twice a month. except for three days of detox and a rash from a prickly pear, its been pretty smooth. yesterday though, i went into a local coffee joint with a friend, i thought no biggie, ill get an ice herbal tea….well shes ordering a frosty, creamy, sweet concoction of some type, and i was soooo close to saying what the heck, then i look behind the counter and see them using a vitamix to blend her drink! hahaha i got ice water, and that night came home and fixed myself a “chocolate” shake with almond milk and alissa cohens cocoa powder!!! I feel great, have lost three pounds and love walking into my whole foods store for lunch and picking up a cucumber and an avo and sitting in the sun just snacking away! no plastic to toss out….no wrappers! It makes me smile!
Just bringing this up to the top, again! Day 230 for me!
Hello, I’m Lauralai and I’ve been 100% raw for 13 days!! yay
This is a very inspiring thread, I’ve been 100% raw for 12 days. Am finidng that I need to sleep extra hours though. Maybe detox. Also I exercise everyday 1-2 hours and am finding a real lack of energy there, hope this will pass wtih time.
Hi! I have been 100% raw for 17 days now!! :)
I cheat on apple juice each day :( Its organic,but pasturized with nothing else in it. At least thats what they say. Its so expensive to juice my own juices especially with how much i drink apple juice!
ok ya’ll I have fallen off the wagon today, I am feelin really bad about this, but will start over right now even though it is the middle of the day, and start tomorrow at 100% raw. I am soaking my cashews right now to make some of those lemon cookies. I will be back to this topic tomorrow night when I complete my day 1, and mabe if I report everyday or evening it will help keep my raw. i hope u don’t get to tired of hearing me daily. thanks
Dont feel too bad. A little guilt can work in your favor to keep you on course, but I know sometimes when I cheat I try not to feel bad about it because Ive been doing good for so long.
Ventri- yes, you may need to cut back on your exercise during your transition. And definitely sleep A LOT. This is a HUGE change for your body so give it plenty of rest. I was SO tired, on and off for months.
Thanks kauaigirl, I had to sleep ALOT this weekend to recover. And am reducing the exercise for awhile, need to because I almost fell off my bike over the weekend from exhaustion and the incredible heat here in south florida.
This is my 7th straight day of eating raw (I think I was probably 80% raw before)! I think this is a transition my body really craved because it hasn’t been that challenging. Although I got pretty sick over the weekend I’m feeling great about my food choices.
Hi, Tomorrow I’ll be 100% raw for 2 weeks.I’m not losing weight like I was last year. I’m not sure why that is. It might be my body thinking that I’m gonna mess up again and start eating cooked foods, so it’s just waiting till I stay raw for a while before it gives up and lets me lose these pounds.
Anyone have any ideas for me to try? Should I go mono and eat one thing at a meal. (but I love salads)
Do you think that 1/2 an avocado on my big salad a day is why? Or… Could it be bananas? I’m also not (going) like I think I should be. I went 100%, cold turkey…lol Didn’t work up to it. So I might be clogged. I’m taking okra pepsin E3 to help in that department. It hasn’t kicked in yet.
I’m just getting ansy here. I want this weight gone yesterday!
Hey everyone! I have been raw for one year now! I am totaly loving it! I thank God everyday for transforming my body, mind and spirit and for giving me this way of life!
Hiya Doit, The weight will melt off, don’t worry…initially I detoxed in a big way (I too went 100% stone cold turkey) For me I lost 20 lbs the first 3 weeks and another 15 afterwards. I think or feel intuitively that the first 20 were mostly water, and then it was weight. So I have lost 35 lbs and its been almost 4 months for me, I would like to drop another 25lb, I am overweight. Stick to it, and you will start feeling good, have more energy and be naturally drawn to simple things to eat :) Dea xoxoxo
Dancing Durian that is awesome 1 year…also Durian is my favorite food in the whole world, so I love your name :) Dea xoxoxo
Hey guys, I’m going to join the the club. I plan on going 30 days raw. I want to focus on these 30 days and THEN I can worry about going 100% long term. This is a bit of a challenge, since I eat anywhere between 60-90% raw. Right now I’m setting up my “game plan”, getting grocery lists ready, collecting recipes, and motivation to keep me from slipping up.
Do you guys keep journals to blog your progress? I think that’s what I’m going to do.
Deasmiles – 20 lbs in three weeks!? WOW! That’s simply AMAZING!
Ok guys, wish me luck !
Ps. I’ve never had a durian :(
what a great thread!! Thanks! I have been 80-90% raw for about a month. I am trying to go 100% but my dh and son want nothing to do with my raw foods so I am continually tempted. Even just doing 80-90% raw I have lost 2 pounds per week.So far today I am 100%.
Thanks deasmiles… I started a water fast and I hope to keep doing it till Sunday night. I haven’t eaten anything since last night around 10pm.
odalys… I know how hard it is to live with people who don’t want anything to do with this way of life. I have 3 girls 17/11/8… The 17 yo is fasting with me, and the 11 yo was till about 20 minutes ago when she had some raw carrots. The 8 yo eats raw at times but then at other times she eats like her father and let me tell you it’s (bad food).
I’ve lost 20 pounds in a month before and I want to get back to that place where the weight was just falling off.
Good luck, odalys.
When I break this fast I’m only going to eat when I am TRULY hungry. I hope this is why I haven’t been losing the way I was before. I need to get back to where I was last year. 182… Then I’m going on to my ideal weight.
Next weekend is the county fair and my girls and I are going to take the time that we are at the fair off. Going to eat and not worry about things. But after we leave it’s back to eating raw again. I’ll probably fast the day after that till the next work day. I don’t fast when I’m working main reason is I drive a school bus and need to be alert.
Have a great weekend everyone.
i’ve been all raw with the exception of herbal tea for 14 days now. wooot!
I have officially made it 30 days 100% raw now. Looking forward to making that 60!
Zoe, I’ve only 100% raw for 10 days, but I totally just want the simple foods. Am trying the green smoothie tomorrow.
hey i’m laurie and i’ve been 100% raw for 39 days!
Well, after massively bingeing on peanut butter cookies last weekend (curse that evil Safeway bakery!), I can say that I’ve been 100% raw for a day and a half now. Heh… back on the wagon. How does that old proverb go? Fall down seven times, get up eight, something like that. I’ll just keep on getting up every time I fall down. And I gotta say, after less than 48 hours I feel soooo much better. The cookie binge was an emotional event on Sunday night (couldn’t see it then, but I can now) and all day Monday I felt totally horrible. REALLY bad headache detoxing from all that sugar (and refined flour, and fat, and… erg…)
I’m going to a raw foods symposium (Vibrant Living Expo) at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute in Fort Bragg, CA on August 24-26, and my goal is to be 100% raw from now until (and beyond) then. No ultimatums with myself, though. If I fall down, I’ll just get back up. :o)
Wow, lots of inspiration on here…I love this thread! I found it VERY helpful to start with a 30 day goal. I think that is the perfect amount of time to focus on and really make it throught the initial detox stage.
I am on 250 days! Woo-hoo! In the past month I have had two week long “colds” with nose-blowing, sneezing, sore throat, coughing. Still feel fine and able to go to work though so just kind of fun to know that my body is going DEEPER!
ok. I’m on board! I’ve been very close to %100, but haven’t wanted to join in since it seems like as soon as I make a statement like this, I then have to NOT do it! resistance issues, I know…terrible. I kind of have to sneak up on myself. Anyway- I feel ready to openly admit to myself the goal of raw all the way : )
Hi, I have been 100% for 2 months, its a bit hard, because I am also having low energy battles thru out the day! We need some energy boosters, anyone????