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  • Stainless Dehydrator Pros and Cons

    ClaireT said:

    My new TSM dehydrator says to not leave it unattended.  For 24 hours? Please somebody tell me that they sleep and run errands while their machine is operating.  


     I can't even imagine having to babysit a dehydrator! 

     Hi Clair,

    The company probably says that for legal reasons. If there happens to be a short in your electrical circuit which results in a fire, they can be help liable if they don't say that. I have an Excalibur Dehydrator and I don't like to sleep with it on because you never know when something may happen. How to you like your TSM dehydrator? I would love to purchase one in the future.  The only reason I have that one is because my sister gave it to me. She tried going raw but did not like it. I love being raw!

  • Which Vitamix is the best?

    Thank you Claire. Yes I am going to ground  nuts into flour too. Right now I am using my Nutrabullet for that but it is wearing out.

  • Which Vitamix is the best?

    Thank you Claire. I plan to use it very much for making sauces and grinding nuts. Also for making smoothies. I just notices that there are several different models making it confusing for me to decide which one is best.

  • Which Vitamix is the best?

    Hello Everyone,


    I am going to buy a Vitamix. Are they all the same. Can anyone suggest which one is best!


    Thank you so much,

    Carrie smile

  • On and off Raw

    Hello Everyone,

    I am happy I found this site. I absolutely love it! I have been on and off a raw diet for a few years now. Now I am trying my best to stay with a raw diet consistently. It is very hard to stay consistent because my husband refuses to go 100% raw. When I cook for him I end up eating cooked food. When I am all raw, my body feels so much better. I feel alive any do not have any stomach distress. When I eat cooked foods I end up with stomach aches and feel less energetic. Raw is definitely for me. Do some of you have the same problem? Trying to stay consistent with a raw diet? Is it a challenge for you, especially if your spouse or significant other refuses to go raw with you?

    Many blessings,

